Types of Acne Treatment Solutions For Your Skin

Treating your acne can be an overwhelming task what with all of the medications available these days. The best way to find treatment for your acne is to first learn about your skin. There are 3 main skin types. Knowing what type of skin you have is the first step to effectively controlling your acne. If your skin is oily a gel product is best; if it is dry, you should choose a cream based product. People with sensitive skin should choose products with lower concentrations of active ingredients.

It may be best to visit a dermatologist when choosing acne treatments. With so many different factors affecting what causes acne and there are so many treatments to choose from you may feel more comfortable getting the help of a professional when making your decision.

If you would rather control acne your own way, understand that it is very important to read all labels and always, always use as directed. As with all medications, educate yourself on any side-effects or warnings.

Acne treatments are available in several different ways including:

– Prescription Medications
– Creams and Gels
– Facial Masks
– Topical Treatments
– Over-the-Counter Treatments
– Home Remedies

Prescription Medications

Oral antibiotics (tablets), taken daily for around 3 months, can be prescribed for inflammatory acne. These pills act to kill off the bacteria infecting the skin. However, it may take four to six months for the benefits to be seen. For women, a standard combined oral contraceptive pill (containing an estrogen and a progestogen) can improve acne symptoms. Antibiotics do not prevent pores from becoming blocked so treatment to prevent blackheads, such as benzoyl peroxide, is often also prescribed at the same time.

Creams and Gels

Lotions that contain benzoyl peroxide dry out the skin and encourage it to shed the surface layer of dead skin. Benzoyl peroxide also has an antibacterial action. Together, these effects make it harder for pores to become blocked and for infection to develop. When used as directed, these products can make a big difference to the overall appearance of your skin.

Facial Masks

Facial masks can be a great addition to your basic skin care regimen by offering extra deep cleaning and exfoliation to troubled skin. Masks send a concentrated dose of proven acne fighters to your skin and deliver them deep down. A good facial mask can act to keep even the most troubled skin clean and clear, reducing the frequency and severity of breakouts.

There are several benefits of using clay masks. As a facial clay mask dries it tightens the skin, shrinks the pores and naturally pulls excess oils and impurities such as whiteheads and blackheads from your skin.

Topical Treatments

Topical antibiotics work by killing the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. This helps reduce the small infections in the pores, and also indirectly keeps the pores open.

Over the counter Treatments

Over-the-counter remedies are available anywhere from your local pharmacy to the grocery store and are intended to treat mild to moderate acne. These treatments include the creams and gels mentioned previously.

Home treatment

It’s important to keep spot-prone areas clean, so wash the affected area twice a day with an un-perfumed cleanser. Never, ever pick a zit! This could lead to scarring as well as spread the infection. No home treatments for acne will work immediately. It can take weeks, if not months, for significant effects to be noticeable. Never sleep in makeup and wash your face in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed.

Types of Acne

Acne comes in many forms. Although most commonly found on the face, acne ranges from Mild to Severe and can be located anywhere on the body. Most frequently self-treated, mild cases are manageable. However, severe cases should be treated under the supervision of health professionals, such as dermatologists.

Acne Vulgaris, translated as ‚common acne,‘ is the most common type of acne. It is better known as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts.

Blackheads – Occur in partially blocked pores. Dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum (the substance that causes oily skin) drain to the surface of the skin; the pigments are exposed to air, which causes the black color. Blackheads can take a long time to clear up.

Whiteheads – Contained beneath the surface of the skin, the trapped sebum, dead cells and bacteria are completely blocked in the pores.

Pustules – With the appearance of a red circle with a white or yellow center, this form of acne is more often called Pimples or Zits.

Nodules – Much larger than other forms of acne, nodules form hard lumps beneath the surface of the skin which can be painful and last for several months. Highly susceptible to scarring, this form of acne is recommended to be treated by a dermatologist.

Cysts – Similar to a nodule, this form of acne is filled with pus. Like nodules, cysts can be very painful and lead to scarring if untreated. Cysts should be treated by a dermatologist.

Acne Conglobata – More common in males than females, this rare form of acne vulgaris is extremely disfiguring. Large lesions form on the face, chest, back, buttocks, upper arms, and thighs, sometimes accompanied by numerous blackheads. Acne Conglobata can cause severe psychological as well as physical suffering, damage to the skin and permanent scarring. This condition can last several years.

Acne Fulminans – A sudden case of Acne Conglobata, with a fever and aching joints. Generally treated with oral steroids.

Gram-Negative Folliculitis – A bacterial infection which causes pustules and cysts, this form of acne may be caused by long-term treatment of acne with antibiotics.

Pyoderma Faciale – Affecting only females usually between ages 20 and 40, most commonly in women who never had acne before, this type of acne consists of painful pustules, cysts and nodules on the face. Permanent scarring is potential. Generally clears up within a year.

Acne Rosacea – Notably affecting people over the age of 30, Acne Rosacea causes a red rash on the face. Pimples or other skin blemishes may also be present. This should not be confused with Acne Vulgaris as there are two different treatments for these types. Acne Rosacea occurs more frequently in women than men but is more severe in the men it affects.

Treatment Tips for People that Suffer with Acne

Just as there are different sizes and shapes of people, there are different types of skin. Usually people that are prone to acne have very sensitive skin. Those that suffer with acne require special care and cleansing of the skin. Therefore, it is important to choose your skin care products knowledgeably so as not to further aggravate your acne.

Despite what you hear that there are three skin types: dry skin, oily skin and combination skin, those that suffer with acne blemishes will tell you that they fall into one category, problematic skin.

People that are prone to acne should choose beauty products specially made for acne. Do not use any beauty products that have added dyes and perfumes, as these ingredients can seriously aggravate your blemishes.

Vitamins like A, C, E and B-complex, and minerals like zinc can improve the condition and overall health of your skin. Therefore, plan you meals rich in these vitamins and minerals to help heal your skin and promote good health.

Foods rich in sulfur such as garlic and onions has been know to help alleviate acne blemishes. Sugar, fried foods, or other foods high in fat content should be avoided. Reducing or better yet, eliminating your intake of carbonated beverages with sugar can help reduce acne blemishes.

In addition to avoiding perfumed beauty products, those that suffer with acne need to pay special attention to the overall cleaning and care of their skin. Below are some tips on what you should be doing and what not to do.

You should:
A. Very gently cleanse your skin with warm water and a mild natural facial cleanser. Cleanse your skin twice a day; dirt, contaminants, and natural skin oils block pores thus a thorough cleansing twice a day.
B. Selecting oil free cosmetics is necessary. Conventional beauty products contain large amounts of fatty acids, which can clog pores

You should not:

A. Contrary to the above, you should not over wash your skin, this mean excessive scrubbing. You cannot scrub the acne away. Extreme scrubbing will worsen acne and causes more blemishes to open up and spread.
B. Although it seems natural to pick, squeeze or pop a pimple, doing so can cause scarring, spreading the blemish, and open the acne up to a bacterial infection. Therefore, keep your fingers away from you face.
C. Smoking. There is nothing good to say about smoking, it is harmful to the body, both interior and exterior.
D. Skin toners are recommended for additional cleaning, if not overused. Unfortunately, they contain alcohol and acetone that is drying and can be damaging to the skin.
E. Despite the fact that some sun exposure may help dry up surface acne blemishes, extended sun exposure can damage the skin and worsen acne in the end.

For those that suffer with acne, they must consider the foods they eat, and the beauty products they purchase in order to reduce outbreaks of acne blemishes. As with any health or skin condition, knowledge plays a vital role in improvement.

Treatment on Acne

It’s important to know that there is no true cure for acne. If untreated, it can last for many years, although acne usually clears up as you get older. The following treatments, however, generally can keep acne under control.

1. Use topical benzoyl peroxide lotion or gel
Benzoyl peroxide helps kill skin bacteria, unplug the oil ducts and heal acne pimples. It is the most effective acne treatment you can get without a doctor’s prescription. Many brands are available in different levels of strength (2.5 percent, 5 percent or 10 percent). Read the labels or ask your pediatrician or pharmacist about it.

* Start slowly with a 2.5 percent or 5 percent lotion or gel once a day. After a week, increase use to twice a day (morning and night) if your skin isn’t too red or isn’t peeling.
* Apply a thin film to the entire area where pimples may occur. Don’t just dab it on current blemishes. Avoid the delicate skin around the eyes, mouth and corner of the nose.
* If your acne isn’t better after four to six weeks, you may increase to a 10 percent strength lotion or gel. Start with one application each day and increase to two daily applications if your skin tolerates it.

2. If you don’t see results, consult your pediatrician
Your doctor can prescribe stronger treatments, if needed, and will teach you how to use them properly. Three kinds of medications may be recommended:

* TRETINOIN (RETIN-A) CREAM OR GEL helps unplug oil ducts but must be used exactly as directed. Be aware that exposure to the sun (or tanning parlors) can cause increased redness in some people who are using the medication.

* TOPICAL ANTIBIOTIC SOLUTIONS may be used in addition to other medications for a type of acne called pustular acne.

* ORAL ANTIBIOTIC PILLS may be used in addition to creams, lotions or gels if your acne doesn’t respond to topical treatments alone.

3. What about the „miracle drug“ Accutane?
Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a very strong chemical taken in pill form. It is used only for severe cystic acne that hasn’t responded to any other treatment. Accutane must NEVER be taken just before or during pregnancy. There is a danger of severe or even fatal deformities to unborn babies whose mothers have taken Accutane while pregnant or who become pregnant soon after taking Accutane. You should never have unprotected sexual intercourse while taking Accutane. Patients who take Accutane must be carefully supervised by a doctor knowledgeable about its usage, such as a pediatric dermatologist or other expert on treating acne. Your pediatrician may require a negative pregnancy test and a signed consent form before prescribing Accutane to females.

If you are experiencing acne problems, remember that your pediatrician can help you. And as you begin treatment, keep these helpful tips in mind:

* Be patient. It takes three to six weeks to see any improvement. Give each treatment enough time to work.

* Be faithful. Follow your program every day. Don’t stop and start each time your skin changes. Remember, sometimes your skin may appear to worsen early in the program before you begin to see improvement.

* Follow directions. Not using the treatment as directed is the most common reason the treatment fails.

* Don’t use medication prescribed for someone else. This holds true for all medications, especially Accutane. Doctors prescribe medication specifically for particular patients. What’s good for a friend may be harmful for you. Never take Accutane that’s prescribed for another person.

* Don’t overdo it. Too much scrubbing makes skin worse. Too much benzoyl peroxide or Retin-A cream makes your face red and scaly. Too much oral antibiotic may cause side effects.

Acne Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The first and the foremost point to be remembered in the treatment of acne is not to panic. Whiteheads or blackheads will have to be treated with a cool head! No doubt, acne on the face is bound to cause a confusing contour in the curtain of your mind, but desperate remedies are not the solutions for desperate situations.

A basic understanding of the acne situation in each individual case requires a thorough study. Fortunately or unfortunately, the literature and expertise regarding the treatment options available are likely to be confounded! A mountain of literature about the molehill that is acne!

Let it be perfectly understood that total cure of acne is an impossibility. If someone, some product or some company- national or multinational promises it, take it as a business advertisement! They dwell upon it, because they have to sell. And all the selling is done at somebody’s cost!

If the golden rule, an ounce of prevention is better than a cure, is to be applied anywhere, apply it here; and apply it with profit. What is your basic formula for skin care? If it is no new spots, improved skin condition and making efforts to deny future scarring, you are on the right track! You have understood your acne! Personal treatment for a universal disease!

Human skin needs a certain amount of oil to maintain its natural condition. And when it comes to acne skin, skin care becomes even more important. Keep the spot-prone areas clean. Wash the affected area twice a day with a perfume free cleanser. Note that aggressive washing and strong soaps are big enemies of your acne skin.

Plus, hundreds of over-the-counter remedies are available with your chemist. The anti-bacterial agents in them, like benzoyl peroxide will help you a great deal to defeat acne. The skin areas where you feel that the spot is likely to emerge, must be kept clean. In effect, these agents dry out the skin and encourage it to shed the surface layer of dead skin. These effects make it harder for pores to become blocked and infection does not spread. When the antibacterial effects dry out the skin, the surface layer of the skin begins to fall. The pores are not blocked and infection is checked.

No treatment will tender on the spot results. Significant effects, if they materialize hopefully, will take their own time. If results are not forthcoming, say within a period of two months, then it the time to switch over the treatment after consulting a dermatologist. At this stage, he has many options depending upon your case-history and his understanding of the problem, after certain investigations, if necessary. He has an armory of treatment options- both for external application and internal consumption.

And finally, do not fail to consult your Grandma! That walking ‚encyclopedia‘ may have unfailing solutions!

Hard Skinned Pimples

Referring to a hard personality, we say that “He is a thick-skinned fellow.” If you make this comment in a shop selling skin-care products, you are likely to catch the attention of the alert salesman: Please go to counter number…so and so…The ground for cystic acne is asphyxiated skin (dry on surface, oily underneath) –the thickened skin!

For cystic acne, innovative treatment technologies are now available. It is desirable to start it with external medication. To shrink, lumpy cystic acne, apply a dab of hydrocartisone cream. Have you seen the tailor’s sticker- “Specially made for you” on your trousers? Similar is the case of treating cystic acne. The dermatologist will give a program tailored to meet your needs.

Peel is the most potent formula to mar cystic acne. It provides more exfoliation for oilier, thicker and resilient skin types. It is effective on extremely sun-damaged and thickened skin. It is also excellent for those with cystic acne and asphyxiated skin.

The warmth, moisture and fragrance of herbal steam melts away muscular tensions, clears the mind and lifts the spirit. You may wonder what this has got to do with the cystic acne. Steams are one of the oldest traditional ways of deep-cleansing the skin. The moisture softens the dry outer edges of the skin, making them easier to remove, leaving behind a soothing and fresher complexion. The heat boosts facial circulation and activates the pores and glands which brings dirt and body toxins to the surface.

All said and done, let us take it that everyone is not blessed with smooth, glowing and healthy skin. But, we have to carry on with the available skin and look after it by giving it the importance it deserves. The skin is the final protection for your body and so it is your duty to protect its health and well-being, by understanding its present condition properly.

Treating Acne without Side effects

There are many acne treatments available either over the counter or by prescription. Potentially there is a risk of side effects from all of these. The worst being those of isotretinoin based products which include the risk of birth defects, depression and suicide. Most worrying is recent reports that the side effects may continue after the treatment has stopped. However, many people could treat their acne without taking these risks.

Treating and Preventing Acne Holistically
Acne can be treated and prevented safely naturally. A good starting point is a regular skincare routine using natural products manufactured with sensitive skin in mind. Although initially it would seem a good idea to use harsh face washes that strip the sebum from the skin, in reality this often results in the sebaceous gland overcompensating and generating even more sebum. By using gentle, natural skincare products we can clean the pores without upsetting the balance of sebum production. Many natural products also contain mild antibacterial ingredients that are an added bonus. A good skincare routine will include washing, toning and moisturising the skin on your face daily and then using a mask to draw out impurities once or twice a week.

Mild and Moderate Acne
Clinical studies show that blue light and red light, working at specific wavelengths, act together in clearing mild to moderate acne. The blue light has an antibacterial effect whilst the red light acts as an effective anti-inflammatory.*9 *10 This technology is now available for home use with the Beauty Skin light box. Used for just 15 minutes a day, the Beauty Skin offers a safe effective treatment for acne that has been shown to produce results in just 4 weeks.

Diet and Acne
Contrary to popular belief, there is evidence linking our diets to acne.

There are people who refute the link, but they cite studies that have involved diets only maintained for seven days. Few acne treatments, conventional or otherwise, would be entirely successful in that short period of time. Indeed research*1 with people suffering from acne has shown that a diet needs to be maintained for six weeks before the body shows the required increase in vitamins levels to help acne.

Further research shows the blood analysed from patients with severe acne has considerably worse levels of vitamins A and E than blood analysed from patients with mild acne*3. This seems to suggest a clear link between deficiency in those vitamins and acne. Thus eating foods high in those nutrients would be beneficial. Minerals are also very important, research has shown both Zinc*5, and selenium*6 are beneficial in helping to reduce acne.

The best method of increasing intake of these vitamins and minerals is via a diet high in vegetables and fruit which lasts at least 6 weeks. A good way to ensure a high intake of these vitamins is to include combinations of freshly juiced blackberries, kiwi fruit, watercress, Swiss chard, cranberries, mango, apricots for vitamin E:
and broccoli, spinach, kale, carrots, Green lettuce, spinach, watercress, Apricots, peaches, mango, loquats, passion fruit, grapefruit for vitamin A. Please note that it is possible to have too much vitamin A, see notice at the end of the article. Moderation is the key!

If there is evidence concerning the foods we should be eating, what evidence is there concerning the foods we should avoid? There is evidence linking milk consumption and acne*2 so removing or at least reducing milk from your diet would be wise. There also seems to be evidence, although only empirical, that links refined carbohydrates, sugars and acne. Although scientists and doctors have yet to establish the exact nature of the link, it is believed be due to the body requiring more chromium to deal with the high blood sugar caused by these food types. This is based on studies that found people with unstable blood sugar levels suffered a high incidence of acne, but when chromium supplements were given the acne rapidly improved *7.

We do know and accept that there are some countries whose populations have diets consisting of fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats and fish, and are generally free of acne*4. We also know that when these people move to a country whose diet is high in processed foods, dairy and refined sugars, many begin to suffer from acne. Many people dismiss this as only empirical evidence but if you want to effectively treat acne the correlation would be an important point to note and incorporate into your daily diet.

So acne can be treated, and more importantly prevented, naturally without risks of the side effects that many of the conventional drugs incur. A gentle skin care routine and a diet low in processed food and high in unprocessed food for at least 6 weeks should see a vast improvement in your acne and general skin condition. For more stubborn cases, or faster results, combine the routine with Beauty Skin treatments for the ultimate acne free skin care routine.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Vitamin A in doses of 25,000iu or higher can be extremely dangerous.. As a guide there is around 15,500IU/100g of Vitamin A in Kale and 16,812 IU/100g in carrots. Moderation is the key.

Vitamin A in acne vulgaris
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 12 (6), 432-436.

*2 Adebamowo CA, Spiegelman D, Berkey CS, Danby FW, Rockett HH, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Holmes MD.
Milk consumption and acne in adolescent girls.
Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.
Dermatol Online J. 2006;12(4):25.

*3 Z. El-akawi, N. Abdel-Latif, K. Abdul-Razzak (2006)
Does the plasma level of vitamins A and E affect acne condition?
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 31 (3), 430-434.

* 4Cordain L, Lindeberg S, Hurtado M, et al: Acne vulgaris: a disease of
Western civilization. Arch Dermatol 138:1584-1590, 2002

*5 Michaelsson G, Juhlin L, Vahlquist A.
Effects of oral zinc and vitamin A in acne.
Arch Dermatol. 1977 Jan;113(1):31-6.

*6 Michaelsson G, Edqvist LE.
Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in acne vulgaris and the effect of selenium and vitamin E treatment.
Acta Derm Venereol. 1984;64(1):9-14.

*7 McCarty M.
High-chromium yeast for acne?
Med Hypotheses. 1984 Jul;14(3):307-10.

* 8 http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/

*9 P. Papageorgiou, A. Katsambas and A. Chu (2000). Phototherapy with blue (415nm) and red (660nm) light in the treatment of acne vulgaris. British Journal of Dermatology, 142: 5. Pp 973-978.

*10 M. Elman et al (2003). The effective treatment of acne vulgaris by a high-intensity, narrow band 405-420nm light source. Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy; 5: 111-116.

Acid Skin Peel

Everyone has heard of skin peels and there are many – lactic, glycolic, salicylic, TCA (trichloroacetic acid), and phenol. Of these there are basically 3 levels:

Minor, superficial peels – lactic, glycolic, salicylic.
Medium depth peels – TCA, Jessner’s
Deep peels – phenol.

We will only deal with medium strength TCA peels here as they are the easiest to apply (Jessner’s can require multiple concurrent applications and taping to aide in skin penetration), safest, and, by far, the most effective against numerous skin ailments/conditions. They are also one of the most effective treatments for acne currently known to the medical community.

The most common treated area is the face. TCA is applied usually in a cream. Doctors will mix Obagi, Apeel, or other previously prepared cream with TCA and then apply this mixture to the face or body area to be treated. The creams tend to have a skin dye of green or blue so the doctor can easily see what areas have and or have not been treated. It is usually applied with a cotton or foam applicator. This is then left on for 10-20 minutes. Some doctors prefer to use a straight (non-cream) solution of TCA. This works much faster and penetrates deeper and is used for deeper peels.

After application and proper time for the desired depth is achieved, the doctor will apply a neutralizer. This is usually just a mixture of baking soda and water made into a paste. Some doctors will add chipped ice to further cool the skin. The skin will now be inflammed and if no dye was used will look like a bad sunburn. This will last 2-4 days until it starts to peel off and reveal new, clean, younger looking skin. Depending on the skin problems treated it may take several treatments, but a major difference will be seen immediately.

The results from a TCA peel are far more reaching than with a regular, superficial peel. Results can last 6 months to a year and it has been known to keep acne at bay, shrink and lessen acne scars, reduce and tighten up wrinkles, improve color, pigmentation, etc… A TCA peel cannot be applied as often as a more superficial peel. Generally speaking, a superficial peel can be applied every 2-5 weeks. A Stronger, medium depth peel needs more time batween peels for the skin to properly heal and regenerate. Doctors like to wait 2-6 months or more between these peels.

This process of chemically exfoliating the skin is more rapid and deeper in a TCA peel than in most peels. Many skin peels, like lactic, glycolic and salicylic are good at reducing oily buildup (overactive sebaceous glands), and very minor skin imperfections. but they cannot effectively treat acne, wrinkles, fine lines, etc… TCA has been proven to treat these deeper skin conditions and is offered at almost every dermatologist and plastic surgeon office. The improvement in skin color, tone, etc… is so drastic that women, even men are lining up in droves to have this done all over the world.

Treating Acne

Acne is an inflammation of the skin in which the pores become blocked and display themselves as inflammation of things like the blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. The skin is the largest organ on the body and helps to eliminate waste. The skin reflects how healthy you are, thus it is important to maintain a proper diet. The natural oil clogs the pores of the skin, causing acne. It is mainly seen to occur on the onset of puberty and during pregnancy. There are many home prepared foods that act as a natural remedy for acne. Drinking naturally sweetened juices and lots of water helps to reduce acne.

There are various ways of reducing the occurrence of acne. Make up should not be done. Wash your face with mild soap and water to remove the plugs on the skin pore, which is a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and hardened sebum. Dirt increases the infection by interacting with skin debris and extra oil in the skin. Use topical cleansing pads containing salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove excess oil. You can even try washing your face with the hottest water you can withstand. Minimize the se of harsh cleansers and try to use acne skin care items that exfoliate mildly. Avoid scrubbing the affected area vigorously. Do not touch your face with dirty hands. Hen the weather is hot and you are perspiring, tie up your hair to keep it away from falling on your face.

Pimples should not be pinched, squeezed or picked. This causes it to become red and inflamed and spreads bacteria. Apply ice packs to the pimple for 2 minutes after every 30 minutes. It helps to reduce the pain and swelling. If needed to wear makeup, wear oil-free makeup. Cleanse your skin with an acne-fighting medicine to remove oil, dirt and makeup. A dab of toothpaste on the affected area before going to bed can soothe irritation and redness. Pressing a wet tea bag or a cotton ball, with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes helps to reduce swelling and redness.

Clearing your face of acne does not always help as it sometimes leaves a scar behind. There are various acne scar removal techniques involving natural and chemical products. It is best to seek professional advice for curing acne.

Treat Acne With Essential Fatty Acids

Whilst scientists do not fully understand the cause of acne, the role of essential fatty acids in the body, including the skin, is reasonably understood. This understanding has led to some scientists and natural health practitioners looking at the effects and benefits of essential fatty acids for skin conditions such as acne.

Udo Erasmus is a writer with post graduate studies in genetics, and biochemistry, and a PhD in Nutrition. He believes there are nutritional deficiencies and problems that can cause or exacerbate acne, though they are not as simple as the usual ones about chocolate!

Central to his belief is that: „Hard fats and (hard) protein debris clog narrow pores and channels in our skin, and invite infection by bacteria who feast on the mess“. (p346)

He believes acne is a result of „fatty degeneration“. Factors in this are:

* fats associating poorly with protein
* too many ‚hard‘ fats
* not enough essential fatty acids

Hard fats are also called saturated fatty acids. These are the fats that are found in most food, including animal fats and dairy. Their name comes from the fact that the fat molecules carry the maximum amount of hydrogen molecules that they possibly can. This has significance in the way these fats act in our body. Some of these saturated fats have a high melting point, like butter and milk fat.
An excess can cause problems for our arteries and heart health.

Fatty acids, of the essential and non essential kind, are found in our cell membranes. This includes the membranes of the skin. Erasmus describes the characteristics of saturated fatty acids as tending to stick together. And because they have a higher melting point, they are more likely to be clump together and form deposits when we consume them in excess. So, they are harder for the body to get rid of. And as well as clumping together, they can clump with other things like protein, minerals, and cholesterol. Excess sugar can be a problem because our body converts excess sugar into saturated fatty acids.

Other problems with excess saturated fatty acids includes the fact that the body can convert them into unsaturated fatty acids, which can then oxidize if we don’t consume enough fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids can reduce the supply of oxygen to our tissues, by making blood cells which carry oxygen stick together and so impede that vital transportation system which normally carries oxygen to our cells.

Excess fat, including excess saturated fats, are stored in the adipose cells in our skin. These are fat storage centers.

Erasmus recommends consuming W3 (alpha linolenic acid) and w6 (flax and linoleic acid) essential fatty acids in the correct ratio.

Essential fatty acids have free receptors for hydrogen bonds. This characteristic changes the way the molecules are structured in terms of the shape they have. And it is this different shape, a kinked shape, that means they don’t clump together with the affinity that saturated fats do. And they also have a lower melting point – so they are more liquid also. Because of this difference in structure, they also have a slight negative molecular charge, and given that like charges repel, this is another reason why they don’t clump together. Erasmus characterizes these properties of unsaturated fats as providing ‚fluidity‘ to cell membranes. He says this allows the cells to fulfill important chemical functions.

Inflammation, a characteristic of acne, is associated with a deficiency in the essential fatty acid LNA, or alpha linolenic acid. Erasmus writes that whilst inflammation is not a classical symptom of LNA, when people take alpha linolenic acid supplements, this symptom can be reversed.

Essential fatty acids as a group are strongly anti-inflammatory. Another essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA) has particular reference to acne. When there is a deficiency of linoleic acid, the oil producing glands in the skin make sebum that is mixed with oleic acid. Oleic acid is found in butter and land animal fats. However, in excess, it can interfere in essential fatty acid use. But more importantly for acne sufferers, sebum mixed with oleic acid is irritating to the skin. It lends itself to blockages of the pores that result in acne, blackheads and whiteheads.