Exercise and Pregnancy

Prescribing a medication for pregnant women is a complex process.

Before obstetricians and gynecologists decide which dose of which drug can best treat a condition without putting any harmful side effects on the mother and the baby, they consider the patient’s age, general health, the number of months before delivery, tolerance for medications, and any other drugs the pregnant patient may be taking.

Prescribing exercise on pregnant women has to be just as scientific and precise. The type, intensity, frequency, and duration of a „dose“ of exercise are all critical. One person’s healthy, vigorous workout could be hazardous to another. These dangers may be greater in pregnant women because they are more likely to have strains and other serious side effects for the would-be mother.

However, if exercise will be implemented and carried out in a normal, average range, exercise will not have an effect on the overall condition of the pregnancy and especially on labor or delivery. Pregnancy

Quality prenatal care should be given to a mother during her pregnancy. She should be prepared for the normal delivery of a healthy baby. Complications should be prevented at all costs.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that a pregnant woman should be cared in such a way that she will not be compelled to do vigorous work but should not also stay in bed and be inactive until she gives birth to her baby.

Consequently, a pregnant woman’s condition varies in relation to the growth and development of the baby in side her womb. Therefore, it is necessary that proper health guidance be provided by her physician during her visit.

Moreover, it is important to keep the pregnant woman’s life active in order to promote good health, not only for her but also for the baby most importantly.

Physical conditions like blood pressure, weight and health status is usually monitored during the pregnant woman’s visit to her doctor. For this reason, it is significant to note that exercise can be the number one factor in order to keep these aspects in good condition.

As the health experts contend, adequate physical and emotional information is needed by a pregnant woman to prepare herself for delivery. She needs practical health messages in keeping herself and the baby healthy.

Hence, for mothers or would-be mothers who are not yet aware why they should exert some effort in engaging into moderate, normal exercise, here is a list of some of its benefits so that you will be able to understand the reason why pregnant women have to exercise regularly:

1. Defiance against fatigue

As muscle becomes fatigued, it produces less force. To accomplish a task like climbing the stairs, for example, or shoveling snow, more units of muscle must be called into play to back up the wearied muscles.

The tired muscles are both less efficient and less effective. Hence, this will just put more strain on the pregnant woman because of the weight that is continuously adding up each day. That is why tired muscles will usually result to leg cramps or sore muscles.

What every pregnant woman must know is that exercise improves the condition of the muscles and their ability to work longer without fatigue.

2. Reduce backaches

Even when you sit or stand, some muscles are working, and such relatively easy postures can tax some muscles and cause fatigue. The muscles of the lower back, for example, can be exhausted and worn out by the effort of keeping erect when a pregnant woman stand still for several hours.

With exercise, a pregnant woman can correct this error by developing her posture.

3. Increase the amount of oxygen

Work and exercise rely on glycogen, a substance produced by the body from complex carbohydrates and stored muscles and liver. The supply of glycogen in the muscles determines and limits the duration of activity. Exercise depletes the glycogen in the muscles and leads to tiredness.

However, when glycogen is depleted by strenuous activity, it is replaced in quantities greater than before, as if the body recognized the need to lay in a larger supply of fuel.

Hence, oxidation is essential for converting glycogen to the energy that pregnant women need to wiggle a finger, flex a muscle, or practice the lungs and heart for some blowing action during normal delivery.

These are just some of the many benefits exercise can bring to pregnant women. Besides, nothing is completely wrong for a pregnant woman doing some moderate exercises. The only important thing to remember is that before starting an exercise program, whether pregnant or not, it is best to consult your doctor. As they say, doctors know best!

Exercise And Play

Often times, when children return from playing, they look quite exhausted and ready for a nap. This is the most accurate description, and also quite the truth, as playing is hard work. It’s exhausting to the mind and body of the child, and it plays an important role in helping them to become productive and healthy.

The role of play and exercise in the life of a young child will provide them with several benefits. Exercise of the body is a very important part of keeping the young body fit as it grows into an adult body. Once we reach adulthood, if we’ve had the benefit of exercise and play, we all tend to continue that habit well into our adult years.

Play is also good in the form of participating in organized sports, coordinated play times, and being a member of a large group during all of these types of activities. Playing on this level will teach us how to interact with peers and perform as a team with our fellow players. In today’s business world, these skills are essential.

What we learn in body language, coping skills, and the interaction of the mind and body during our interaction with others is invaluable. When we learn this skills to the fullest, not only will we learn how to get along with others, but we will also learn how to interact better with ourselves.

Although interacting with ourselves seems like a rather pointless exercise, it is actually an important part of maintaining the best sense of health and wellness. There will always be times when our bodies are trying to tell us things about our physical or mental condition, which we will simply refuse to listen to.

Through exercise and play, we will also learn what our limitations are – both physical and mental. At times of play, you’ll see children and young adults push themselves to their limit and beyond. As children, we are all more able to distinguish between a real limit versus what society itself calls our limits.

For children and young adults, the pressures of the world don’t affect them near as much as it does adults. Children have a much better state of mind and peace, unlike adults that have let the outside influence the body and mind, which will do little more than becoming a dominant factor of time.

As you can tell, the benefits that are gained from exercise and play time as children, will benefit us for the rest of our lives. As adults, we all too often forget how important both exercise and play are.

Normally, we want to rush children into their daily responsibilities, forgetting that at their age they need play and interaction for their young minds.

Exercise and Hypertension

It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure.

The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels.

However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension.

Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles.

Heart and Exercise

The exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart.

The human heart basically, supply blood to an area of the heart damaged in a „myocardial infarction.“ A heart attack is a condition, in which, the myocardium or the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients and so it begins to die.

For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.

Such information has led some people to think of exercise as a panacea for heart disorders, a fail-safe protection against hypertension or death. That is not so. Even marathon runners that have suffered hypertension, and exercise cannot overcome combination of other risk factor.

What Causes Hypertension?

Sometimes abnormalities of the kidney are responsible. There is also a study wherein the researchers identified more common contributing factors such as heredity, obesity, and lack of physical activity. And so, what can be done to lower blood pressure and avoid the risk of developing hypertension? Again, exercise seems to be just what the doctor might order.

If you think that is what he will do, then, try to contemplate on this list and find some ways how you can incorporate these things into your lifestyle and start to live a life free from the possibilities of developing hypertension. But before you start following the systematic instructions, it would be better to review them first before getting into action.

1. See your doctor Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you make any significant changes in your level of physical activity – particularly if those changes could make large and sudden demands on your circulatory system – check with your doctors again.

2. Take it slow

Start at a low, comfortable level of exertion and progress gradually. The program is designed in two stages to allow for a progressive increase in activity.

3. Know your limit

Determine your safety limit for exertion. Use some clues such as sleep problems or fatigue the day after a workout to check on whether you are overdoing it. Once identified, stay within it. Over-exercising is both dangerous and unnecessary.

4. Exercise regularly

You need to work out a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of five times a week to get the most benefit. Once you are in peak condition, a single workout a week can maintain the muscular benefits. However, cardiovascular fitness requires more frequent activity.

5. Exercise at a rate within your capacity

The optimum benefits for older exercisers are produced by exercise at 40% to 60% of capacity.

Indeed, weight loss through exercise is an excellent starting point if you wan tot prevent hypertension. Experts say that being overweight is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension, and losing weight decreases the risk.

Exercise And Harm

Anytime you exercise, your brain releases chemicals known as endorphins that produce a feeling of euphoria, which is known as „runners high“, which is also very easy to become chemically addicted to.

Without this rush, you’ll feel irritable and out of it until you exercise again. Therefore, you’ll go on exercising and not listen to what your body is actually telling you – which is to stop.

The main reason addicts will continue to push themselves lies in what will happen when they don’t work out. Normally when they are unable to exercise, they will display signs of depression, anxiety, confusion, and be less happy with themselves.

Aches and pains Over exercising doesn’t only affect the mind, but the body as well. Exercise will initially do what it is intended to do, give you a fit body but once you cross the line however, it can drastic. Muscle damage, osteoarthritis, and heart problems will all be waiting in the wings if you continue to overdo it. The body has limits and if you push beyond that limit, you’ll do nothing but harm yourself.

Obsessive exercise tends to happen among those who are new to exercise. Therefore, if you are keen to reap the benefits of getting fit, you’ll tend to overstep the limits.

The initial signs of over exercise are exhaustion, which can lead to a build up of fatigue. Keep in mind, it isn’t only the muscles that are at risk, but the bones as well. Many people who exercise push themselves to the point of injuries such as shin splints or even stress fractures, then refuse to rest, which causes greater and sometimes even permanent damage.

Even a brisk walk in the morning doesn’t come without risk, as walking too much can lead to osteoarthritis. When you walk, you are working against gravity. Even though you are exercising your muscles, you are also harming your knee joints as well.

Many people who walk up to an hour or more everyday end up with complaints of aches in the knees. The fact is, jogging also harms the knees, and too many sit ups can hurt as well. As with any type of exercise, moderation is the key.

You should always start off gradually, and combine several different types of workouts, which is one thing that obsessive exercisers forget to do. One of the biggest complication factors of people who get addicted to exercise is that they will tend to perform the same workout each and every day, which further increases the risk of permanent damage.

Think right You should never work out to the point where you feel completely exhausted once you have finished. Your limit with exercise should be 45 minutes to an hour, four or five days a week. When you are finished, your workout should leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Every week should make it a point to take a day’s break – as your body will need to relax and rejuvenate.

The key to achieving this completely lies in your attitude, as exercising is the way to a healthy life. If you do it only to please yourself, you’ll defeat the entire purpose when you stand there on the weighing machine.

If you take things one day at a time and don’t over do it, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy body. Exercising can be a lot of fun and a way to relax, if you don’t rush it. Start off slow and gradually work your way up. Before you know it, you’ll know how to prevent injuries before they happen and you’ll know exactly what you need to do to remain healthy.

Exercise and Children What You Should Know

Your child of lets say eight years old tells you he or she wants to start exercising and that he or she wants to start lifting weights. Now you might want to know if this is really a good idea, if it is safe and if it will benefit your child or if it is not something that is recommended for children to do.

The long and short of it is, yes, it is beneficial to your child to partake in a weight training program but here are some things to keep in mind when getting your child into a weight training program.

Children are not miniature adults and so you cannot use the same methods on growing children as you can with adults as children are different from adults anatomically, physiologically and emotionally. Children have immature skeletons. Their bones do not mature until age 14 to 22 years old. In girls, exercise during childhood can have critical effects on bone health that can last for their whole lives.

Children are often vulnerable to growth related overuse injuries such as Osgood schlatter’s disease. Children have immature temperature regulation systems due to having a large surface area compared to their muscle mass which makes them more susceptible to injury when not properly warmed up.

Children do not sweat as much as adults so they are also more susceptible to heat exhaustion as well as heat stroke. Their low muscle mass and immature hormone system makes it harder for them to develop strength and speed and their breathing and heart responses during exercise are different from an adult’s which affects their capacity for exercise.

Now, boys and girls can greatly improve their strength with weight training but as opposed to adults, neurological factors instead of muscle growth factors are mostly responsible for these gains. When considering a program for a child, medical clearance should be obtained first and foremost. The best first approach for designing a program is to establish a repetition range of 8 to 12 and keep the work load appropriate for that range.

Workouts should be spread out to have at least 1 to 2 full days of rest between each workout and the main focus on every exercise performed should be on form and technique, not on weight lifted. Some guidelines to consider are: warm-up and stretching should be done before weight training. Start with light loads and make appropriate adjustments from there. No more than 3 non-consecutive exercise sessions should be done in a week and see that they drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.

Always remember that if at anytime your child is sick, has an injury of any kind or seems tired or non-energetic, do not have them exercise until you are sure they are better or until they have seen a doctor and have clearance from them.

Exercise and Cellulite

When Mike turned 65, he was 25 pounds overweight. By strict dieting, he shed the extra pounds, but he lost more weight; he also lost his energy and vitality. He was always exhausted, and his friends, seeing his gaunt, drawn face, worried about his health.

By the time volunteered for a particular fitness program two years later, he had put 25 extra pounds back on. After 6 months of exercise and some willpower at the dinner table, Mike slimmed down again. This time he felt better than he ever had, brimming with energy and glowing with good health.

What made the difference? The first time Mike lost weight; the second time he lost fat. The distinction is important. According to research, a large portion of the weight lost by dieting alone is active tissue, such as muscle and connective tissue, while a smaller fraction is excess fat. Exercise has the opposite effect. It increased his lean body mass and decreased his excess fat.

Same thing goes with cellulite. Most people tend to think that cellulites are only present to people who are obese. That is why they sometimes associate cellulite with fats and obesity.

Actually, even if cellulite refers to the chain of wrinkled „fat cells“ and „subcutaneous connective tissues“ beneath the layer of the skin, it should never be associated with people who are fat or obese. In fact, there are many people who have cellulite but are not fat at all.

In reality, nobody knows the main reason why some people accumulate cellulite. However, there are some factors that health experts are considering such as the structure of the fat cells or the poison that entered the body. Some experts say it may be caused by some hormonal changes in the body. But none of these things has been proven to cause cellulites.

However, the only main reason why most of the cellulite cases are abundant in women is that the connective tissues of women are more rigid and firm than men. Hence, whenever a woman gets fat, the fatty cells tend to swell and get bigger. It creates a protruding appearance to the skin producing an „orange peel“ look.

For this reason, women are more prone to cellulite than men. That is why it is important for women to be more careful on their body as they have higher chances of accumulating cellulite.

Fats and Cellulite

With the many cases of obese people having cellulites in their body, most of them believed that their cellulites are caused by being too fat.

Even though not all those who are obese develop cellulites, being overweight can really trigger the development of cellulites. This is because too much fat under the skin tend to push the connective tissue creating a strain on the skin. Thus, cellulites form.

However, this is still dependent on the structure of the cells. If an individual’s cell structure does not inhibit the tendency to bulge or expand even if fat deposits accumulate, then there will be no cellulites.

So, the most important thing to remember here is to keep those connective tissues firm and strong and avoid accumulating excess fats so as to avoid the development of cellulite.

How? Start an exercise routine program.

Transforming food into fat seems all too easy for most of us. Losing fat is far more difficult, and to accomplish this, we have only three alternatives: (1) decrease food intake and keep activity constant; (2) increase activity and keep food intake constant; or (3) combine both approaches: diet and exercise.

Physical activity can help reverse the results of inactivity. An hour of vigorous exercise burns up 300 to 600 calories. If you also cut 300 to 500 calories from your daily menu, you can also lose weight at the rate of one to two pounds a week.

Without exercise, you would have to eat 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day to lose the same number of pounds in a week. Exercise is not for everyone who is over-fat, however. The severely obese person should exercise only under medical supervision to prevent strain on the cardiovascular system and connective tissue. And no one should restrict food intake drastically without consulting doctor.

Resorting to this kind of activity will only get the matter worse. Remember what happened to Mike? He thought that when he started dieting, he would eventually lose all the excess fats he has accumulated. The problem is that he lost those connective tissues rather than excess fat.

For people who are prone to cellulites, this will be a greater problem. Losing connective tissues instead of fat by strict dieting can only make the skin more prone to greater problems but the fat cells are still there. That only means that the problem is not solved at all.

Hence, if you wish to loose those cellulites, it would be better to loose those fats first. The idea here is to burn those fats by increasing your metabolism by 7.5% to 28% more than your normal rate.

It is for this reason that exercising is an important factor in losing cellulite. So for a more cellulite free body, always engage in an exercise routine.

Exercise And Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can’t exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally presdisposed to the condition.

Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.

You can prevent asthma attacks by doing the following: 1. Bathe your pets weekly.
2. Don’t smoke or permit smoking in your home.
3. When mold or pollent counts are high, you should stay inside with air conditioning.
4. Wash your bedding and any stuffed toys at least once per week in hot water.
5. Wash your hands every chance you get.
6. Get a flu shot.
7. Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose in the winter months.
8. Be proactive and know your triggers and how you should avoid them.

Now that you know what you know about asthma, you may be wondering where exercise fits in. As most doctors will tell you, you shouldn’t give up on sports or exercise at all. You just have to be smart about how you play and take special pre cautions to avoid attacks.

Almost all doctors agree that the best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhaler and medication close by. You should never use the inhaler more than 3 times during a game or exercise session. If you are up the previous night with coughing and wheezing, it’s always best to go light with your exercise the next day.

For something known as IEA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are somewhat different, in the fact that they appear after 6 – 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worse in cold or dry air.

If you have IEA, there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking, biking, downhill skiing, and team based sports. There are many activities for you to choose from, to ensure you get the exercise you need as well.

Keep in mind that the condition of asthma isn’t „all in your head“, it is a real physiological medical treatment that will require treatment to prevent and treat. Even though your doctor will be your best friend in treating asthma, you are the one who can prevent your symptoms.

Always be smart, take your medication, and be proactive. Don’t let it put you in a life of misery – as you can enjoy exercise just like everyone else.

Exercise and Arthritis

Your bones hang out in a lot of joints. Knee joints. Hip joints. The joints in your fingers and the joints in your toes.

Wherever bones meet, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, protective layer that ensures your joints bend smoothly and painlessly. But even cartilage cannot do this tremendous job alone. A thin membrane called the „synovium“ provides fluid that lubricates the moving parts of the joint. When the cartilage wears out of the synovium becomes inflamed, the result is generally a case of „osteoarthritis“ or „rheumatoid arthritis.“

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage can be eroded so much that bone does rub on bone. Thos type of arthritis develops gradually over a lifetime as a simple result of the wear and tear placed on your joints over the years. Very few people escape some degree of osteoarthritis, though the severity varies a great deal.

As a matter of fact, if you are over the age of 50, you are likely to have at least one joint affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects men and women equally and is by far the most common type of arthritis, with almost 16 million Americans in the list.

In rheumatoid arthritis, damage to the synovium is at the source of trouble. Doctors and researchers are not absolutely sure what causes it, but most think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system actually attacks certain tissues in the body, including those that connect the joints and the synovium.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins with swollen, red, stiff, and painful joints, but it may progress until scar tissue forms in the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones actually fuse together. Almost 75% of the 2 million people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United States are women. The disease can hit as early as teen years.

Exercising Your Prevention Options

Investing a little time in developing a good weight-bearing low-impact exercise and stretching plan can add up to great results when it comes to staving off arthritis pain. Strong muscles help protect the joints from wear and tear, and the movement keeps joints flexible.

That is why the quest for fitness is at hand, even if you are 50 years and over. However, most Americans over 50 are still right where they always were sitting back and watching others jog by. Most of them contend that that is just for people who have been athletic all their life, or some say exercise is for young people and engaging into exercise will do them more harm than good.

There are still some that insist on excusing their selves in exercise routines because they do not just have time or they have less energy than ever before. These are all lame excuses. Hence, it is time to start to get rid of those pains. Start exercising.

Consequently, preventing arthritis is not an exact science, but physicians have discovered a few ways to lower your risk. Here is how:

1. Do not weight around

The single most important measure anyone can take to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee is to lose weight if they are overweight. Extra weight puts extra stress on your knees. If you are 10 pounds overweight, for example, you put 60 pounds per square inch of extra pressure on your knees every time you take a step. That extra pressure can slowly but surely erode the cartilage in your knees, leading to arthritis.

A study has clearly supported the theory that weight loss weighs in on the side of prevention. In the study, overweight women who lost 11 pounds or more over a 10-year period decreased their risk of developing osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%.

2. Stretch those muscles

Any kind of stretching is good as long as you do not bounce, which can lead to a muscle pull. This is according to some of the professors of clinical medicine in New York City.

Try to hold a slow, steady stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, then relax and repeat. It is best to flex up by stretching before any exercise, especially running and walking. But it is also a good idea to stretch each day. Ask your doctor to teach you stretches that focus on potential arthritis trouble spots, such as the knees or the lower back.

3. Walking is always the best exercise

Take a good long walk at least three times a week or participate in a step-aerobics or low-impact exercise routine maximum results. There is no proof that running is bad for the joints, but remember, it may aggravate an injury if you already have one. Just remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

The bottom line is that of all the healthful habits, exercise is the most important. This is because people are designed to be active. Hence, it is really important for people to exercise in order to stay healthy and keep those joints free from wear and tear.

Just keep in mind that the unexercised body, even if free from the symptoms of illness or problems like arthritis, is not at its full potential. Hence, start exercising right now!

Exercise Your Good Health Is Counting On It

Did you know that everything that gets you moving can and will contribute to your health-from walking to a high-intensity aerobics class?

Research shows that regular exercise can lower the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and certain cancers. And exercise helps people manage a great number of other health issues, including depression and anxiety, arthritis, osteoporosis and maybe even dementia. Experts say that it may even help slow the aging process. And it makes you feel good!

The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), the nonprofit association for the fitness industry, reminds people that any physical activity is better than none. The health benefits from physical activity are cumulative. The most important thing is getting started. So get moving-whether that means taking the stairs, parking farther out or walking on a treadmill. Newcomers to physical activity should start slowly and gradually work up to exercising for longer periods of time.

For many Americans, taking those first steps toward building the exercise habit can be difficult and intimidating. So during the month of May, participating health clubs will open their doors for several days to the public, free of charge, so more Americans can benefit from the safe, supportive, and enjoyable environments that health clubs offer. It’s part of the IHRSA-organized Get Active America! program to encourage more Americans to exercise for their health.

Whether you’re a senior, a mid-lifer, a 20-something or a teen, there’s a health club that can provide you with the support you need to create a workable exercise routine that fits your life. There’s a network of professionals across the country eager to help.

Remember: It’s never too late, and it’s never too little to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Do it for your health!

Exercise Hydration

Hydrating, like diet, is extremely important in fitness and in sport in general. If the body does not get enough calories during physical effort, it can take them from its own ‚deposits‘ of adipose tissue, or even from the muscular proteins; but when water is insufficient, things are much more complicated and there are bigger risks for the body.

Water is involved in all the metabolic processes, so not providing the body with enough liquid can have as a consequence perturbation of the bio-chemical reactions, which directly influences the effectiveness of the training and even the practitioner’s state of health.

Physical effort, especially the aerobic one, leads to dehydration through perspiration (which regulates the temperature of the body, preventing over-heating). There is a very strict rule which imposes drinking water (liquid) before, during and after physical effort. Besides regulating the body temperature, correct hydrating helps eliminating the toxic substances resulted during and after the training (urea, sodium, etc.) easier; hydration acts like a ‚means of transport‘ through perspiration and urine. Thus, the metabolism of blood sugar, lipids and proteins is developed in good conditions, ensuring contraction force for short time and especially for resistance efforts.

There is also the opposite of dehydration – over hydration, due to excessive consume of water. In this situation, besides the inconvenient of very frequent urination, the blood vessels are overloaded and this leads to making the work of the heart, which must provide a much too big volume of pumping, more difficult. As a consequence, the effectiveness of the training is hindered and the sport performance does not get to the expected level. The sensation of ‚heavy body‘ can also appear for the practitioner of common fitness.

As for the type of liquids, the sportsman must supervise the level of effort which produces dehydration and melting of the glycogen reserves. Besides water, the practitioner can use isotonic drinks, (which have an electrolytic composition similar to the one of the body) or liquids containing sugar easy and quick to absorb by the body (fructose, glucose, dextrose, etc.). All of these can contribute to fast restore of the glycogen reserves of the body. It is advisable to drink the liquids in small and frequent doses, so that the body assimilates them better and they do not briskly overload the body during effort.

Both in over hydrating and in dehydrating, there is the risk of ‚putting to work‘ too much the renal excretory function. Over hydrating can have as a consequence significant elimination of electrolytes, which are precious for the body (potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, etc), and they need to be replaced from sources as natural as possible (fruit, vegetables, mineral water, etc.). In case of dehydrating, the volume of urine will be severely diminished because the body will try to retain mineral salts and vitamins. Besides unwanted deposits, renal lithiasis, gout, etc., a very severe consequence of this effort of the body to retain liquid is renal blocking.

Correct hydrating involves a certain discipline, which means that liquids must be consumed repeatedly during the day, not only during physical effort. A person must not get to feel thirst. This is only a very late alarm, signaling that the right quantity of water has been missing from the body for a couple of hours. Except while eating and immediately after, in order not to perturb digestion by excessive diluting, a real prophylaxis of dehydrating and over hydrating can be made through correct, constant and preventive consume of liquids.

Exercise Definition and Benefits

The health benefits associated with regular exercise are numerous. Specifically, exercise can help prevent heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis. In addition, it can help fight depression as well as promote improved stress management.

To maximize your overall health benefits, experts typically recommend that you perform 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, you can also achieve significant health benefits by completing 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.

If you are just beginning an exercise program, starting at a slow pace with low-impact activities such as walking or swimming will allow you to improve your physical fitness level while safeguarding you from unwanted overuse injuries and burnout. Once you get in better shape, you can gradually integrate more strenuous and varied activities into your routine.

Positive Impact of Physical Activity
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States. Further, regular exercise effectively:

Reduces the risk of dying from heart disease.

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already Have high blood pressure.

Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.

Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.

Helps control weight.

Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.

Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.

Promotes psychological well-being.

The health benefits of exercise can be achieved by virtually everyone, regardless of age, sex, race or physical ability. Therefore, if you want to feel better, have more energy and live longer, simply follow a program of regular, moderate exercise and enjoy a better quality of life.

Exercise Take The Burn Out Of It

Move it throughout the day! Get enough activity that makes you breathe a little harder. Five minutes here, ten there – add it up and go for thirty minutes a day. You don’t have to suit up or climb on an exercise machine to get the benefits of activity.

Balance your activity so that you’re still able to talk while you’re exercising, but not as easily as you could sitting down or just standing. If you find yourself unable to talk, you’re probably overworking yourself.

The more you move and use your muscles, the better fit you’ll become. Your bones will become stronger, too.

Don’t forget the stretching. It will help keep you flexible and able to move more easily. Do walk around a bit to warm up your muscles—save the stretching for the end of your workout so you don’t hurt or damage any muscles. If you save your stretching to the end of your workout, your muscles will be “warmed up” already and you’ll find that your flexibility is increased with each stretch!

Work on your balance. Begin by standing on one foot, bracing yourself with one arm. Work towards standing on one foot at a time without holding on to a support. Just practice this for a few minutes at a time. You’ll find your overall balance improving greatly.

If your main occupation has been “couch potato” for several months, you’ll want to start exercising gradually. Little by little build up your activities and how hard you work at them. Before long, you’ll find yourself moving along with more energy and vitality!

You hear personal trainers emphasizing this mantra to their clients, „Breathe! Breathe!“ For some strange reason, we tend to hold our breath when exercising. What you want to get into the habit of is breathing out while your muscle is working, and breathing in when it relaxes. So as you’re lifting something, breathe out as you lift; breathe in when you stop. At first, you’ll need to remind yourself of this frequently.

Drink plenty of water when you’re doing activities that make you sweat so you don’t risk dehydration. Dehydration can be measured by pinching the skin on the back of your hand—if you can grab it when you make a fist and it (the skin) stays “up,” you’re dehydrated. You may also feel dizzy, tired, and be more prone to headaches. So stay hydrated!

Exercise shouldn’t cause you pain. You may feel tired after exercising, but if you’re actually hurting, something’s wrong—you’ve overdone it. Try easing up the next day, and not doing anything that strains the aching muscle too much. Alternate cold and heat on the aching area, and if your doctor okays it, take ibuprofen or naproxen sodium to relieve the pain.

Exercise and Play

Quite often, when our children return from afternoon play, they look exhausted, and ready for a nap. That is the most accurate description, and quite the truth. Play is hard work. It is exhausting to the mind and body of the young person, and plays an extremely important role in helping them to become productive, healthy citizens.

The role of exercise and play in a young child’s life provides them with many benefits. Exercise of the body is an important part of keeping the young body fit as it grows into an adult body. When we reach adulthood, if we have had the benefit of exercise and play, we tend to continue that habit into our adult years.

What else is to be gained from the opportunities that play affords? We often participate in organized sports, coordinated play times, and are a member of a large group during all of these activities. Play on this level teaches us how to interact with our peers, develop camaraderie and perform as a team with other players. These skills are absolute necessities in today’s business world. But what else is happening here, during this time of play and exercise?

What we learn in body language, coping skills, and the interaction of the mind and body during our interaction with others, is invaluable. When we learn these skills well, we not only learn how to interact with others, we learn how to interact with our self. Interact with our self? That seems like a pointless exercise, but it is an all important part of maintaining our health and wellness. There are times that our bodies try to tell us things about our physical or mental condition, and we simply refuse to listen. If we have learned how to listen to others around us when they attempt to point out a need or desire, we have a useful tool in listening to ourselves. This often can mean the difference between optimal health, and creating an unhealthy situation.

What else do we learn? We learn what our physical and mental limitations are. During play, you see children and young adolescents push themselves to the very limit. But as children, we are better able to distinguish between a real limit versus what society deems our limits. As a child, or young adult, the pressures of the world do not weigh on us as they do when we are adults. We are better keepers of the temple at ten, than we are at twenty. We are still very in tune to what our body tells us, because it is our true master as a child. As an adult, we have let outside influences master our body and mind, and dominate our time.

As you can see, the benefits to be gained during our exercise and play time as children, is a benefit to us for the remainder of our lives. Too often, we adults forget the importance of exercise and play and the principles that are to be learned from time spent in these activities. We want to rush our children into their daily responsibilities, forgetting that their chief responsibility during the younger years is the play and interaction of young minds.

Excessive Exercise and Eating Disorders

In our society, the perceived perfect image of women falls right in line with the slenderness of girls 10 to 12 years old. This unrealistic perception spawned by the supermodels seen today in ads for popular clothing and undergarment makers such as Victoria’s secret has caused many women to become obsessed with their own images.

In our society, women are ten times more likely to develop eating disorders and compulsive exercise habits that can be life threatening and often do prove to be fatal.
Here are the most commonly developed eating disorders:

“Anorexia nervosa” is a life threatening disorder that occurs when you eat very little food and become obsessed about your weight even when you are badly underweight. An anorexic person will often see themselves as being fat when they look at themselves in the mirror even though they appear very skinny to everyone else. People with this disorder often turn to laxatives and various diet aids such as fat burning pills to bring their weight down to dangerous levels.

“Bulimia” is a disorder that occurs when you go on an eating binge, and then immediately purge it all out. You will eat a large amount of food, even junk food, and then get it all back out of your system by both self-induced vomiting and laxative use. This practice may throw off your body’s mineral balance in the blood and put the health of your heart at risk.

“Compulsive overeating” followed by “compulsive over exercising” is a pattern that is not as dangerous as anorexia and bulimia but still can lead to both physical and psychological problems. This is a pattern in which you will eat a large amount of food followed up immediately by exercising excessively hard and for a long period of time.

It is estimated that more than one out of three collage female athletes may at one time develop an eating disorder. If you suffer from an eating disorder, seek medical help as soon as possible because if left untreated, these disorders can cause permanent health problems and even death.

Enhance Your Flexibility

When it comes to the Big Three of exercise – cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training – it’s pretty clear which one can get overlooked. After all, while we prize cardiovascular and strength training for their role in helping us lose weight, build muscle and get fit, the benefits of flexibility training are less immediately alluring.

However, as the population ages, more of us are learning to appreciate the rewards of stretching. Staying limber can offset age-related stiffness, improve athletic performance, and optimize functional movement in daily life. Research shows that flexibility training can develop and maintain range of motion and may help prevent and treat injury. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine has added flexibility training to its general exercise recommendations, advising that stretching exercises for the major muscle groups be performed two to three days per week.

How can you include an effective flexibility workout in your fitness program? Here are some guidelines:

Think in Terms of Serious Flexibility Training, Not Just Brief Stretching. Squeezing in one or two quick stretches before or after a workout is better that nothing, but this approach will yield limited results. What’s more, generic stretches may not be effective for your particular body. The more time and attention you give to your flexibility training, the more benefits you’ll experience. A qualified personal trainer, physical therapist or health professional can design a functional flexibility program specifically for you.

Consider Your Activities. Are you a golfer? Do you ski, run or play tennis? Do your daily home or work routines include bending, lifting or sitting for long periods? Functional flexibility improves the stability and mobility of the whole person in his or her specific environment. An individualized stretching program is best to improve both stability (the ability to maintain ideal body alignment during all activities) and mobility (the ability to use full, normal range of motion).

Pay Special Attention to Tight Areas. Often the shoulder, chest, hamstrings and hips are particularly tight, but you may hold tension in other areas, depending on your history of injuries and the existing imbalances in your muscle groups. Unless you tailor your flexibility training to your strengths and weaknesses, you may stretch already overstretched muscles and miss areas that need training.

Listen to Your Body. Stretching is an individual thing. Pay attention to your body’s signals and don’t push too far. Avoid bouncing or jerking movements to gain momentum; this approach can be dangerous.

Instead, slowly stretch your muscles to the end point of movement and hold the stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds. Older adults, pregnant women and people with injuries will need to take special precautions.

Get Creative. Varying your flexibility training can help you stick with it. You can use towels, resistance balls and other accessories to add diversity and effectiveness to your stretching.

Warm Up First. Don’t forget to warm up your muscles before you begin. Walking briskly for 10 to15 minutes is a simple way to do this.

Find a Flexibility Class That Works for You. Classes that include stretching are becoming more popular and more diverse. Some combine cardiovascular and strength components with the flexibility training; others focus exclusively on stretching.

Stretch Your Mind and Body. Did you know that your emotional state may affect your flexibility? If your body is relaxed, it will be more responsive to flexibility training. Listening to music and focusing on your breath can help you relax as you stretch. You may also want to explore yoga or Pilates. In addition to stretching, classes in these disciplines may include relaxation, visualization and other mind-body techniques designed to reduce stress and increase mindfulness.

It’s Not Just for Wimps. Forget the idea that stretching is just for elderly, injured or unconditioned people. Many Olympic and professional athletes rely on flexibility training for peak performance.

Do It Consistently. It doesn’t help to stretch for a few weeks and then forget about it. Integrate regular stretching into your permanent fitness program. For inspiration, look to cats and dogs – they’re dedicated practitioners of regular stretching and you rarely see them getting the kind of joint or muscular injuries that humans get!

Shoulder and Trapezius Stretch
** Stand upright with shoulders back, chest out, and feet hip-width apart.
** Clasp your hands behind your buttocks.
** Slowly lift your hands up and away from your body until they have reached the furthest comfortable position.
** Keep your chest out and your chin in without hunching over.
** Once you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest and anterior shoulders, hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.

Lying Quadriceps Stretch
** Lie face down on a mat.
** Lift your right leg up towards your buttocks.
** Reach around with your right hand and grasp your foot. Slowly pull downwards, stretching your quadriceps to the furthest comfortable position.
** Hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.

Shin Stretch
** Using a wall or chair as support, place your left foot behind your right foot, with the top of your left foot on the ground.
** Extend the bottom of your left shin as far forward as possible. Slowly lower yourself by bending both legs.
** Once you have stretched your anterior tibialis to the furthest comfortable position, hold for at least 15-30 seconds.
** Switch legs and repeat.

Hip, Gluteus and Back Stretch
** Sit on the floor with both of your legs extended in front of you.
** Bend your right leg over your left leg, keeping your right foot flat on the floor outside the left knee.
** Place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee, and extend your right arm behind you with your palm flat on the floor for support.
** Slowly twist your upper body to the right while looking over your right shoulder.
** Lightly apply pressure with your left elbow on the outside of your right knee as you twist. Be sure to keep your upper body straight.
** Once you feel a comfortable stretch in your hips, buttocks, and lower back, hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.
** Switch sides and repeat.

Calf Stretch
** Put the sole of the top half of your right foot against the wall. Slide your right heel as close towards the wall as possible.
** Slowly lean forward towards the wall stretching your calves. Once you have stretched your calf to the furthest comfortable position, hold for at least 15-30 seconds.
** Switch legs and repeat.

Eating Before and After Exercise

When you exercise, you do it in order to try to maintain good health. You know that you have to eat so that your body has the energy to perform the workouts that you do as well as for everyday tasks. But, just what you should eat before and after you workouts is important for making the best of your workouts. Also, how long you eat before and after each workout is equally important.

Whether you are going to be doing a cardio workout or a resistance workout, you should try to make it a point to eat a mix of carbohydrates and protein. What determines the percentage of carbohydrates and protein you should consume is whether you are doing cardio or resistance and the intensity level you will be working at.

The ideal time to eat your pre workout meal is 1 hour before you start. If you are working at a lower intensity level, keep this meal down to around 200 calories or so. If you are working at a higher intensity level, you may need this meal to be as high as 400 to 500 calories.

If you are doing a cardio session, you will need to eat a mix of around 2/3 carbohydrates and 1/3 protein. This will give you longer sustained energy from the extra carbs with enough protein to keep muscle from breaking down during your workout.

If you are doing a resistance session, you should eat a mix of around 1/3 carbohydrates and 2/3 protein. This will give you enough energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the extra protein will help keep muscle breakdown to a minimum during your workout. It has been shown that your body most effectively uses protein during exertion meaning that taking in more protein before resistance workouts aids in faster recovery as well.

Now, eating after a workout is just as important as the pre workout meal. Remember that when you exercise whether it is a cardio or a resistance session, you deplete energy in the form of glycogen. Our brain and central nervous system relies on glycogen as their main source of fuel so if we don’t replace it after exercise, our bodies will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, then convert them into usable fuel for the brain and central nervous system.

Also, mostly during resistance workouts, you break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears. This means that right after a workout; your muscles go into a repair mode. Proteins are the key macronutrient for muscle repair and so you don’t want muscle breaking down further to create fuel in place of lost glycogen.

If you have just finished a cardio session, you will need to consume mostly carbohydrates, preferably ones with high fiber. Oatmeal, rice, whole wheat pasta, and most northern fruits are good sources. Try to consume around 30 to 50 grams of these carbohydrates after a cardio session. After cardio, it is ok to eat within 5 to 10 minutes of completion.

If you have just finished a resistance session, you will need a combination of carbohydrates and protein. Because unlike cardio workouts, with resistance workouts you are breaking down muscle tissue by creating micro tears. The protein is needed to build up and repair these tears so the muscle can increase in size and strength. The carbs not only replace the lost muscle glycogen, but also help the protein get into our muscle cells so it can synthesize into structural protein, or muscle itself.

Chicken or fish with a potato, egg whites with a piece of fruit, or a protein shake with fruit mixed in are good meals after resistance workouts but remember to keep the fiber low here. High fiber slows down digestion, meaning the protein will take longer to reach the muscle cells.

After resistance, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes before eating so as not to take blood away from your muscles too soon. The blood in your muscles helps with the repair process by removing metabolic waste products from them.

Any fats should be consumed well before and well after exercise.

Eating And Exercise

Anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try and maintain good health. You also know that you have to eat as well, so your body will have the energy it needs to exercise and maintain for the everyday tasks of life. For making the best of your exercise, what you eat before and after you workout is very important.

No matter if you are going to be doing a cardio workout or a resistance workout, you should always make it a point to eat a balanced mix of protein and carbohydrates. What makes that determining percentage of carbs and protein you consume is whether or not you are doing cardio or resistance exercise and the intensity level that you plan to work at.

The ideal time for you to eat your pre workout meal is an hour before you start. If you plan to work at a low intensity level, you should keep your pre workout meal down to 200 calories or so. If you plan to exercise at a high level of intensity, you will probably need your meal to be between 4,000 and 5,000 calories.

Those of you who are doing a cardio session will need to consume a mix of 2/3 carbs and 1/3 protein. Doing so will give you longer sustained energy from the extra carbs with enough protein to keep your muscle from breaking down while you exercise.

For resistance exercise, you’ll need to eat a mix of 1/3 carbs and 2/3 protein, as this will help you get plenty of energy from the carbs to perform each set you do and the extra protein will help keep muscle breakdown to a minimum while you exercise.

Eating after you exercise is just as important as your pre workout meal. Anytime you exercise, whether its cardio or resistance, you deplete energy in the form of glycogen. The brain and central nervous system rely on glycogen as their main source of fuel, so if you don’t replace it after you exercise, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, and then convert them into usable fuel for the brain and the central nervous system.

Keep in mind that mostly during resistance exercise, you’ll break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears. What this means, is that after a workout, your muscles will instantly go into repair mode. Protein is the key here for muscle repair, as you don’t want muscle breaking down even further to create fuel instead of lost glycogen.

Once you have finished a cardio session, you’ll need to consume mainly carbohydrates, preferably those with high fiber. Rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, and northern fruits are excellent sources. Also, try to consume 30 – 50 grams of there types of carbs after you exercise. After your cardio workout, it is fine to eat within 5 – 10 minutes.

Once you’ve finished a resistance workout, you will need to consume a combination of carbs and protein. Unlike cardio workouts, resistance workouts will break down muscle tissue by creating micro tears.

You’ll need protein as this happens to build up and repair these tears so that the muscle can increase in size and strength. The carbs will not only replace the lost muscle glycogen, but will also help the protein get into muscle cells so it can synthesize into structural protein, or the muscle itself.

After your resistance exercise, you should wait up to 30 minutes before you eat, so that you won’t take blood away from your muscles too fast. The blood in your muscles will help the repair process by removing the metabolic waste products.

Dumbbell Exercises That Suit Beginners

The aim for beginners to weight training must be to lay the foundations for the intensive workouts that their bodies will eventually be subjected to. Obviously successful bodybuilding involves bringing together disparate elements such as nutrition and rest but choosing the right exercises is crucial. In this article we’ll outline the dumbbell exercises that will enable new bodybuilders to develop the general strength and body conditioning needed.

Initially beginners should aim to complete two sets of ten to twelve reps but after a few weeks, when you have developed sufficient control and basic strength, experiment with one set of six to eight reps to failure. This will maximize your muscle growth and give you the impetus to move on to the next stage of development. Before long you’ll find the use of this single piece of equipment restricting, so later in this series of articles we’ll pull together a muscle boosting program that utilizes other equipment to take you to the intermediate level. In the meantime, get to work with these exercises in order to get used to working your muscles.

Start off training four days per week and work body parts on the following basis not forgetting to incorporate rest days:

Day 1 – Biceps, Back, Abs

Day 2- Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs

Day 3 – Quads, Forearms, Calves

Day 4 – Triceps, Chest, Abs

The exercises recommended for beginners are as follows:

CHEST: Bench press, flyes

UPPER BACK: Prone reverse flye, seated reverse flye, bent over row, pullover

SHOULDER: Lateral raise, shoulder press, upright row

TRICEPS: Lying triceps extension

BICEPS: Curl, concentration curl

FOREARMS: Wrist curl, wrist extension

LEGS: Squat, leg curl, calf raise

Let Your Exercise Get Stale

I often get clients coming in who have been exercising with machine circuit training and are frustrated with the lack of results. What happens too often is we repeat the same exercise routine for a particular body part or muscle group until the muscles adapt. As a rule of thumb, I always change my exercise routine every month to keep it progressive and making gains. Every once in a while I will do a “special” workout. I’ll do all my favorite exercises and not the ones I’ve designed into a specific fitness training program. I do this because it is beneficial to mix up exercises and equipment on occasion. If you keep repeating the same things and have done so over time, you have done a good job at maintaining your fitness level and muscles. You certainly have not challenged them and will not get them to make any gains. Even if you exercise for maintenance, I still recommend changing up your exercise routine.

Another way to vary your fitness routine is by changing from exercise machines to free weights / dumbbells or visa versa. For cardio exercise, move from the treadmill to the stepper, elliptical or bike. With cardio workouts, I like interval training because it does just that, it varies the workout each time. Instead of always walking on the treadmill at the same speed and incline or grade, change up your speed and increase your grade. This will keep your exercise dynamic and prevent boredom. More importantly it will challenge your muscles, heart, and lunges to work at different levels.

There are many ways to change your exercise routine. Be creative. Try creating a simple six-week training cycle in which you alternate between heavy, medium and light training sessions for each body part. Each time you try a heavy day, push your limit, leaving your medium and light days for building tendon and ligament strength as well as muscle endurance. At the end of your six-week cycle, take 2 – 4 days off and allow your body to rest. This prevents overtraining and will help your body with improved performance when you start up again. The cycling approach will be particularly effective for preventing injuries to muscle groups and connective tissue down the road.

Your goal will determine the number of reps you typically use. Different numbers of reps serve different purposes. First, know what your goals are in your training. What are you trying to accomplish? The standards are as follows: for strength train at 6 to 8 reps; endurance at 15 to 20 reps; toning at 10 to 15 reps; mass and size 6 to 20 reps.

There are also other factors to training in addition to reps. The number of sets is how many times you do the exercise with rest in between. Intensity is the level of difficulty in performing the exercise usually stated in a percentage of a 1 to 10 rep maximum. Rest, is the amount of time you wait until you do another set. All of these factors are controlled variables in an exercise program. Knowing your fitness goals will help you or your trainer determine what the best mix is for you in designing your exercise program. For more information and tips on exercise, go to http://www.easyexercisetips.com

Does spot reduction work

Burning fat from the abdomen through exercises specially destined to the abdominal muscles was, is and will always be one of the most resistant myths.

Almost all the people with a big belly take up, with a lot of determination, sit-ups, crunches, side-bends, twists, etc., hoping that every new series or set of exercises, every session of repeating them, will help them get rid of the ‚ring‘ of adipose tissue around their waist, also called ‚the ring of death‘.

Besides the fact that it is probably the most anesthetic ‚deposit‘ of adipose tissue, abdominal fat involves many risks for the health of the person which possesses it (related to diabetes, high blood pressure, cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, impotence, etc.).

We must keep in mind, once and for all, that when we refer to the melting of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, there is no spot reduction. No matter how much we strive to locate effort in the areas we are focused on, we will only fortify the muscles under the fat, but the reduction of the fat itself will be insignificant. The explanation is simple and is connected to the energetic support of the anaerobic effort, which uses, for the exercises, muscular and hepatic glycogen, and not fat acids from the adipose tissue. For getting to the deposits of fat, what we need is cardio training (running, biking, fast walking, swimming, etc.).This type of exercises must be maintained for a long time (45-60 minutes) and they must be intense (60-70% from the maximum of heart rhythm).

An alternative is cardio training with periods when intensity varies, although the total volume is not smaller than in the case of uniformly cardio training.

A very important role in burning fat is held by the diet. It is said that the most effective of training can be sabotaged in the kitchen.

The nutritionists say that a diet which maintains caloric deficit, but keeps a balanced proportion of the basic principles (proteins, lipids, blood sugar), with a slight increase of the protein part, will always have as a consequence losing weight. Physical exercises like sit-ups, crunches, etc., without other exercises meant to involve bigger groups of muscles (thighs, chest, back) and to fortify the abdominal muscles, do not increase very much the basic metabolic rate.

As a consequence, indirect burning of calories (during breaks, post-training) is very small in comparison with the burning due to aerobic effort (especially the ones with alternative periods) – in their case, during effort taking more than 20 minutes, the energetic support is exactly the adipose tissue.

The magic formula for burning abdominal fat is a combination of hypo caloric diet and exercise – especially aerobic, but also anaerobic (focused on all the body, not only the abdominal muscles).

Do You Visualize Whilst You Are Doing Breathing Exercises

Q. I find breathing exercises very boring is there anything I can do to make less boring?

Have you ever used visualization when you are doing your breathing exercises, a lot of people think that breathing exercises are only a manner of sitting down and concentrating as they inhale exhale, which to the outsider can seem as being very boring and monotonous but here’s a few things you can try out the next time, try…

• concentrating on a particular colour on inhalation and another colour on exhalation (for example some colour you link with calmness or purity, and another colour for stress or impurity)

• having a picture in your mind of your body and as you breathe in, think of all the extra parts of your lungs that have been under used because of bad breathing habits.

• Taking a breath and picturing the air coming into your body from different areas (such as the soles of the feet for example.)

It can especially seem complicated for beginners when starting out to do breathing exercises as you can’t see the muscles that they are working on but by visualizing their lungs in action in their mind it makes it all the easier to do…and remember when you’re doing your breathing exercises you’re not really learning anything new but undoing all the bad habits you’ve picked up over the years.

Discover This Fascinating Wellspring of Health and Energy

Does this sound familiar to you? After getting through a long day of work, engaging in obligatory social activities and then doing the upkeep on your house or apartment you may feel as if every last second of your time and every last drop of your energy have been spent.

By that point, you just want to collapse on the floor, exhausted. Then you wake up and have to do it all over again the next day.

Fortunately, there is help. You just need to know about an amazing exercise and self improvement system. This may be the easiest exercise to learn that you have ever seen. You’ll feel wonderful and energized afterwards, unlike ordinary workouts. Its called Falun Dafa.

I attribute the disappearance of my back pain to Falun Dafa. Another thing I feel that it did for me personally was give me the energy to get things done. You may also be excited to learn that it is something you can implement in your life very easily, without a lot of effort.

What you’ll want to do is visit Falun Dafa website. You’ll want to get the book, Zhuan Falun, and exercise instruction videos. Both are available for free download. You’ll want to read the book to gain the full benefits of this self improvement system.

Now, you may be thinking that it might not be easy to learn all the ins and outs of these 5 sets of simple, energizing exercises just from a video.

You’ll find the solution for that on the very same website. There is a volunteer instructor list. Scan it for your city or one near you. The list covers most major cities around the world and even many smaller cities.

The best part is that none of these volunteers will accept a penny of your money. They will show you these exercises free of charge and with no strings attached.

The reason they will do this is because they have also received amazing results from this practice. For this reason, they are willing to take their own time to show you how to do it at no cost to you.

So, what are you waiting for? Go over to that website and get started on what might be the most amazing and beneficial treasure you’ll uncover in this lifetime. Discover for yourself an incredible wellspring of health and energy.

This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to prevent, treat or diagnose any health condition or disease. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, and before embarking on any exercise program you should consult your physician.

Many Different Ways To Exercise

There are many different types of exercise equipment and many different ways to exercise. Most people will undoubtedly think that it doesn’t matter very much what kind of exercise you do just as long as you are being active you are being healthier. To some extent this is true you are being healthier no matter what type of exercise you get. This can lead to all kinds of benefits, but there are different types of exercises for a reason. There is elliptical equipment, exercise bikes, water aerobics and so on, including strength training equipment. Strength training equipment is used specifically to help you to build muscle.

Building muscle and muscle strength is important for a variety of reasons. Stronger muscles help you through daily life. The weights lifted in strength training help to build up your bone density. These means that you will have less chance of breaking a bone or of developing osteoporosis. Also by building up your muscle you get nice tone and shape to whatever part of the body you are working on. Men are more likely than women to increase their muscle size in terms of bulk, but there are lots of women bodybuilders and both genders can use strength training equipment as part of their regimen to build up big muscles.

Strength training equipment comes in many forms as well. The traditional form is in iron or metal free weights that you can put on and take off of a bar to increase and decrease the amount of weight you lift. You can also find strength training equipment in the form of weight training machines that are usually considered safer than using free weights and easier to work with. Also there is strength training equipment in the form of tubing or elastic that works your muscles by increasing tension making it harder to pull. Be sure to look up strength training equipment reviews online.

Diet and Exercise

If your goal is to lose weight, there are two main factors that you should keep in mind, diet and exercise. Diet and exercise are the two best ways to lose weight, get in shape and live a healthy lifestyle. If you would like to shed some pounds here are some tips on how diet and exercise can help.

If your goal is to lose weight and build muscle, you need both diet and exercise. The good news is that both diet and exercise are extremely effective at losing the weight fast and toning your body.

With a diet and exercise plan you can usually lose about 10 pounds a month while shaping up your body and building muscle tone. If your goal is to lose 15 or even 20 pounds with both diet and exercise you can accomplish these goals in a very short time usually only 8 weeks.

There are lots of diets being offered, but health professionals have stated time and time again that the best types of diets are those that incorporate all types of foods such as grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetable and some oils from time to time. An exercise program is also easy to start. You don’t need any fancy equipment such as a home gym or to sign up for a contract, just start walking for 30 minutes to 1 hour each day. If you are looking to shed the pounds and get your body into shape, take a look at diet and exercise.

Dangerous Scale

Most people who are trying to lose weight often become frustrated by the number that is displayed on the scale. As a personal trainer I use the scale as a tool to determine an individual’s fat mass. Multiplying a person’s body fat percentage by the weight measured on the scale easily accomplishes this. The fat mass number is then subtracted from their body weight, thus giving the individuals lean mass, which is the muscle, water, and internal organs of the body. For example, two females that are 5’6 and weight 135lbs can look very different from each other, even to the extreme of being polar opposites. One might have a body fat percentage of 33%, while the other might have a percentage of only 22%.

The individuals whose weight will fall the most significantly on the scale are those individuals that are obese. Generally as body fat percentages go for males, 10% and under indicates very lean, 11-15% indicates a lean individual, 16-20% is average, and 20% and higher is considered obese. For women, the following percentages are used: 20% and under indicates a very lean individual, 21%-25% indicates a lean individual, 26%-34% is average, and 34% and greater is considered obese.

A qualified personal trainer can check your body fat percentage with a skin caliper and will be able to calculate your fat mass. A realistic goal for most people is to loose 3% body fat in 4-6 weeks. This is done without starving the body, and being on a rigorous exercise program.

So get your body fat percentage and lose weight by the test, not the scale!

Laser Hair Removal : Is It really permanent

Do you know that the biggest problem with hair is – it doesn’t always grow in places where you want it to grow. Everyone has a specific area of their body where they want to be bald. Women most commonly seek „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ in facial areas, on the legs or arms. Men have increasingly found „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ beneficial for excessive hair on the chest, shoulders and back.

There are so many hair removal methods such as : Depilatories, Electrolysis, Hair Inhibitors, Shaving, Sugaring, Threading, Waxing and Tweezers. Which are the best for you ? Most people wants to get permanent hair removal but only laser hair removal give the best solution to achieve permanent laser hair reduction. Why do I call reduction ? Because The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) says that there must be enough evidence to support those claims. In fact, Laser Hair Removal is not always permanent. Hair that does come back can be lighter in color in some people. For others, it does remain gone. However, Laser Hair Removal is one of the longest-lasting hair removal methods.

Electrolysis maybe one of permanent hair reduction methods but it’s painful and can leave scars. It’s only suitable for small areas and sometimes require treatment over years at regular intervals. Here are some advantages of Laser Hair Removal : Save (few side effects), Less time (only take few minutes) and Long term result.

Although isn’t guaranteed to be permanent, Laser Hair Removal work best on People with light skin and dark hair. Person with light skin are the easiest to treat requiring less sessions as the result are faster but person with dark skin or sun tanned skin take longer to get result because melanin, the dark pigmen in hair, is also present in skin.

Conclusion : If you want to get „Permanent Laser Hair Removal“ I would suggest that you visit a laser specialist in your area.

Laser Hair Removal – how does this process work

Laser hair removal became very popular in the past several years. There are several benefits that make laser hair removal so popular. The main benefit is the fact that laser hair removal is a cosmetic method that is considered non-surgical. Through the use of the laser hair removal patients are able to permanently remove the undesirable (or excessive) body or facial hair. Since this is a permanent removal, the laser hair removal procedure allows you to achieve results faster and for a longer period. The actual laser hair removal procedure is not invasive and is usually not painful. This is also a procedure that is not too expensive. Prices for laser hair removal are continuing to drop as the technology continues to improve.

Different laser hair removal methods are developed and offered by different organizations. The actual time it will take to go through the laser hair removal procedure will depend on the skin type and area from which you would like to have the hair removed. This can be as short as few minutes or as long as few hours. The laser hair removal procedure is based on the use of low-energy laser. In general, this laser removes hair by disabling the hair follicles. You will find laser hair removal a soft and virtually painless process that will cause only smallest discomfort.

There are few other things that you should know about laser hair removal. For example, most of the clinics that offer laser hair removal will ask you to follow the procedure several times (several sessions, to be more precise). Though unlikely, you might feel slight brief irritation or swelling. The laser hair removal may also require you to use certain prescribed skin care products for a certain period of time. Also different types of hair will respond differently to the laser hair removal. For example, it is extremely hard to remove blond hair than dark hair). Before going though the laser hair removal procedure, you should consult with a doctor or medical consultant.

Find more information by clicking on the link in the resource box.

Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to body hair removal, a laser hair removal treatment is by far the most effective and permanent method available. In order to understand this procedure further, listed below we have the top 5 questions and answers about lazer hair removal.

1. How does lazer hair removal work?
A laser hair removal treatment uses specially designed laser to heat the hair follicles and render them inactive. The energy from the lasers used is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft otherwise known as melanin and any subsequent hair that grows from this hair follicle will be much lighter in color. After a number of treatments many people find that their lazer hair removal treatments have produced permanent hair removal results.

2. Can anyone have lazer hair removal carried out?
Although skin color and type will affect lazer hair removal, this is only in the amount of treatments that will be required. Darker hair is easier to treat than lighter hair.

3. What areas of the body can I have lazer hair removal on?
Lazer hair removal can be carried out on almost every part of the body except the eye area. This treatment is suitable for both men and women and the most common areas treated are the upper lip, underarms, bikini area, legs, chest, back, and face.

4. What makes lazer hair removal so popular?
The main reason behind the popularity of lazer hair removal has to be the permanent hair removal results that can be achieved. A laser hair removal treatment is also virtually pain free and when compared with other body hair removal options such as shaving, plucking and waxing there really is no comparison.

5. Are there any side effects?
The only side effect that you may be likely to experience after a laser hair removal treatment is a slight reddening of the skin. This usually lasts for approximately 20 minutes but will depend on your skin sensitivity.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the recent advancement in the cosmetic medicine field. This is a technology that continues to be developed. For example, at this point in time laser hair removal technology allows removing black and brown hair. It is still very hard and many times impossible to use the laser hair removal technology on white and red hair, but as technology develops, more and more possibilities are opening. There are many clinics that offer laser hair removal services and many doctors that can tell you what the laser hair removal procedure can do specifically for you (based on your type of hair and skin).

In general, the laser hair removal is a medical procedure that allows men and women to eliminate or reduce the hair coverage on many areas of their body. Though the laser hair removal is a method that allows for permanent hair removal, this is not done right away. You will have to attend several laser hair removal therapy sessions (usually five to ten sessions) during a certain period of time (usually eight to fifteen months). Only going through the full laser hair removal treatment will result in long-term results. The actual number of treatments and the overall laser hair removal treatment period will depend on the type of your skin, hair and the type of laser used for the procedure.

In general, the laser hair removal is the process that is used to destroy the hair follicles without causing any damage to the skin. You will be advised to stop waxing the skin area where you would like to have the hair removed for the period of approximately two months before the laser hair removal treatment. The reason for several sessions is the fact that not all hair follicles are destroyed. The new hair that grows after one session is removed during the next laser hair removal session. This process goes on until almost all hair follicles are destroyed.

Find more information by clicking on the link in the resource box.

Lack of Iodine and Silica Can Create Hair Loss

Iodine is vital to your hair growth. Sheep farmers long ago found that vegetation-lacking iodine due to iodine-depleted soil would adversely affect the growth of wool in their sheep. Likewise, to avoid hair loss, you need iodine. Iodine is synthetically added to table salt, however in this form it is not assimilated well into your body and can therefore cause iodine overload.

An excess of iodine in the body can adversely affect the thyroid. The lack of iodine can cause hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, your cell metabolism slows down and body cells and hair cells don’t receive the energy they need to function properly. When you lack iodine, you will lose more hair than normal and may even lose eyebrow hair.

You can check your thyroid with a basal thermometer, not a digital thermometer, by placing it in your underarm first thing when you wake up. Then, don’t move for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, look at the temperature. The normal body temperature for good thyroid function is 97.8 to 98.2 degrees C. Take this measurement for 5-10 day. If your temperature is below 97.6 and lower, for the 5-10 days, you will want to consult your doctor or for more direction and information. You definitely have low thyroid function.

Menstruating women should start this 5-10 day check on the 3rd day of their cycle.

It is best to use non-iodized salt and get your iodine from natural foods. These include seaweed, salmon, seafood, lima beans, molasses, eggs, potatoes with the skin on, watercress and garlic.


One of the most difficult nutrients vital to your hair growth to get in your diet is trace mineral silica. Silica is a form of silicon and is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust, second only to oxygen. The Earth provides everything we need for health, and with silicon being so abundant, it would seem that there would never be a problem with silica deficiency.

Unfortunately, trace minerals are rare in our diets because our food is processed and our soil depleted by chemical treatments. Silica provides strength to your hair, and although it will not necessarily stop your hair from falling out from the follicle, it will stop hair breakage.

Silica works by stimulating your cell metabolism and formation, which slows the aging process. Foods that are rich in silica are rice, oats, lettuce, parsnips, asparagus, onion, strawberry, cabbage, cucumber, leek, sunflower seeds, celery, rhubarb, cauliflower, and swiss chard. Try to buy these vegetables from organic sources. Note that many of these foods, particularly rice, are a large part of Asian diets and Asians tend to have the strongest and healthiest hair.

For best results eat all your fruits and vegetables raw. For certain vegetables that need to be cooked, steam them for only a few minutes.

Be sure to test your thyroid even though doctor’s tests show you do not have a thyroid problem. The basal temperature test is sometimes more sensitive than blood tests taken by doctors. If you have hyperthyroidism, you will definitely have hair loss.

Know What To Expect With Laser Hair Removal

Hair removal is a cultural idea that nearly everyone adheres to. Removing your own unwanted body hair can be painful, time-consuming, and only last in the short term. There are many methods of longer term hair removal that rid you of the need to shave every day, and can help you be rid of the embarrassment of body hair in places that are not culturally accepted, such as on your back. Some of these treatments can be a bit painful and a bit more costly than shaving or waxing. Laser hair removal is a fairly new commercial method of ridding your body of unwanted hair. There are many places that will remove your body hair using this method. Laser hair removal NYC is widely available.

Laser hair removal is technically known as a type of epilation, which is the removal of the entire hair, including the portion under the skin. This type of hair removal causes the hair to grow back at a much slower rate than shaving, which only removes the hair from the skin level. In addition to the use of lasers, this type of hair removal can also be accomplished by waxing or plucking. Laser epilation was performed on an experimental basis beginning in the 1970’s. Widespread commercial availability occurred in the 1990’s. Since then, laser hair removal has become a popular way to remove unwelcome body hair for longer periods of time, especially in places like NYC where wealth is plentiful, and people are really concerned about the way they look.

In laser hair removal, the lasers cause damage limited to a small area by selectively heating dark target material where the hair grows, but it does not heat the rest of the skin. Since light is soaked up by dark objects, the laser energy is soaked up by the dark material in the skin with high speed and concentration. Epilation lasers aim at one of 2 types of dark material in the skin. The primary dark target material for laser hair removers is the melanin, which occurs naturally in the skin, and gives it and hair its color. Since the laser light that is used only selectively soaks up photon, only dark hair (black or brown) can usually be removed. Another type of dark material that laser hair removers target is hemoglobin. This material is naturally existent in our blood. This is not a primary target in laser hair removal, however.

If you are interested in having laser hair removal in NYC done, that there are some things to be aware of. Number one, it is not painless. Just like plucking or waxing, when the hair is yanked out of your skin, it is going to hurt. How much depends on your pain tolerance. There are certain cooling methods that are used, depending on the laser hair removal clinic in NYC, in treating the pain and side effects, including chilled clear cooling gel, water misting, forced air cooling, and cryogen spray.

It is also important to know that no type of laser can remove your hair permanently without significant scarring, no matter what a laser hair removal clinic advertises. Multiple treatments of an area seem to be more efficient for longer-term hair reduction. In other words, if you have the treatments done on a fairly regular basis, when your hair does grow back, over time it will be thinner and lighter. There are current restrictions that most laser hair removal NYC clinics will uphold for frequency of treatments. These are a space of 1 month between face treatments, 2 months between chest treatments, and 3 months between leg treatments.

Laser hair removal NYC is a great way to rid your body of unwanted hair, especially in places that would be hard for you to treat yourself. Why shave every day when you can have smooth skin for up to a month at a time?

Jennifer Aniston Hairstyles Pictures

If you are a girl and you are looking for some way to add a little spice to your looks then you want to start thinking along the lines of Sedu hairstyles. These styles are the ones that are going to set you apart from all of the other girls that you go to school with or the women that you work with. Only a Sedu hairstyle will be able to add that grace and glamour to your image without any overtly showy accessories. But before you start trying to create your own Sedu looks you need to take a good long look at some Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures.

The Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures that you see are going to be the key to your overall success. You can take a look at what the Sedu hairstyles have done for her and then take it from there. Once you have seen the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures you will be able to see why so many people are talking about her and her hair. Not only is she a gorgeous and stunningly beautiful woman, her hair is perfection. It is straight and it flies behind her as she walks, it is everything that a Sedu hairstyle should be. And now you can have that same glamorous look for yourself, all you need to do is get a Sedu flat hair iron for your own hair.

Your best bet is to get the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures and the sedu flat hair iron and then try to model your own hair after hers. This does not mean you have to end up a carbon copy of this actress or anything but this is a good place to start. When you are starting out with anything new it can be distressing to know how to go about it. If you have Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures to work off of then getting the hang of this Sedu straightener will be much, much easier for you in the long run.

Once you have mastered the looks in the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures you can then move onto more creative and unique Sedu hairstyles. You can make up the perfect Sedu styles for your own personality and who knows, in time people might be looking at your pictures instead of the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures for inspiration.

Once you have the hair straightened you should consider trying all different kinds of Sedu hairstyles. What makes the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures and the Sedu styles so powerful is their versatility. You will find that once you have used the Sedu iron your hair is much more manageable than it has ever been. It is then that you will be able to put it up in any number of different styles. It is amazing what you can do with your hair once it has been straightened and tamed. You can really go wild and get creative at this point and not only will you look fabulous, you will have had fun as well and it will all have started with the Jennifer Aniston Sedu pictures.

Hair Straightening

Japanese Hair Straightening, also known as Thermal Reconditioning, is one very popular hair straightening technique you just might want to think twice about before having done.

Originating in Japan in the late 90’s the chemical products used in the process go by the names Liscio, Yuko and U.S. made Bio Ionics.

The treatment can take anywhere from 3 to 6 hours and involves numerous steps with costs ranging from $300 to $1,500 depending on the salon.

A cheaper price should raise some red flags as to the quality of the chemicals used or the expertise of the stylist according to the experts.

The result is permanently straight hair but after 4 to 6 months any new hair growth will need to be treated as well. This usually costs close to the same amount as the original treatment because it is a more time-consuming process involving straightening hair closer to the roots.

Because of the chemicals and techniques used you will not be able to curl the treated hair so you definitely want to take that into consideration beforehand.

There is also a growing concern from some stylists that thermal reconditioning may not be the perfect hair straightening solution after all.

First off, experts estimate that at least 80 percent of people that are having the treatment are not really good reconditioning candidates for several reasons:

Any recent chemical processes done to your hair such as hair coloring, bleaching or hair relaxing can cause serious problems including hair loss and breakage if you elect to have the treatment done. A hair strand test must be done first to determine whether your hair can accept the chemicals. If the salon does not offer a strand test you might want to reconsider who you trust your hair to.

It does not work on African hair because it is too fragile and can’t take the heat required during the straightening process. It is not the same as a hair relaxer which is made especially for African hair.

In fact, a growing number of women are claiming serious hair breakage problems and it has been reported in the press that one of the top Hollywood celebrity hair stylists refuses to perform the treatment because she thinks it is too much of a risk to her client’s hair.

Many women are led to believe that the process is actually good for your hair but there have been no clinical studies to prove this and by definition anything that physically alters the hair structure at the molecular level is damaging.

Even though many women have had the Japanese Hair Straightening process done to their hair with great success you should know that there can be some risk involved and if you decide to have it done to your hair be sure you use a reputable salon with properly trained stylists that will test your hair first.

Japanese Hair Straightening

Japanese Hair Straightening is a chemical process that can turn the curliest straight. Typically women who love the straight look, will love Japanese Hair Straightening.

This process was first created for Japanese women as a smoothing and conditioning treatment that promotes a permanent altering of the hair structure. The hair’s cyctine protein bonds are loosened and reshaped through the straightening of hair cells.

Taking six hours or longer, the process involves multiple steps depending on the texture and length of your hair.

To protect your hair from the chemicals and heat, a pre-conditioner is applied first, followed by a applying a hair relaxer with heat applications and a periodic flat ironing.

With the exception of extremely brittle hair, the treatment works on just about any hair type. Thermal reconditioning could be for you, if you want to have permanently straight hair.

As a word of caution, your straight hair will last till it grows out. If you want to keep your hair smooth, you’ll have to make a trip to the salon for root straightening touch-ups to prevent your roots from growing in kinky.

Most experts claim the treatment is not harmful, but any process that alters hair structure could be damaging. Especially during touch-up time because that’s when your more likely to be exposed to the most chemicals. My final tip is to ensure your hairdresser and your salon have lots of experience.

Is Your Doctor’s Hair Removal Laser Safe

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates medical devices in the U.S. The FDA keeps extensive databases on these devices containing lists of the devices, their safety records, pre-market notifications, and pre-market approval notices, to name a few.

Section 510(k) of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires regulated medical device manufacturers to notify the FDA at least 90 days in advance of their intent to market a medical device. This is known as Premarket Notification — also called PMN or 510(k). It allows FDA to determine whether the device is equivalent to a device already placed into one of the three classification categories.

This allows „new“ (unclassified) devices (those not in commercial distribution prior to May 28, 1976) to be properly identified. Specifically, medical device manufacturers are required to submit a premarket notification if they intend to introduce a device into commercial distribution for the first time.

The 501(k) notification must also be submitted when reintroducing a device that has been significantly changed or modified to the extent that its safety or effectiveness could be affected. These changes or modifications might relate to the design, material, chemical composition, energy source, manufacturing process, or intended use of the device.

The FDA has established classifications for approximately 1,700 different generic types of devices. These devices are grouped them into 16 medical specialties referred to as panels. Each of these generic types of devices is assigned to one of three regulatory classes (Class I, II or III) based on the level of control necessary to assure the safety and effectiveness of the device.

Call your laser hair removal clinic or doctor, and ask for the manufacturer, model, and 510(K) number of the medical device to be used in your cosmetic surgery procedure. The 510(K) number always starts with a „K“ and is the preferred item. Enter the 510(k) number into the appropriate field in the database search form.

An example of a 510(K) number is K002890. An example of a trade name or device name for that 510(K) number is „IntraLase 600C Laser Keratome.“ The intended use for this particular medical laser is eye surgery.

When the search results are returned, click on the link to the right of the „Summary“ line. The summary lists the characteristics of the laser device and when it was cleared for use. An approval letter should also be listed in the summary.

To Search the MAUDE listings by Brand Name, Manufacturer, Event Type, 510K Number, PMA Number, Product Code, or date, select use the Advanced Search button. No results were returned for the 510(K) number K002890, indicating that no adverse events were reported for that medical laser device during the reporting period.

The chances are very high that a licensed doctor will be using a licensed and approved laser device for your laser hair removal or other cosmetic surgery. However, with the quantity of online data available to the public, it doesn’t hurt to check.

Remember that the FDA keeps safety records of many medical devices, not just those that use lasers. It is better to learn about possible complaints or problems with the medical device about to be used on you before the cosmetic surgery procedure, rather than afterwards.

Learn more about medical laser applications, especially laser hair removal, at the resources below.

Nutrition In Dealing With Hair Loss

Could something as basic as inadequate nutrition really contribute to excessive shedding of hair?

Does sensible nutrition have a role to play in helping hair to regrow?

The answer to both questions is yes! There is no doubt that poor nutrition and hectic lifestyles can contribute to hair loss. Modern diets can be associated with a number of nutritional deficiencies that are thought to contribute to hair loss:

1. The refining of whole grains reduces the B vitamin content.

2. Over cooking of vegetables destroys B vitamins.

3. Raw leafy greens are absent in most diets.

4. The vitamins that have been ingested are often re-directed to facilitate the digestion of nutritionally sterile carbohydrates like sugar and white flour.

5. Stimulants like caffeine, nicotene and alcohol rob the body of vital nutrients.

6. Excessive salt intake can encourage hair loss because of its tendency to accumulate in tissue.

7. Low fiber intake inhibits digestion thus reducing the body’s ability to deliver nutrients to the blood stream.

Clearly poor nutrition can cause hair loss because the body will ration nutrients in a hierarchy of vital organs first and hair last. It is unlikely that improved nutrition alone will result in new hair growth but it will minimize shedding and support other treatments that encourage regrowth.

miracle cure for hairloss

There comes a time in every man’s life when he starts to lose his hair. For some, it can be as early as their twenties or even their teens, while others don’t start to lose any hair at all until their forties or fifties. As it is so widely seen as a sign of old age, however, there is a big social stigma attached to hair loss, which leads people to seek various treatments to get their hair back again.

Hair loss is not always caused by old age, however, as many diseases can also cause people to lose their hair. Although cancer is the most well-known, it is not uncommon to lose some hair after quite minor diseases, or after having surgery. Hair loss is also a side effect of some medicines, such as antidepressants.

So is there a miracle cure for hair loss? Well, not really.

The most common treatments that people try are the creams available in most pharmacies, such as Rogaine. They do cause some extra hair growth, but also tend to make your head very itchy in the process. However, as soon as you stop using it, the hair loss will resume, so keeping your hair could turn out to be very expensive for you.

A cheaper option could be pills like propecia, which has also been proven to work, although only in about half of patients. It must, however, also be taken for the rest of your life if you want to keep your hair until you die.

Hair loss can often also be stopped by simply making some changes in your lifestyle, like eating less fat and trying to avoid stressful situations. In many cases, this is the most effective treatment of all, as so much hair loss is brought on entirely by work-related stress: it’s well worth taking a week off and seeing if you still have the problem after that.

Above all, if you’re trying to treat your baldness, remember the three Ps: patience, proven treatments, and taking pictures.

Male Pattern Baldness

Many nowadays prefer a natural hair loss remedy rather than treat their hair loss with drugs and medication. If you are looking for a natural hair loss remedy for male pattern baldness, you can try saw palmetto.

Saw palmetto is a particular type of fruit that has been shown to help in hair loss according to some studies. Having some information about saw palmetto, its use and its benefits can help you decide if this natural hair loss remedy is the type of treatment that you are seeking for.

Saw palmetto is a red fruit that grows in warmer climates throughout the world. It is most often seen in South Eastern regions of the United States. Studies into the use of saw palmetto was first done for research on prostate health. However, it was also noticed during the clinical trials that this popular fruit have positive benefits to those with male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is a hereditary condition that afflicts more men than women. Hair loss in male pattern baldness is characterized by a receding hairline and that continues in a horseshoe pattern. Hair on the sides and back of the head are mostly unaffected. The exact reason for male pattern baldness is still not very clear. Some studies suggest that excessive conversion of testosterone to another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may be an underlying cause. In the studies for prostate health, saw palmetto was shown to block the production of DHT in men suffering from enlargement of the prostate.

So how much saw palmetto should you eat for your hair loss? Unverified sources say that if you are eating the fruit, then one per day would in most instances be effective with treating your hair loss. However, if you are taking an extract, then a dosage of three hundred and twenty milligrams per day is recommended. Supplements containing nutrients of saw palmetto are also available to help with hair growth.

One of the advantages of taking saw palmetto is that there are no known side effects. This is obviously better than taking synthetic drugs or medication that may have potential adverse results. In fact, these side effects include fast heart rate, headaches, impotence, and decreased libido.

Saw palmetto should preferably be taken with other foods or substances. Otherwise, you may end up with a headache or stomachache. In addition, if you observed that you are getting allergic reactions, you should stop consuming saw palmetto immediately.

In addition, if you are female and pregnant, then you should not use saw palmetto without medical supervision.

Is Saw Palmetto used for Male Pattern Baldness? Currently, there is no known cure for male pattern baldness. Both conventional and natural treatments can help control the hair loss as long as one maintains the treatment. However, once the treatment is discontinued, there is the chance of recurrence. Saw palmetto may be the answer to providing your body with the necessary balance of the hormones and enzymes beneficial for combating hair loss. Do research more into this option if you are looking for a natural hair loss remedy for mild to moderate male pattern baldness.

Laser Hair Treatment Worth A Try

With special mention to the various technologies of today, the usual unattended abnormalities for human features are slowly being given emphasis, one of which is Hair Removal. Excessive hair in various parts of the human body have become a bane for most people, especially the females, who have to resort to the traditional ways of taking out unwanted hair from their bodies. With the fruits of technology vastly being developed, such issues have been given the proper study and treatments have become numerous and welcome to people who consider such discomforts something critical in their daily lives, especially for people who are very much particular about their appearance.

Hereditary Growth Issues and Abnormal Growth

People expect to land some hereditary traits passed on from their genes, and hair growth is something that goes along with this. All people, from teenagers to the adults consider such traits as a bane, having to attend to them regularly and take out these unwanted hair growth. Many have tried various techniques presented, largely manual means and taking medically developed chemicals to be able to prevent excessive hair growth, but these have not proven to be effective, especially for people who are quite particular about time consumption from their daily lives. They have to allot a certain period of their day towards doing these manual and temporary ways of hair removal just to be able to satisfy what they want to project when they interact daily.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has provided the consumers with a technology-developed means of being able to answer one of their bodily concerns. There is not control that such hair growth issues can be answered through the use of the manual means of medication or practices. At first glance, laser removal may be considered as a painful process to the clueless people of today, but in reality, laser hair removal is truly a pain-less procedure. Perhaps the only painful thing about it is the costs that are involved but the benefits after undergoing such a procedure will help most consumers use that small time for something more worthwhile.

The procedure itself depends on the part of the body, which it shall be made. For example, an entire back can be done in 1 to 2 minutes or an upper lip in less than 10 seconds. Not bad considering that a lifetime of grief can be treated in such a short span of time.

People who seek Hair Removal

1. Teenagers are in the period of transition where they are becoming more aware and conscious of their physical appearance. This especially holds true towards the female population. While some hormones may find some women having excessive hair on their legs, armpits and lips, these can be answered by laser hair treatment.

2. Ordinarily, all males would prefer to have excessive hair in most parts of their body to retain that macho man look. For some however, the definition of excess hair may not sit well. The male population as well, seeks laser hair medical treatment for one reason or another, like for athletes; comfort is their most common reason for having such excessive hair removed to be able to perform up to par in the competitions they participate in.

3. Not to be left out, pregnant ladies can expect excessive hair growth during their time of pregnancy. This is not an abnormal occurrence; it is natural in the sense that the sex hormones known as androgens are increased in the first trimester of the pregnancy periods. Applying laser hair removal is considered safe, but however painful at this stage due to the load that they already bear while they are in this stage. However, all these excessive hair growth are expected to disappear three to six months after giving birth.

Permanent Hair Removal

For most people who are tired of having to concern themselves with the excessive and abnormal growth of hair in various parts of their bodies, a permanent solution would be their immediate choice. Painless but costly, such a procedure would rid them of such problems and this would in turn be something worth their investment. Instead of having to rely on the temporary means of being able, to remove these unwanted hair growth in various parts of the body. Most people look towards permanent hair removal, and this is something that is really more realistic, especially for people who don’t want to be able to be burdened by minor problems as having to be bothered by hair growth. Permanent laser hair removal, expensive as it may seem but less painful serves as the logical answer to most people, who consider abnormal hair growth an issue for them.

Laser Hair Removal

Epilation performed by laser was performed experimentally for about 20 years before it became commercially available in the mid 1990s. Laser and light-based methods are sometimes called phototricholysis or photoepilation.

Laser hair removal works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root. If done properly, there should be no damage to the surrounding skin area. Experts say that „Laser hair removal only destroys hair in its active growth phase, the anagen phase. This phase lasts several years, and up to 85% of our hair is in that phase at any given time“.

Laser hair removal can prove rapid, gentle removal of unwanted hair. Cheaper than traditional electrolysis, it can still cost over $1,000 for multiple treatments to get the job completed. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

There are some requirements before you consider, laser hair removal. One absolute requirement is that the surrounding skin color be lighter than your hair.

In addition, people with dark skin are not good candidates for laser hair removal as they absorb too much or the laser energy into their skin. Even tanned persons should wait until their skin returns to normal color before the laser hair removal treatments.

Many areas of the body can benefit from this procedure. Any area, except near the eye, including the face, upper lip, neck, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs can have laser hair removal.

The one then to remember is that this procedure is usually permanent unlike many of the traditional methods of hair removal.

Problems that can occur include pigmentary or color change or of the skin, including either dark or light areas. Fortunately, although these color changes may persist for months, they are almost always temporary. Further, improper treatment can cause burns, lesions, skin discoloration lasting several months, or patchy re-growth.

You should also consider this about laser hair removal. Even if you are not the „ideal candidate“, you can still enjoy some benefits of laser hair removal. A medical practitioner can discuss with you your own hair and skin color combination and what type of laser hair removal treatment might work for you.