Effective Way To Remove Body Hair

Hair sugaring is a process that can be used quite beneficially for hair removal. If you are someone that has used waxing in the past, consider sugaring. In the process, the wax is replaced with a sugar and honey mixture. It is sticky and works very much like that of waxing. And, it can produce the same results. But, it is organic in nature and it has the ability to give you an easier clean up too. Sugaring is a process of extracting hair from the follicle.

Although hair sugaring is a messy process the results of doing it can last upwards of two to six weeks. You can use it throughout the body since it is a natural product and see results. Many individuals find it most beneficial to the bikini line as well as to the upper lip. When the hair is removed, it will grow back. But, many people have found that it will grow back at a much lighter and finer way and it is like that it will not be nearly as thick either.

What To Use

You can actually use a homemade solution of hair sugaring and get great results. Here’s what you should use:

– One Cup Sugar

– Juice from half of a lemon

– One fourth cup of honey

Mix these well and then microwave on high for about two to three minutes. You are looking for a smooth consistency. Leave the bowl standing for several minutes to cool to a safe temperature.

Now, you will need to get some white cotton cloth in strips (or use store bought waxing papers) as well as wooden tongue depressors to apply the mixture. Here’s what to do:

– Clean skin and make sure that it is completely dry. No soap or body lotions should be used in the area.

– Apply cornstarch to the area. This will draw out the oils that are within your skin making the procedure work even better.

– Use the tongue depressor to apply a thin layer of the mixture over the area that you will want the hair removed from.

– Cover the area with a cloth strip. Rub the strip so that it is firmly in place. Do this with moderate pressure and in the opposite direction of the hairs growth.

– Grab the end of the strip and pull it back quickly in the opposite direction of the hair’s growth.

– Wash the area with water to remove the sugary mixture.

Like waxing, the area may be sensitive and red for a few minutes but this is a temporary situation. You will find it to be one that you can deal with if you want great looking hair removal at a very low cost. Hair sugaring is a procedure that can be done within a few minutes and can be repeated as necessary.

Is Hair Transplant Painful

Many people who think about having hair transplant surgery wonder if the procedure is painful. Often people have sensitive scalps and the thought of someone making cuts there seems hard to think about for these people. There is disagreement as to whether hair transplant surgery is painful, though.

Some say that hair transplant surgery is similar to a visit to the dentist. This does not seem like a description of something that is pain-free. It certainly does not seem like a relaxing experience. Yet some feel that there is that degree of pain involved.

The injections of the local anesthetic into the scalp before hair transplant procedures are definitely painful to some degree. Anyone who has had a tooth pulled knows that, if the tooth is deadened properly, it is not the tooth-pulling that hurts. It is the needle going in with medication to numb the tooth that is the real agony.

Of course, to follow the dental analogy, after the numbing wears off there is plenty of pain where the tooth was before. With hair transplant surgery, there is pain after the surgery as well. Swelling is normal after hair transplant surgery and can even keep you away from work. Your skull may feel very unusual for weeks.

However, the pain of hair transplant cannot actually be compared to a tooth extraction. Hair transplant pain is decidedly less sharp and some do not even feel it as pain at all. Many people simply feel it as an uncomfortable feeling. If they do feel any pain, it is of a degree that can be taken care of with a few doses of Tylenol.

On the other hand, some people who have had hair transplant procedures done do not feel that there is any pain involved at all. They tolerate the injections of the local anesthetic well. They are not bothered at all by the procedure. In fact they often watch television or read magazines, being awake and alert the whole time.

Hair transplant surgery is surely less painful than it was in earlier times when larger sections of scalp were excised. This involved more cutting to take out the donor hair and more cutting to insert the donor hair into the recipient site.

Hair transplant surgery was a very painful procedure in the past. Not all doctors today have given up on older methods. This is one reason why you should ask a lot of questions when you look for a hair transplant surgeon.

Up-to-date techniques for hair transplant use only the follicular unit and not a large amount of surrounding tissue for the donor grafts. This cuts down considerably on the amount of pain experienced. The procedure is minimally invasive now, so that no more of the scalp is disturbed than is necessary.

Finally, having a hair transplant with an experienced and skilled surgeon is an important key to having a less painful surgery. A doctor who knows the best way to do the procedure will cause you less pain an produce a better result for you into the bargain.

Damaged Hair

Hot air and dry weather makes your hair loose its moisture and become brittle. The worst condition to every girl’s eye is the occurrence of split ends on hair.

Split ends generally mean the splitting of hair fiber. It happens when the protective portion of the hair called cuticle, gets damaged. They can occur anywhere on the hair shaft, but mostly they are seen on the tips of the hair.

First of all it is important for one to understand what causes the hair ends to split. There are various causes of split end in hair. Over dispensation of the hair with gels, chemicals etc. and brushing the hair harshly can cause split ends on hair. Using a brush on wet hair or combing the hair with uneven teeth in combs can also harm the hair. Coloring the hair often, also damages them.

Split ends stop hair growth and result in broken hair. You can make your hair glossy and grow longer by simply following a certain tips on hair care to prevent split ends and broken hair. To keep your split ends in check, you do no require going to a salon every week. Fashion and beauty industry has invented certain home remedies for treating your dry and damaged hair.

Follow the subsequent hair care tips to rejuvenate your broken hair.

•Split ends once occurred cannot be repaired. They have to be removed. Take small sections of hair and twirl them gently in a downward motion. The split ends will automatically split out. Then carefully shear the split ends with a sharp scissors. Be cautious while removing the damaged cuticles and do not cut the thick layer.

•Make a protein-shake recipe. Mix 2 tablespoons of soy protein powder with a cup of milk, ¼ cup of fresh fruits in a blender. Make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your hair once a week to silken them.

•Do not go in to the open heat without covering your hair.

•Take a balanced diet.

•Drink plenty of water.

•Trim your hair at regular intervals.

•Do no forget to apply a conditioner after shampooing your hair.

•Massage the scalp with warm oil at least twice or thrice a week.

•Using mayonnaise or beer on your hair can add up to the lost moisture.

•Do not use a brush on wet hair. Use a wide toothed comb instead.

A variety of hair care products are also available in the market. Shop around and select an appropriate product for treating your damaged and broken hair.

Healthy hair adds grace to your beauty. Take good care of your hair to avoid the occurrence of split ends. Follow the split ends prevention tips and enjoy having long silky hair.

Information On Women’s Hair Loss


A popular misconception is that only men suffer from hair loss. A related fallacy is that only a very small percentage of women experience hair loss. Both assertions are not true; it is estimated that six out of ten women will undergo some degree of hair loss. This process is even more devastating for women because it seems that it is not as prevalent (as hair loss in men) and a woman’s beauty is closely tied in with lustrous, full-looking hair.

Probably one of the most traumatic experiences that can affect a woman is losing her hair. Baldness occurs when hairs begin to fall out (which is normal- about 100-150 per day), but do not grow back. Science is still tackling with exact reasons for the start of the process, but we know that genetic predisposition, aging, and diet are closely (if not directly) related.

Reasons for Hair Loss

Genetic hair loss and increased shedding (chronic telogen effluvium) is responsible for the majority of hair loss grievances by women (up to 95% before menopause). Unlike men, women are more likely to experience thinning from behind the front hairline to the crown.

There are two types of hair loss: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium. The latter is due to medications or processes such as chemotherapy. The former is due to an abnormal number of hair follicles being in the resting stage. The following are reasons for telogen effluvium:

– Stress on the body due to surgery, illness, anemia, rapid change in weight, etc.
– Stress on the mind due to mental illness, death, depression, etc.
– Thyroid abnormalities
– Medications such as high doses of Vitamin A, blood pressure pills, gout medications, etc.
– Hormonal causes such as birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause

The following could be reasons for temporary hair loss:

– Too little protein or iron in the diet
– Alopecia areata
– Traumatic stress or illness
– Childbirth
– Ringworm

When these above causes are remedied, a return of normal hair growth will follow.


A good, healthy, and well-balanced diet contributes to voluminous hair. Large amounts of vitamin A should be avoided. Protein and iron rich foods will contribute to healthy hair. Vegetarians and Vegans often may be targets for hair loss because of their modified diets. Protein, iron, and zinc supplements should be ingested on a daily basis if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

Physical and Emotional Stress

Undergoing severe illness and emotional stress can contribute to hair loss. The body begins to break down and normal functioning is altered. The body knows that hair production is not vital to survival, so it will devote its energies elsewhere and in effect create hair loss. In most cases there is a three month delay between an event and the advent of hair loss. It may take up to three months for hair to grow back after the resolution of a traumatic event.

Health conditions such as anemia, low blood count, and thyroid abnormalities attribute to hair loss. These conditions can be combated and can easily be indicated by a blood test.

Hormonal Change

Hormonal changes can cause hair loss in women. Pregnancy and the discontinuation of birth control pills can cause hair loss. When a woman is pregnant their levels of the hormone progesterone becomes high and causes hair to be in a dormant state. When hormone levels re-balance, the woman will experience re-growth of the hair. Ironically, when a woman undergoes restoration, she will see a great deal of hair falling out. This is the dormant hair being replaced by healthier, fuller hair.


– A well balanced diet including foods high in protein and iron
– Regular doctor check ups
– Counseling for stress (especially after a traumatic event)
– Hair weaves, changing hair style, and or wigs.
– Hair transplants
– Minoxidil (Rogaine)

The good news is that if you are experiencing hair loss, most likely the cause can be remedied. It is up to each woman to take care of herself and be proactive to fight hair loss. Because it takes some time to overcome and re-grow hair after many of the instances of hair loss, finding a great looking wig is suggested, so that you will not experience a lack of confidence and cause more stress (which is bad for the hair) while your hair is growing back.

Information on Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is caused by chronic traction (pulling) on the hair follicle. Traction alopecia mostly occurs in African-American women and men who braid their hair too tightly. It is also common in other ethnic groups known for traditional hair styles that involve pulling the hair.

There is also seen a pronounced traction alopecia in the beard area of this Sikh man. The Sikh men do not cut scalp or beard hair. The beard hairs are pulled straight and then twisted and tightly knotted. Daily knotting often results in this form of traction alopecia.
Men who attach hairpieces to their existing hair also suffer from this type of hair loss. The traction alopecia in such cases can also lead to permanent hair loss if the hairpiece is attached in the same location over a long period of time.

If we put the examples from ethnic groups aside, traction alopecia occurs most often in pre-teenagers, teenagers, young adults then it does in older men and women.

It is a very unfortunate state that hair styles and fashions and hair styling methods are causing baldness and hair loss among today’s younger generations. The hair loss in all such cases is mostly due to Traction alopecia. The hair loss is caused by long term hair pulling and breakage due to very tight hair braiding, hair weaves and cornrows.

The over use of hair style aids such as sponge hair rollers or curling irons may also promote traction alopecia. Traction alopecia often shows as distinct patches of hair loss in those areas where the hair and hair follicles have been put under excessive strain. The hair loss may occur anywhere on the scalp depending on the nature of the hair style or process that is causing the traction alopecia. Prolonged traction alopecia can lead to cicatrization of the new hair follicle and permanent hair loss.

Traction alopecia is a very common cause of temporary hair loss. Typically, traction alopecia in the early stages involves affected hair follicles being pushed into the telogen resting state along with localized trauma to the hair follicles as a result of hair fibers being forcibly pulled out.

Traction alopecia is reversible if diagnosed in the early stages. Permanent hair loss can occur too slowly for immediate detection. Hair loss is often occurs in the front, and hair line but is also subject to the immediate adjacent area to where the hair is being pulled and damaged.

An effective treatment is to simply avoid hair styling that puts excessive strain on the hair. Even with removal of the cause of traction alopecia it may take up to three months for the hair to recover. Areas of scalp subjected to chronic traction alopecia may never fully recover.

Traction alopecia is generally a non-scarring, non-inflammatory form of hair loss although long term use of hair styles involving traction over 3 or more years may result in a mild immune cell infiltrate and irreversible scarring damage to some hair follicles. Any form of chronic traction alopecia will eventually lead to fibrosis around hair follicles and total destruction of some hair follicles. Once destroyed the hair follicles will not re-grow under any circumstances hence chronic traction alopecia can be described as a scarring cicatricial alopecia.

Permanent traction alopecia does not respond to medical treatment such as minoxidil or finasteride due to non-genetic nature of hair loss. The only way one can treat traction alopecia is with hair transplants. Follicular unit hair grafting has been identified as the only practical solution to treating traction alopecia. Number of patients with traction alopecia coming to hair transplant clinics is generally increasing and the treatment is providing them good response.

Information On Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to information on laser hair removal there are some specific things that everyone should know. The first piece of information on laser hair removal that you should know is that lasers are not for everyone and in order to carry out these procedures you must be fully qualified.

Lasers were introduced as a rapid but gentle way to permanently remove unwanted body hair and have become a huge success worldwide for both men and women. As previously mentioned lazer hair removal is not for everyone and a consultation for your skin tone and pigment is required. It is vital that the hair to be removed be darker than the surrounding skin. Light skin is the preferred choice for lazer hair removal and fewer treatments will be required. Darker skin can be treated but the results take longer and more sessions will be required.

For lazer hair removal, dark hair is much easier to treat and this is because dark hair absorbs more of the lasers energy and coarse dark hair is the best. Blonde and red hair is the most difficult to treat and a number of sessions will be required in order to achieve permanent body hair removal.

Permanent body hair removal using lasers can be carried out all over the body. Some of the most common areas where body hair removal is carried out are the face, neck, chest, upper lip, underarms, back, legs, and bikini line.

Using lasers for permanent body hair removal may sound ideal but another important point that should be considered is the cost of laser hair removal. This treatment can vary but the average cost is approximately $500 per session and there are usually between 4 and 6 sessions required.

Having information on laser hair removal is essential and knowing what skin type or hair type is required is the first step. If you choose to undergo lazer hair removal then your next step should be to find out what the procedure involves and how to prepare for it.

Out Growing A Bad Haircut

In-between hair — when you are waiting for that bad haircut to grow out — is a frustrating hair problem. Fortunately there are ways to get through this difficult time with a minimum of stress.


The first thing to do is to accept your hair as it is. Admit that there is only so much you can do at this stage. Once you accept your fate, then you can begin to focus on finding styles that are possible.

Look at fashion magazines for models with hair similar to yours. Then take an evening and experiment with these different styles. You may be surprised at the results.


Accessories can be your best friend when styling in-between hair. Your hair might be too short to pull into a ponytail, but there are other hair accessories that can work wonders on short hair.

One of the best accessories is the basic bobby-pin. These come in many stylish varieties. For example, you can find them with attachments such as sparkly butterflies or in a variety of colors. The traditional bobby-pins are still available if you want a more natural approach. You can use these pins to tuck hair up at the sides or in the back. Use the smaller bobby-pins to sweep short hair up completely.

The butterfly clip, which is available in many different sizes, is another option. The shorter your hair, the smaller the clip. Use these clips to sweep hair off your face. They too are found in a variety of colors and styles. They are easy to use and won’t break your hair.

Cover Up

Also consider using a cover-up — hats or scarves. You can throw on any kind of hat with an outfit and hide your hair completely. You can do the same with scarves. Try different techniques with your scarf to get the best look possible.


Appliances are also useful when trying to style in-between hair. If you are trying to let your layers grow out, try curling your hair. This will hide your layers a bit since curly hair shows layer growth much less than straight hair. Use hot rollers or a curling iron for best results. If you like the curls you might want a perm until your hair grows to the desired length. Flat irons are great for shorter hair as well. Some short pixie style hair tends to get a bit frizzy. Narrow flat irons are perfect for styling short hair.


Using the right products is also key to getting a great style from in-between hair. If your hair gets frizzy, try using a straightening gel as soon as you get out of the shower. You can also use a deep conditioner to avoid frizz. To help stimulate hair growth, massage your head for at least 2 minutes while you shampoo.

The in-between hair stage doesn’t have to be painful. Follow these tips and you might even enjoy your new ‚do.

Importance of Vitamin Supplements

The use of natural vitamin supplements is good for human hair. It has been proven that due to stressful life style and lack of nutritious diets people are losing their hair in young age.

Modern diets have contributed to the bad health of people. It is seen that the food taken by people lacks in nutritional quality. Given the circumstances, intake of nutritional intake is a good idea. Natural vitamin supplements and herbal nutritional supplements are useful for general health as well as health of hair. Many people take natural vitamin supplements to make up for the lack of nutrition in their food.

There are vitamins useful for hair as well as general health. Some vitamins useful for hair are the following:

Vitamin A – An antioxidant, vitamin A helps to produce healthy sebum in the scalp. People should take 5, 000 IU of intake per day. This vitamin is found in food like fish, meat, cheese, liver oil, eggs, cabbage, milk, carrots, spinach, broccoli, apricots and peaches.

Vitamin B2 – Intestinal flora is responsible for the production of vitamin B2 in the human body. This vitamin is required by the human body for metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids and carbohydrates. It is most beneficial for the skin, hair and nails. Its deficiency may result in hair loss. Vitamin B2 should be a part of natural vitamin supplements you take.

Vitamin B6 – The presence of vitamin B6 prevents hair loss and helps in production of melanin, the pigment which gives hair its color. Vitamin B6 is found in food such as liver, grains, cereals, vegetables, meat and egg yolk. It should be taken in the amount of 1.6 mg per day. It plays a key role in red blood cell metabolism and cellular growth. Vitamin B6 is also responsible for the production of hemoglobin, a compound within the red blood cells that carries oxygen to body tissue.

Vitamin B3 – Vitamin B3 is more effective when it is used in combination with biotin. It has a positive effect on hair growth by reducing cholesterol, which when produced in the scalp sebaceous glands can trigger the formation of DHT.

Vitamin C – It is a natural anti-oxidant and helps maintain healthy hair and skin. It should be taken in the amount of 60 mg per day. It is richly found in citrus fruit, kiwi, pineapple, tomato, green pepper, potato, green pepper, etc.

Vitamin E – It is found in soybean, dried bean and green vegetables. This vitamin is helpful in hair growth as it increases scalp blood circulation. It should be taken in the amount of 400 IU daily.
With the proper use of natural vitamin supplements and herbal nutritional supplements you can improve your health that will contribute to the overall improvement in your life.

stop hair loss

I think there are a few questions in this world that virtually everyone would like the answers to. On of them regards God and heaven. Another concerns Elvis‘ whereabouts. And finally there is how to stop hair loss. Does that sound about right to everyone? Okay, so maybe those aren’t exactly everyone’s ultimate questions, but they are interesting and intriguing nonetheless. So, on to the one we can deal with. As we know, many individuals start to lose their hair before they actually want to. This translates as during our lifetimes. We want to keep that patch of fuzz up top until we’re dead and buried. Am I right or am I right? I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman; you want your dew looking great.

So you want to understand how to stop hair loss? There are a few things I was told to do back in modeling school. These rituals basically aided your hair in its health and growth. One of them was occasional handstands. You see, all the blood rushes to your head, which is apparently beneficial in some way. The second one is massage. Not your back; but your scalp instead. Massage it once in a while to stimulate the follicles and promote hair growth. The third one is the consumption of a daily multivitamin. Be certain that your body receives all the nutrients it needs at all times. This is imperative. And finally, if you really want to know how to stop hair loss, you should avoid stress. Yeah, that’s what I said. Deal with stress as best you can. Don’t let it rule you and don’t keep it pent up inside. Find some sort of release like meditation or yoga. Anyway, do these regimes sound like they are the essential answers regarding how to stop hair loss? Okay, I have to question the hand stand one. That sounds a little iffy to me.

Your home is a great place to learn more about how to stop hair loss. I am talking about the Internet. Take full advantage of this phenomenal machine and find out everything there is to know about hair loss and how to treat and prevent it. Also, if you’ve already begun losing you dew, you may want to visit a trichologist for professional answers. He/she will be able to update you concerning the contemporary solutions.

How To Use Pictures Of Hair Styles

Most people choose their new hair style by looking at a picture of a hair style or browsing hair style photos. This can be a great way to find the perfect look, but there are some guidelines that you should keep in mind when looking at pictures of hair styles. Doing so can help you avoid hair disasters and guarantee that you come out looking like your chosen hairstyle picture.

You can find pictures of hair styles in style books and portfolios found at most salons, in fashion magazines, and in online hair style photo galleries. All of these ways can give you numerous ideas and a picture of hair style that you can carry with you to discuss your new style with your beautician. By seeing a picture of hair style, both you and your stylist can have a realistic expectation of what your new style will look like and how to achieve it.

Have you ever found the perfect hairstyle picture only to come out of the salon looking nothing like the woman in the picture? Most blame it on their stylist. While part of the blame can be put on the stylist for not pointing out your picture of hair style blunder, most often the blame lies with choosing the wrong hairstyle picture to compliment your face shape and hair texture.

A picture of hair style is a representation of what the woman in the hair style photo looks like with a particular style. You can not realistically expect to look like the picture of a hair style because you are not that woman; your hair and structure are different. But you can selectively choose your pictures of hair styles and eliminate the ones that would be disastrous for you by following a few pointers.

1. When browsing through pictures of hair styles, be sure to pay extra attention to the type and texture of hair that the lady in the hairstyle picture has. Is her hair coarse, thin, wavy, or straight? Try to find pictures of hair styles with hair types that closely resemble your own. Keep in mind that a picture of a hair style may look great with a particular model because she has thick and naturally curly hair, but the same hair style may not look so great on someone with thin, limp hair.

2. Often, pictures of hair styles are taken of models with perfect bone structures. It is very rare that you find a picture of hair style with a model trying to conceal a too-high hair line, prominent nose or under-developed chin. If you have features that you wish to highlight or diminish, pay special attention to the style in the picture of hair style. Would the style in the picture of hair style compliment your features or take away from them?

3. Use an interactive online photo gallery. You can upload your photo and use it to test how you might look with lots of different hair style photos. This is a great way to „try before you buy“ to avoid expensive mistakes when you go to the salon. For a review of the best interactive online photo galleries, go to http://www.great-hairstyles.com/hair-article-resources.html.

Once you find a few hair style photos that you think are perfect for you, ask your stylist for her opinion on your chosen pictures of hair styles. He or she will be able to tell you without a doubt whether or not your selected hair style will be picture perfect for you.

cure Alopecia

I have been a sufferer from the condition alopecia for many years. Like all sufferers of alopecia we search for how to treat alopecia and its cures in the hope that soon we can return back to a full head of hair.

Only recently i won the battle so i decided here to write about how i treat alopecia and the cures that actually work for me for other people with alopecia.

Thinning hair had dramatic effects on me personally. The feelings of anxiety are common when alopecia starts. As a previous sufferer of alopecia all i did was worry about my thinning hair when all i wanted to do was just live a normal life.

The pressures of society to look beautiful projected in glossy magazines and media advertising only go to make matters worse for the sufferer with sometimes feelings of isolation taking effect. The pschological factors of anyone losing their hair at any age can be catastrophic.

It has been estimated that 50% of men aged up to 50 years old suffer from alopecia and 40% of woman suffer from alopecia by menopause age.
1.7% of the population overall, including more than 4.7 million people in the USA alone suffer from alopecia and most don’t know how to treat alopecia. A figure of close to a million people has recently been suggested for the United Kingdom population alone and as we can see it’s a lot more common than we think.

Over 25% of people around the world who are affected by alopecia usually have someone within their family who have or had to treat alopecia at some stage of their lives.

Some studies have shown a link with between alopecia and stress or trauma of some kind.

In male and female pattern baldness, the culprit is something called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which is derived from androgen which is a male hormone. Circulating through the bloodstream, androgen is converted to DHT.

Those with greater enzyme activity have more DHT binding to their hair-follicle receptors. If flooded by DHT, the follicles sprout thinner hairs during the the normal recycle period until eventually nothing regrows.

How to treat alopecia is something that you have to wait for im afraid for maximum results,to treat alopecia can take months if not years. If you start now and incorporate a routine into your daily lifestyle, before you know it the alopecia will be gone.

How To Shampoo Hair

Your hair are your style statement, and you need to take care of these. Though you are taking care of your hair. You wash / shampoo your hair regularly to make them bacteria free. You dry your hair and you comb them too. Some time you also use conditioner to make them looking healthy. But still you are not happy with your hair. Why? It is the method of shampooing which plays a key role in keeping your hair healthy and in shape.
So it is very important to know about hair care in general and shampooing hair in particular. Knowing about hair care and the method of shampooing will make your hair stay in shape and at the same time it will prevent you from hair loss. Hairs are equally important for all the people.

How to shampoo??

Take warm or cool water and saturate your hair and scalp. Take small amount of shampoo about quarter to palm and rub you palms together to distribute it evenly. Do massage of your scalp with finger balls gently in all the areas of your head. If your scalp is oily then repeat the process 2 to 3 times. The purpose of shampooing your hair is to remove the scalp, so don’t wrestle with your hair.

How to do conditioning?

After rinsing shampoo, take some conditioner in one palm and rub both the palm together to dispense it evenly. Do conditioning from the middle of the hair shaft down to ends. If you have oily scalp then do massage of the conditioner onto scalp. Comb you hairs gently so that the conditioner get distributed uniformly. Leave conditioner for a minute or so. Rinse properly shampoo and conditioner from your scalp. While rinsing run your fingers from scalp to tip, so that rinsing will be proper and no shampoo and conditioner left behind.

To wash or not to wash?

How frequently you shampoo your hair depends on your hair, curly or straight, long or short, and what type of your scalp is? Depending on the individual choice; you can shampoo your hair on every other day.
Should you occasionally change you shampoo??
The chemical combination of all the hair care shampoos is the same and after all the purpose is same, applying shampoo means removing scalp. So you do not need to switch your brand. Only you need to do shampooing properly to keep your hair healthy, and shaped to give you a cool look.

How To Prevent Allergy When Using Hair Dye

When his hair stylist switched to an indigenous hair dye he developed severe itching, erythema, crusting, and pustules on the surrounding skin. Now, what could have possibly went wrong?

Gago-Dominguez, a researcher, explained that small amounts of arylamines are absorbed through the skin during the use of hair dye. Don’t dye your hair without having as much of your skin covered as possible. One needs to be careful while applying black hair dye, as it is difficult to remove from any surface including skin and fabric. Lawsone dye infuses skin, hair, and porous surfaces but does not permanently or chemically alter them. Para-phenylenediamine, a key ingredient of many hair dyes, is known to trigger allergic skin rashes in some people. When you use hair dye, you absorb small amounts of chemicals called arylamines through your skin. It „dyes your skin more than your hair,“ one well known researcher said.

What is PPD in Hair Dye?

Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is a chemical substance that is widely used as a permanent hair dye. PPD hair dyes usually come packaged as 2 bottles, one containing the PPD dye preparation and the other containing the developer or oxidizer. The use of PPD as a hair dye is popular because it is a permanent dye that gives a natural look.

Why is it that many hand painting using Henna (herbal dye) develop skin rashes? After all, Henna dye used for hand painting is 100% herbal and does not contain PPD!

That’s because almost all henna-tattoo artists are mixing in black hair dye that contains paraphenylenediamine – ‚PPD‘ for short. This mixing of chemical makes the hand dye more permanent, as the palm sweats a lot, the tattoo artist is ensuring that the ink remains for a longer period of time. If you develop skin rash after using a dark dye, you’ll be allergic to all dark hair dyes – anything that contains the PPD compound.

Currently there are no permanent oxidation type hair dyes that can be safely used by PPD allergic individuals. If you have an allergy to PPD and have your hair dyed, you should avoid the use of all oxidation type hair dyes. PPD is an occupational allergen among hairdressers; there is limited cross-reactivity with azo clothing dyes and back rubber. Those who are allergic to PPD hair dyes must avoid all synthetic chemical hair dyes.

Manic Panic hair dye works best on hair pre-lightened to a very light blonde. The idea being that it would look like she was a blonde who occasionally dyed her hair black. Apparently, the darker shades of hair dye contain significantly more chemicals than the blonde shades. The first step is to use the cheap blonde dye to bleach your hair. After an hour, rinse the blonde dye out of your hair.

How To Make Thinning Hair Lush and Thick

Even people with thinning hair dream of having lush, thick and healthy locks to set off their complete look. For most people with thinning hair, though, all of their styling endeavors are met with frustration and a resulting style that falls short of the image that they had envisioned.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Thinning hair does not sentence you to a life of dull and unstylish tresses. In fact, there are several things that you can do to make your thinning hair look stunning. And the best part is that these thinning hair options won’t take a great deal of your time or money either.

The first thing that you need to do to make your thinning hair look fabulous is to find the right stylist. Search for a stylist who has other clients with thinning hair and is fluent in all of the right styles and techniques to both protect thinning hair and make it look thicker than it really is. You can do this by asking for referrals from friends who also have thinning hair but always seem to look like they have just left the salon.

Once you have found the right stylist, together you can begin to examine your options for making your thinning hair appear thick again. Since there are many different ways to thicken up your locks, it is very important for you and your stylist to talk about each thinning hair option together so that you pick the right techniques that are perfect for you and your thinning hair.

Here are just a few of the ways that you can make your thinning hair appear lush and thick:

“ Cut and texture. One of the best ways to conceal your thinning hair is to find a cut that adds a lot of texture and movement to your style while at the same time makes your hair appear thicker. Since long hair tends to draw the eye to the reality of thinning hair, shorter hairstyles are often your better bet. Choose styles with a lot of layers and textures ends that will create movement and interest to your thinning hair style. Adding texture through soft curl can also be a great way to make your thinning hair look its best.

“ Color. Not only does color add more body and thickness to your thinning hair, it can also be used to draw the eye away from particularly thin spots. Using a combination of low-lights, high-lights and color accents, your stylist can do wonders for your thinning hair with a color brush.

“ Products. There are a wide variety of products on the market that can be used to conceal thinning hair. Products such as thickening shampoos and conditioners can do a lot for thinning hair. Also be conscious of what types of styling products that you use on your thinning hair. Use lighter products such as mousses and pomades over heavy products like gel and spritzs.

As you can see, none of these thinning hair remedies are complicated or expensive. Simply by learning how to best style your thinning hair and learning to use the right products can do a great deal to make your hair look like it is both chic and thick.

How to Make Hair Bows

Simple steps for making hair bows
There are so many useful tips for making various items by hand. Whenever you have some free time, instead of getting bored or merely watching television and lazing, you can discover an exciting hobby. Get creative and start making your own household items that are useful as well as attractive. Now, ask any girl if she loves dressing up. The answer will be a big yes.

Satin ribbons are ideal for making cute hair bows. There are different styles of hair bows. You can choose the style you like best. About a yard of ribbon can be sufficient to make yourself a regular length bow. Choose a suitable color satin ribbon. Ideally, it may be about two and a quarter inches wide. Now stretch the ribbon and twist midway. You must fold the ribbon in a loop like manner. Hold the cross over part of the ribbon tightly. You can then improvise on the basic loop by using an additional ribbon. The two ribbons must now be fixed together. Glue or a stitch should do the job. You now have a basic bow. You can add hair clips to the back of your bow and this can now be used as a hair bow for toddlers or school girls.

Improvise on the basic design with colors and other twists. You should now have two three different designs to use as you wish. Most women love shopping for clothes and accessories. But you need not spend money to look pretty. There are so many do-it-yourself items you can create as accessories. A good example of this is a hair bow.

How to Get the Hottest Sedu Hairstyles

Many of the most famous celebrities in both television and movies are sporting Sedu Hairstyles. Celebrity Sedu hairstyles are one of the many latest fashion trends to come out of Hollywood. What makes the celebrity Sedu hairstyles unique though? Why are the Sedu hairstyles so popular?

The celebrity Sedu hairstyles are very popular for a lot of women who have naturally curly hair, or thicker and more course hair. Many celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Halle Barry, Angelina Jolie and many others do not have natural long smooth and flowing hair like you constantly see them sporting on television and in movies. The secret of many movie stars is their celebrity Sedu Hairstyles. Why would they choose Sedu hairstyles though?

The celebrity Sedu hairstyles are very popular for a reason. The Sedu hairstyles are created using the Sedu Hair Iron. The Sedu hair iron is uniquely designed and patented using ceramic plates that are actually made of tourmaline crystals. These are combined with a negative ionic charge in order to remove static from the hair. This alleviates the problems of cling in their celebrity Sedu Hairstyles. The end result is a Sedu Hairstyle that will last longer and look better than any other.

How do the celebrity Sedu hairstyles last longer and why? The patented ionic technology of the Sedu hair iron increases the hold in the hair. While this may not seem plausible at first, let us see why. Between the patented tourmaline ceramic plates and infrared heating technology the Sedu flat iron actually molds the hair. The celebrity Sedu hairstyles last longer because there is no need (On most Sedu Hairstyles) for hairspray or other chemicals, which often fail when exposed to heat or light.

What about dyed hair? Actors and actresses frequently have to dye their hair and change their celebrity hairstyles in order to fit better in certain roles. The Sedu flattener Iron is designed so that there is no conflict with dyes or tints normally used in hair coloring. The celebrity Sedu hairstyles you see can be done with any color or variety of hair.

Many ethnic actresses are big fans of the celebrity Sedu hairstyle. Often the desired result is simply to straighten curly, unruly or kinky hair. The Sedu hair iron’s unique patented design and construction make it ideal for this use. Many of the celebrity Sedu hairstyles you have seen are a direct result of using nothing more than the Sedu hair iron and little or nothing else.

Whether the celebrity and the celebrity Sedu Hairstyle in question is on Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Pamela Anderson (C’mon, you didn’t think her hair was naturally that way did you?) or one of the many other celebrity Sedu hairstyles being seen more and more among Hollywood’s elite, you can be sure the Sedu celebrity hairstyle was created using a quality made Sedu Hair Iron. If you want to make your own hair style comparable to the many celebrity Sedu Hairstyles, the first step is get your own Sedu hair Iron. The possibilities for your Sedu hairstyles or even celebrity Sedu hairstyles really are limited only by your imagination.

For more information about how to create your very own Sedu Hairstyle, please go to Sedu Hairstyles

How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair, there are all kinds of techniques to help you to do so — from waxes to razor blades and from lasers to electrolysis. But if you want to get rid of it for good, the preferred method nowadays is laser treatment.

Why is laser treatment preferred?

It’s preferred because this method has very low risks and can’t damage your skin unless performed by an unskilled quack. Electrolysis also works, but requires too much time because each and every individual hair is removed, one at a time. And that often costs a lot more than laser treatment.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works through a selective process called Photothermolysis. It sends a beam of laser light right down to the hair follicles and the light’s focussed power is used to destroy the roots. It is a selective treatment because it will only disable the hair roots, and not affect the surrounding skin. It uses light and heat to get rid of hair, which is actually the meaning of the name ‚photothermolysis‘.

What kind of person is the best candidate for laser hair removal?

Because this method works by seeking out melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to our hair and skin, laser hair removal treatment is best suited for people who have dark hair and light skin. Unfortunately, laser treatment cannot be used very successfully on tanned skin because there it can cause marks similar to sunburns. It is usually advised that you wait until the tan is gone before you use laser hair removal treatment. Also, persons that have grey hair or are naturally blonde cannot use this technique as yet, because the melanin in their follicles is not so easy to target.

Does it hurt?

Laser hair removal will not hurt, but can sometimes create feelings of discomfort, and in some cases the after-effects are similar to sunburn. To prevent this, laser hair removal clinics will use ice-packs, cooling gels or sprays to help relieve the discomfort and you are usually advised to use sun block cream for a week or two after the treatment. Also, you can ask for a ‚test‘ before beginning the treatment, and clinics often provide spot tests so the customers can see what the treatment will be like. Try one of these to be sure that your skin will not have some kind of allergic reaction to it.

How much will it cost?

The price for laser treatment varies according to the size of the area that you want treated, and the number of sessions. Laser hair removal centers often recommend 4 or 5 sessions, but the number will vary according to your skin type, hair color and the target area of the body. The fee may seem large initially, but you’ll probably come to realize that it’s a sum worth paying, because you’ll be saving yourself a lifetime of investment in time, money and care.

Waxing Or Sugaring

Believe it or not, there is no set way to determine if you should look into pubic hair removal. The ultimate decision is up to you and many individuals see this in a different light. Some individuals find that just trimming the hair is enough while others are looking for the Brazilian wax where all hair is removed. How should it be done? What is the right way to go about it?

Should You Wax?

Most individuals find that the most successful and the most beneficial type of hair removal for the pubic area is through waxing. It is safe, although it can be somewhat painful. But, it is also inexpensive and lasts a good while, so it is by far the most chosen method of hair removal.

Although waxing is not a permanent solution, it can help to keep hair at bay for several weeks at a time. The hair is removed directly from the shaft, which means that the follicle is not necessary damaged and will re-grow hair. On a positive note, many individuals find that the hair that does grow back is not as coarse or as dark. And, in some cases, people find that the hair is also less with each procedure. This is due to the damage that can be caused to the follicle during the procedure. If the follicle is damaged and cannot grow hair, you get a more permanent solution.

Getting The Hair Removed

There are many reasons why you should look into waxing. First, you can do this yourself if you like. There are several at home kits that you can use. If you would like to, you can also look into having a professional do the work for you as well. While it will cost more, you’ll get a better result and you won’t have to do the work yourself. Also, when you wax the pubic hair, you can control how much and what shape you want to wax in.

When purchasing products to use for waxing, make sure that the products you purchase can be used in this area of the body as some products will not be sensitive enough for it.


Have you heard of sugaring? The technique is much the same as waxing but instead of using the wax, a sugar based mixture is used. It is organic and it is much easier to clean up. It has been used for centuries. The paste, made out of honey and lemon is applied to the skin allowed to harden and then pulled off. The hairs will stick to the sugary paste and will come right out.

For most individuals, waxing is the method of choice for the removal of hair in the pubic region. It is safe when the right products are used and it is a solution that will last a long while. Another benefit is that it is much less expensive than the use of electrolysis or that of lasers. If you are considering this hair removal process, look for high quality products to use.

How To Find The Perfect Formal Hairstyle

Finding the right hairstyle for that special occasion can be a big chore. No matter whether it is your wedding day or a formal work party, looking your best is always your top priority and you pay just as much attention to your hair as you do your dress. So, how can you find perfect updos and formal styles to suit your individual personality and style of dress?

Probably the best place to start is online. There are literally hundreds of photo galleries dedicated to updos and formal hairstyles alone. By browsing these sites, you can find numerous styles and print them out so that you can share them with your stylist. All you need to do to find these photo galleries is perform a quick search for updos in your favorite search engine. Many of these sites also have how to articles to help you do your hair yourself at home.

Another great way to find unique formal styles is to browse through your salon’s style books and portfolios. In most salons, there are stylists that specialize in different updo techniques. A salon might have one stylist who can create amazing braided and basket weaved updos whereas another stylist may be able to create sleek timeless classics perfectly. By looking through a portfolio and seeing each stylist’s actual work, you can get a feel of whether or not their style would suit your preferences. And you can get a glimpse of signature styles that you cannot find anywhere else.

You can also find photos and how to articles in many magazines that are geared toward wedding preparations. Hair style magazines also come out with an updo issue occasionally.

Once you have found a good source of formal hairstyle photos, you need to narrow your choices down to a few favorites. When doing this, pay attention to the model’s hair. If she has extremely thick hair, you may not be able to achieve quite the same look if your hair is thin and fine and vice versa.

After you have narrowed down your choices, begin experimenting with the different styles by pulling your hair up in mock positions. Find one or two combinations that you think would look the best and take them to your hairdresser for a trial run.

Granted, finding a style this way rather than letting your stylist have his or her lead may take a little bit of time, but when you help in the planning process, you will ensure that you get a perfect formal do that will be the envy of the party.

How To Dye Your Pubic Hair

More recently, women have become aware about the condition of their pubic hair. From Brazilian waxes to pubic hair shaping and pubic shaving, women are starting to treat their pubic region with much more care and attention. For a lot of women, shaving their pubic region is a step too far and many would just like to improve the look of their pubic hair. One easy way to do this is by coloring or dyeing your pubic hair.

Coloring or dyeing your pubic hair is a quick and easy way to cover over some of those gray hairs that may be creeping in. Alternatively, you may just want a change and what better way to surprise your partner than with a new pubic hair color?

One important point to make at this stage is that sometimes hair colors and dyes may cause irritability. With the pubic region being such a sensitive area great care must be taken not to irritate or damage the skin in any way.

How to Dye Your Pubic Hair.

The first step is to obtain your hair dye. Go down to your favorite beauty/hair/drug store and purchase a standard hair dye coloring kit that best matches your pubic hair color. One great tip here is that because pubic hair can be coarser and slightly darker than your head hair; go for one shade darker than you would if you were buying for your head hair.

Although you may already be using a favorite hair dye product, it would be wise to test the hair coloring on a small patch of skin on your pubic area. If ANY signs of redness/itching/soreness or other adverse effects arise do not go any further and seek medical advice about using such products.

Before going any further, take the instructions from the Hair Dyeing product and read the instructions CAREFULLY. Once you have satisfied yourself that you understand them fully, continue to the next step.

You are now ready to dye your pubic hair.

Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the sensitive areas of your genitals. If any spills occur, this will prevent the dye getting to your most sensitive areas. Once you have done this, put on the gloves that are provided with the Hair Dye product. Now mix the color as per instructions and then add a small amount of moisturizing shampoo to the mix. Make sure they are completely mixed together.

Now gently brush the mix onto your pubic hairs, concentrating on the areas that need most attention. Leave the mixture applied as laid out in the instructions, usually 10 minutes to 30 minutes.

Don’t worry if you did not achieve the color you wanted on the first attempt. Wait a few days (to avoid irritation) and just re-apply as laid out above. Eventually you will build to the color you desired.

Enjoy your new look!

How To Deal With Hair Growth

There is nothing more irritating and disgusting than having hair protruding out of your face, neck, arms, legs and other places. The problem of unwanted hair growth has increasingly become a cause of worry for men and women.

Today our society has somewhat become phobic about body hair. People today also opt for shaving their pubic hair. This loathe of hair is not merely restricted to women only, the metrosexual men want the hair on their chest and back to be removed. So the scenario can be summarized as increased dislike for hair growth.

Isn’t it ironic that we are so cautious about hair loss from our head and, on the other side, we deliberately want our body hair be removed? If you are a man or a woman, unwanted hair on your face especially becomes a matter of disgust as the hair become harder to conceal.

The growth of unwanted hair can be controlled and removed. There are various treatments and techniques of getting rid of unwanted hair. You can get rid of those unwanted hair even at home.


Waxing is used all over the world as the best home solution for unwanted hair growth. However waxing should be done by the beauty experts, but you can do it at home with waxing kits available in the market. Waxing is considered to be an effective method as it pulls the hair out form the roots, providing you with long lasting freedom against hair growth. There is one disadvantage of waxing, the procedure is very painful. Generally waxing is used on underarms, legs, arms, eyebrows and bikini lines.

Depilatory Creams

These creams are again a good alternative as a hair removal method. These creams contain a special and unique ingredient which dissolves the visible hair as well as the hair beneath surface. This ensures a long lasting freedom from unwanted hair on your different body parts. This process is just needed to be repeated once a week for the good results.

On the contrary, this process is very messy as you need to apply the cream on your skin for a certain time period. It also requires caution as prolonged or heavy application can cause your skin to burn or become spotty. But these creams when applied with care leave your skin smooth and hair free.


Electrolysis hair removal technique is the only method which provides you with the permanent hair removal. During the process, the follicles of your hair are destroyed. The process involves usage of a needle through which electric current is delivered. Besides the benefits of permanent and effective hair removal, this process has many disadvantages also. It is time consuming, costly and painful. This treatment should only be performed by a licensed electrologist.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is much faster and painless alternative for hair removal. Though its results are permanent, but it is an effective treatment for long term freedom from unwanted hair growth. Laser hair removal destroys the follicles of hair by heating them up. Laser hair removal is not much successful in removing, white, light or gray hair. Moreover it is not suited for dark skinned people.

How to Create Beautiful Wedding Hairstyles

Planning a wedding is not an easy task because it involves many small events and decisions to make concerning the big day, including wedding hairstyles. With the many wedding planners available everywhere, many brides believe there is a magic formula to determine what they should wear such as long hairstyles, short hairstyles, or even hair extensions.

No, there is no such formula, nor right or wrong answers because it is YOUR wedding day, and only you can decide among the many wedding hairstyles, to make this day a big and unforgettable event that it is expected to be. Selecting the perfect hairstyle yourself should be an easy task because nobody better than you knows how good or bad you feel when you look in the mirror.

If you feel, there are too many things on your mind and too little time to accomplish them, get help from professional stylists, avoiding the confusion over what are best, short hairstyles, long hairstyles or a particular hairdo requiring hair treatment, coloration and even the use of hair extensions.

Creating beautiful wedding hairstyles is easy after browsing through the numerous bridal printed magazines or available on the Internet. Who else better than you can knows if you want to wear your hair up, down, curled or straight? Do not worry at all if you have no idea, because if you start planning your hairdo shortly after the engagement announcement, you will have plenty of time to ask your salon for a trial until you are satisfied with the chosen hairstyle.

Long hairstyles are still the favorites of most brides, because they add sophistication and elegance to a wedding ceremony and reception accordingly. However, do not make the mistake of loosing your personal identity by choosing wedding hairstyles that have nothing to do with your own personality.

Go for casual, romantic long hairstyles or practical, modern short styles if you feel that any of them match your own style. The only exception, perhaps, is when you are wearing short hair but you want a fashionable long hairstyle or up-do, although this problem can be resolved if you let you hair grow in plenty of time or opt using hair extensions.

When a wedding is meant to be celebrated with a small number of family members and closest friends, many brides do not worry, as much about their overall attire since there will not be any camera operators, many relatives, circumstantial friends or even strangers to pay attention on details like their hair.

That thought is a big mistake; the wedding day is the bride and groom’s day. Disregard who is attending the event, give yourself the gift of choosing between the wedding hairstyles that make you feel like a queen, whether you chose from long hairstyles, short hairstyles, or fancy hairdos made with hair extensions.

How to Create Beautiful Prom Hairstyles

When a girl feels her prom night is around the corner, a number of ideas come across her mind planning the best look on her big night. If your are such a girl dreaming of the most beautiful prom dress that you can find, consider that it will not look as great as it could be, if you forget the importance of prom hairstyles to accentuate your dress.

Sexy looking up-dos, short hairstyles, long hairstyles, and even funky styles, prom hairstyles are a world apart to choose from right one for a stunning looking appearance on this special night. A balanced combination between your dress, shoes, accessories, hair, makeup, and the magic of a perfume, are a just a few points of attention for a gorgeous look.

Many great prom hairstyles are created in the salon, but that does not mean that you cannot get astonishing results with a hairdo made at home by yourself or with the help of your close friends to achieve the hairstyle you want. You can find a good source of hairstyles through online photo galleries, and also browsing beauty magazines and catalogs.

Decide on the style that best fits your personality or the special look you want on your prom night. Sophisticated, classic up-dos are always great to wear on one the most important events of every woman’s life. Hair extensions are a great aid if your hair is not enough to design a fashionable style.

Prom hairstyles come also in long hairstyles and short hairstyles. You can always visit a salon if you are unsure of your choice, and make an appointment. You should call the salon at least one to 2 months prior to the prom to set your appointment. Many other girls will also be setting their appointments and you want to be sure to have yours. Jot down the date and confirm the appointment 2 or 3 days before the date to make sure nothing has changed.

Think of your personality, or the self-image you want to offer on prom night. Many young women want to look like an adult serious woman by getting a dress, makeup and hairdo that makes him feel like as if they were a total stranger to themselves, while others prefer to become that woman, leaving in the past, any teenage look.

The most important thing is be yourself. Consider also that short styles are more often associated with casual or sporty lifestyles, while long hairstyles are more likely associated with a sexy looking image.

Explain to your friends or your stylist what the exact look is that you want, and consider having a trial. Most salons gladly will guide you through many prom hairstyles until you find the right one, whether with hair extensions, up-dos, long hairstyles or short hairstyles.

How to Choose the Perfect Hair Style

Want to have that perfect hairstyle? Not everybody has a same face shape. As you take a lot care while choosing your clothes and accessories to suit your personality, you should opt for the hairstyle that suits your face shape and lifestyle the most. Hairstyling products like Pureology and Sebastian Hair Products make it really easy to manage your hairstyle.
Styling the hair starts from recognizing your face and then selecting the right hairstyle. Face shapes are broadly categorized into:
Round – People with round face have fullness in their faces and have a wide hairline. They need to give a slimmer effect to their face. You can go in for hairstyles that have layers and waves. Straight hairstyles should be avoided. Short hairstyles up to shoulder length are also good as it gives an illusion of height. Small curls on sides look great. Try Tressa, Mizani, Zerran, Hinoki, KMS Hair Product, Image Hair Product and Alterna Hair Products for a better hair quality.
Oval – if you have an oval face, you can have both long and short hair cuts. This face shape is considered ideal for any hair style you desire. One thing you should keep in mind is that never wear your hair on your face. Manage your hair beautifully with hair products by Redkin and Biosilk.
Long – You can compliment your face type by keeping a straight hanging hair style. Go for volumes. A mid-length bob cut or a heavy layered style is a perfect hairstyle for such face types. Add luster to your locks with Sebastian Hair products. Redkin styling gels and hair lotions provide a good conditioning to the hair.
Heart – this kind of face type is wide at the temples and narrow at the chin. People with heart face shape should go for short hair and chin length hair. Chin length bobs, short shags, swept forward layers and wispy bangs look great on this face type. Don’t select a hairstyle that shows upper face more as it will make your chin look narrower. Hair tonics from Biosilk and Pureology will work wonders for your hair.

Square – if you have a strong square jaw line, you have a square face. Suitable hair styles for your face will be that balance out your features. You can opt for short hair to medium hair cuts will look fabulous on your face. Long straight hair and center parting is big no-no. Shine your hair with serum by Alterna Hair Products, Sudzz Fx, Image hair products & KMS Hair Product.
By studying your face carefully and selecting a right hairstyle will definitely add to your looks. After you have got your perfect hair-cut, there is a need to maintain it properly. For keeping your hair in the best condition, choose right hair products that will help in maintaining the hair. Good shampoos, conditioners, serums, gels are some of the essentials for your hair. Try out some reputed brands like Pureology, biosilk, Zerran, Hinoki, Trevor Sorbie and Redkin.

Hair Cut For Young Girls

Your daughter or the significant little girl in your life, the same one who used to dump strained peas on her head and drop toys in the toilet, is growing up, and, believe it or not, will soon be choosing her own haircuts and picking out her own outfits, not to mention dating, driving, working, and voting.

Thanks to easy media access, little girls today are much more fashion conscious than their mothers were, and even if your teen or pre teen is a camo pants wearing, mud playing, bundle of energy, it is just as important for her to have the right hair cut now as it will be in a few years when she becomes even more fashion conscious.

Depending on the age of your young girl, you should allow her to help you decide the hair length that is right for her. Long hair on little girls is classic, but if she has thick or very fine hair, this can be difficult to maintain. Also, something that her salon stylist can help you with is determining the best style for her face shape and hair type.

For short hair styles the Pageboy or Bob hair cut is best for thick hair, thin hair, younger girls, and active girls. The Pageboy is a basic variation on the bob and is easy to care for. Layers can also be cut into the bob for a look of added texture and depth, and hold products, can be applied to add extra tousled effects and firm hold for special occasions.

The Pageboy or Bob with bangs is the same as above, except with a wisp of a bang, skimming the skin just above the eyebrows, and adding softness to longer, more angular face shapes.

For short hair almost any variations on an adult hair style can be applied to young girls hair, but the trick is to make sure that your daughter is able to style it on her own or with minimal help. For older girls maybe nine and under this should not be a problem, but the younger ones will more than likely require a little help.
For medium hair styles the graduated layer look is easy to care for and style.

It requires minimal care and looks very cute, especially on little girls with thick hair, as the ends can be razored back to reduce bulk and define the layers. A little gel, brushed through the hair in the morning help to keep layers defined, and a spritz pomade will make sure that her hair stays brilliantly beautiful even when she is hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

For long hair styles girls with very fine hair require constant trims to keep it looking sleek, but most girls, including those with very thick hair, look adorable with a long look. The trick is, again, to add layers to the back but not too many, maybe one or two, to reduce the bulk and keep hair looking fresh between trims.

Remember that a haircut is very personal and a hairstyle that you may think looks great on your little princess may make her want to hide in the closet. So remember to always listen and try to find the right style together.

Choose the Best Hair Stylist

Every now and then we have to choose something in our lives. It may be a dress, a car, or a job place. Nevertheless, all the time we want to secure ourselves from the mistakes that can ruin our good mood, or health.

Among all our choices, choosing a stylist is one of the most important. Why is it so? Because a stylist creates your image, the way people think about you when they meet you. Good stylist can help you get something, OR someone you want.

Moreover, a good stylist is always on top of the fashion news and knows all latest trends. So, if you choose a stylist correctly, you will be able to get any hair style you want, including the hottest ones, like Sedu hairstyles.

Sedu hairstyles are not only the style number-one in the spring-summer season 2006, they are extremely demanding as to the skills of the stylist. So, if you want to have Sedu hairstyle, you should have the best hairstylist you can get.

Here are some useful tips about what should you look at when choosing a stylist.

Tip #1: Ask for recommendations

The easiest way of finding a stylist is asking some one whose style you like where they have got such a brilliant haircut. People are usually so intrigued about being noticed that they are only too glad to share the information.

There are two options of asking people the address of the stylist:
1. You may ask a friend, relative, or coworker about the stylist;
2. You may simply bump into some one with a good haircut in the street and ask the address of their stylist.

Some people believe that friend or coworker may give you false information so that the stylist won’t slip you some of the secrets he/she have heard from your friend or coworker. But I believe that it is utter nonsense. Your friends obviously won’t tell the stylist something they haven’t already told you. In the same way, coworker knows very little about you as well as you do about him. So, there is very small possibility that you will hear bad things about you.

Moreover, good stylist should remain silent about the information he/she heard from his clients. In this meaning he/she plays the part of a priest in confession. Not to mention, that a good stylist cares about his/her reputation that includes the ability to hold their tongues.

Tip#2: Learn the salon from inside out

When you have finally found the salon, you should learn more about its staff, its services and overall reputation.

You need to do the following steps:
1. Study the salon from outside;
2. Look carefully how customers are treated in the salon;
3. Learn whether the salon have some training programs for stylists to be at their top form;
4. Try to sit in the reception area to know how the business is running;
5. The general customer-friendly appearance is the main thing about the good salon.

Tip#3: Get personally acquainted with the stylist

Times when in the city or town was only one barber are in the misty past. Today good salon usually has from three to whatever number of stylists. All of them should have the same skills, representing the working traditions of the salon and its level of service.

Usually you should be able come to any of the stylists in the salon, and the level of the work will be the same.

There is also very simple test of the stylist’s skills. Come to a stylist when he/she isn’t doing anything and ask to show his/her razor. If it isn’t in their tool belt or on their station ready for use, turn and go.

Good stylist should have all his/her instruments at hand. This shows that he/she respects your time and his/her time, and is always ready to do the job.

Tip#4: Discuss your future haircut

When you’ve finally decided about some particular salon and have booked an appointment, you need to have a thorough consultation with the stylist about the following topics:
• Your face shape;
• Your hair type;
• Maintenance of your hair;
• Your abilities to style at home;
• What you like about your hair;
• What you don’t like about it;
• Length you’re expecting to lose during the cut.

Such keypoints indicate main difficulties you should overcome by doing a haircut. If the stylists makes 5 minute monologue about how he/she thinks you should cut your hair without listening to your thoughts, turn around and go. Don’t allow to be talked into something you don’t like.

Tip #5: Make sure you’re getting the haircut you want

When you’ve discussed the haircut and decided upon something particular, watch how the stylist makes a cut. Good stylist will automatically ask you about the length BEFORE he/she starts the cut.

If you see that the haircut appearing is not what you’ve discussed with the stylist, don’t be afraid to stop the process immediately and have another discussion. By this you secure that the stylists understands you correctly, and you will have the hairstyle you want.

If the stylists makes the same mistakes when you come for the second time, don’t hesitate and go to another salon.

Tip#6: Study your feelings during the haircut

This one is very important, as the main thing about new haircut is a good mood. You may call me superstitious, but I believe that if you feel comfortable during the haircut your hair will be healthier and stronger.

If you feel one hundred percent comfortable during the cut, and no single hair is pulled down and no water splashes ruin your make-up, then the stylist is pro and you are lucky to find him/her.

So, let’s look through our tips once more to be sure we haven’t missed something.
To find a stylist you need:
• To find s good salon;
• To look how the salon is run;
• To check customer service;
• To study carefully stylists’ skills in the salon;
• To be sure that the pre-cut discussion is dialogue where you speak and listen to some advice;
• To see that the cut is done in the way you want it look like;
• To feel comfortable during the cut.

Now you are prepared to find the best stylist possible and have the exact haircut you want. You are now entirely sure that you will have absolutely Sedu hairstyle with the skilled and professional hair stylist.

Products For Your Hair

Ah, the never-ending debate over professional and non-professional hair-care products. In the past, this debate was resolved easily with a famous quote, “You get what you pay for.” But today, the line between professional and non-professional products has become blurry due to the emergence of inexpensive professional products and expensive non-professional products.

You see, it used to be that you almost always paid $10 for a bottle of shampoo from the salon. Non-professional shampoos, on the other hand, only cost a couple of dollars. Today, however, you can spend as much or more on a bottle of shampoo from your local department store as you can for a bottle from the salon. The reason that this is so is because most professional product lines have not raised their prices in years, while new shampoos and conditioners being introduced to the non-professional market have been given packaging and price tags to mirror their in-salon competition.

So, now the only thing that separates the non-professional from the professional is the quality standard by which each product line is produced. Just think about it this way: All products made to be used in salons by professionals can only be retailed in salons. That means that the products must be of the highest quality. If they weren’t, beauticians simply wouldn’t use them. Never will you find a professional product that causes build up or leaves the hair feeling dry and brittle. Professional shampoos will also not strip hair of color or vital moisture. If you could get these products or products of similar quality in any department store, why wouldn’t your beautician use them?

While not all non-professional products are bad, you do run the risk of choosing a product that could cause problems like build up, dryness, breakage, color fading, lifelessness, frizziness and a host of other problems. That means that if you choose to use a non-professional product, you should monitor your hair closely to look for any adverse affects.

Also, keep in mind how much you are spending. While it makes perfect sense to choose a non-professional product at huge savings over a professional one, it doesn’t make much sense to spend as much on a non-professional product as you would for a guaranteed, professional product.

In the end, the choice to use professional products or not to use them is yours. Just remember to watch your wallet and most importantly watch your hair. Choose products that are kind to both.

Choose A Hairstyle

Choosing the perfect hairstyle is just one of those things that elude most women. Sometimes, a gorgeous cut is undermined by the fact that the woman wearing it is too busy to style it properly. Other times, a cut is chosen because of how great it looks on someone else, but ends up looking pathetic on the woman wishing to mimic the style because her hair type and texture is the exact opposite needed to wear the style beautifully.

But not everyone is destined to encountering hairstyle disaster after disaster on their quest for the perfect cut, and neither are you. All it takes is just a little bit of preplanning and consideration to get the perfect hairstyle each and every time you go to the salon. Here are just a few questions that you should ask yourself when changing your style:

· How does the cut or style flatter my face and body shape? Probably the number one mistake that women make when choosing a new style is to choose a style that is unflattering to their features. For example: A swept back style would make a round face look even rounder, but a style that softens up the facial features with a little forward movement can make a round face appear more balanced and oval. Haircuts can also be tailored to draw the eye to your most stunning features and to detract it from those you’d rather hide.

· How much time and effort will I have to put into styling each morning? In today’s hectic-paced world, who has time to burn styling hair? Most of us need a style that is easy to work with and requires little time primping in front of the mirror. Even if you have a style that requires more work, it is likely that you will bypass a majority of the care and maintenance needed for it to look its best on most days. And that could add up to a lot of bad hair days. Instead, choose a style that is easy to work with and compliments your hair’s natural tendencies.

· Will this style work with my hair’s type and texture or work against it? If your hair is limp and straight, choosing a heavily layered style that requires a curling iron or hot rollers every day could get exhausting. Likewise, a sleek, flat style on extremely curly locks could take a lot of effort to maintain. So, try to choose a style that will work with your texture. By doing this, you can have a style that seems to go into place magically with little or no fuss on your part.

· Will this style accommodate my lifestyle? If you have to wear your hair up for your job or if you’re a tomboy who loves to throw on a ball cap, you should consider this before deciding on a hairstyle. After all, who wants to be stuck with a style that they have to curl each and every day when their tendency is to wear it in a pony tail? If you wear your hair up often, be sure to choose a style that will still allow you to do this when the mood or need strikes you.

Choosing the perfect hairstyle does not have to be complicated. Just take a little time to really think about what your needs and wants are, and you should be able to get the style you dream of easily. And the best part is that you won’t regret it once you have it.

Braid Hair

Hair braiding is an old method of maintaining hair used by women. There are many hair braiding styles used in various countries. English braid, French braid, Dutch braid and fishtail styles are some of the hair braiding styles. These styles can be used on formal occasions like wedding or on casual occasions. With little practice one can become quite good at braiding hair.

You need some necessary things before going for braiding hair. The things needed include a wide-tooth comb and a rubber band or ponytail holder. If you feel that braiding should be done on damp hair then you should have a bottle spray of water.
In the case of dry or fine hair it is better to use some kind of gel or spray on hair before braiding hair as it would be convenient then. The following are the steps to braid hair of a person:

• Braiding hair should start with the use of hair gel or spray on the hair to help it become smooth. The hair should be dried then.

• In the beginning of braiding, hair should be divided among three sections. You should place the the left section between the left index finger and the thumb. The middle finger should be let free and the right section of hair should be placed between the right index finger and the thumb. This will create a braiding pattern.

• The middle section of the right middle finger should be grabbed. The right thumb and the index fingers should be extended so that that portion of hair becomes the middle section.

• You should use the left finger to pull the middle section of hair behind the left section.

• You should extend the left index finger and the thumb to make the left section of hair become the middle section.

• You should shift the portion of hair hooked in the right middle finger so that it sits between the right index finger and the thumb. This process should be repeated and then you should shift the portion of the hair hooked in the left middle finger so it sits between the left index finger and the thumb.

• The process should be continued untill you get the hair braiding of your desire.

To get a tight braiding the middle section of the braid should be pulled along the horizontal lines. The tip of the hair should be tied using a ruber band.
Braiding hair needs patience and practice to learn. It takes some time to become good at it. Pulling of hair too harsh should be avoided during braiding as it can result in hair fallout.

How to Braid Hair

Hair braiding is a way to style hair you can do at home, but it does involve a learning process. Once you know how to braid hair, you can transform your own or someone else’s hair into a cute new style in just a few minutes. Here are some easy instructions on how to braid hair.

To braid another person’s hair or do the front of your own head

The hair should be clean and dry. If it is wavy or curly, you may want to blow dry it straight first to make the braid more even. Add some styling gel to smooth any flyaways and make the hair more manageable. Comb the hair to remove tangles.

Divide the hair into three even sections. Place the left section between your left index finger and thumb, let the middle section hang free and place the right section between your right index finger and thumb.

Hold the middle section with your right middle finger and pull it so it passes behind the right section. Extend your right thumb and index finger so the right portion of hair becomes the new middle section.

Using the left middle finger, pull the middle section behind the left section. Extend or straighten the left index finger and thumb to move the left section into the middle.

Shift the portion of hair hooked in the right middle finger so it sits between the right index finger and thumb. Repeat the process. Then shift the portion of the hair hooked in the left middle finger so it sits between the left index finger and thumb.

Continue until the braid is the desired length. For a tighter, more compact braid, pull the middle section into a horizontal line as you move it to the right or left. If you prefer a loose, elongated braid, simply shift the middle section to the right or left, letting it remain in a vertical line.

When the braid is done, secure the end of the hair with a covered rubber band. Add a bow or barrette as desired.

Be sure to pull the portions of hair as evenly as possible so the tension remains consistent. If the tension is tighter on one side, your braid will twist to one side instead of lying flat. Avoid pulling too hard, as this may lead to hair damage.

Braiding the back of your own hair

Comb your hair before you begin and remove any tangles. Divide the hair into three even sections. Some people have found that if you braid your hair when it’s damp, say 30 minutes to an hour after a shower or bath, it does not get frizzy and is easier to work with.

Lift your left elbow to shoulder height and make a thumbs down fist around the left portion of hair. Do the same on the right side, letting the middle portion lie against your spine.

Extend your left index finger and hook the right section of hair. Pull it in front of the middle section, letting it slip completely out of the right hand. Take the middle section of hair with your right hand, pull it to the right side, and then resume the thumbs down fist position with both hands.

Extending your right index finger, hook the far left portion of hair and let it slip completely out of the left hand. Shift the portion of hair in your left hand into a thumbs down fist and then release the left index finger. Make a thumbs down fist with your right hand and then use your left index finger to hook the far right section.

Continue the process until the braid is complete. To braid very long hair, you may have to free a hand to pull the sections through. Secure the braid as it develops by pressing your knuckles into it as you shift your hands for the next cross. Use a covered elastic to secure the finished braid and decorate as desired.

Experiment with using different hand positions. You may discover a technique that works better for you.

Practice leads to success

The first time you try to braid hair, it will go slowly. Practice your technique and be patient until you know how to braid hair. It may take some time to discover your rhythm. Braiding will become much easier with the more times you do it.

If you’re braiding a young child’s hair, ask that she keep her head still. Give her a hand mirror so she can watch you do the braiding. If her hair is too thin and fine for an elastic to hold the braid, use pipe cleaners. These come in many colors and children usually have them readily available.

When you’re learning how to braid hair, it might help to visit a hair salon where they do braiding and watch the stylists braid their clients‘ hair. Another good practice technique is to braid the hair of a doll or hair mannequin.

How Stress Causes Hair Loss

The problem of thinning hair may be caused by a genetic predisposition that comes from a family history of thinning hair. Health problems such as Hyperthyroid or Hypothyroid conditions; medications such as chemotherapy, any hormone replacement medications including birth control pills are culprits often overlooked.

It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

Are you Stressed?

Thinning hair can also be attributed to stress and trauma that can cause constriction of blood supply and poor vitamin assimilation to the scalp and hair. Or, simply from poor nutrition and diet that can include a high consumption of animal fat, high protein and fad diets. Even external environmental toxins and pollutants, such as chlorine, metals, minerals and water pollution cannot be ignored. All these factors can be causing your clients‘ hair to look thinner.

Under a microscope

The hardening prevents hair growth. The hair cycle slowly becomes disrupted and more hair is shed than normal. In time hair growth stops completely and baldness results. Here you see an example of a hair follicle as seen under a microscope.

Age and hormones

Most people naturally experience some hair loss as they get older. But age, changing hormones and heredity cause some to lose more hair than others.

Female-pattern baldness starts with the replacement hairs becoming progressively finer and shorter. They can also become almost transparent.

It has been recorded that about 50 percent of women experience hair loss have female-pattern baldness! Unfortunately, it is often permanent just as in men. Not all hair thinning and loss must be permanent. There has been various cases of perimenopausal women, for example, experiencing thinning and lost hair who, once their hormone levels become balanced, can experience the thickness of previously thinning and the regrowth of lost hair that occurred during the ebbing and flowing hormonal years.

Hot Tips

Get Wavy! Permanents can help give volume to fine-textured hair — but hair must be healthy, not dry or brittle. Only a gentle body wave is advised, because tighter waves can damage the hair. Because chemicals in permanents are harsh, a permanent should be only a last resort for fine-haired people.

How Safe Laser Hair Removal Works

The word laser is an acronym for: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It’s a device that creates and amplifies a narrow, intense beam of coherent light: light that is of one frequency. Lasers are commonly used in medical science and more recently in cosmetic procedures like hair removal.

In a laser, the atoms or molecules of a crystal, such as ruby or garnet, are excited in what is called the laser cavity so that more of them are at higher energy levels than are at lower energy levels.

Reflective surfaces at both ends of the cavity permit energy to reflect back and forth, building up the power in each passage.

With laser hair removal the laser penetrates the top layer of dermis with a specific wavelength of light (as opposed to multiple wavelengths used in Intense Pulse Light treatments), targeting melanin in the hair follicle.

A hair follicle is a sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of the skin.

Each air follicle normally goes through a five-year cycle of growth and rest, with about 90 percent of the follicles growing hair at any one time, averaging about 15 cm of growth per year.

Also called pigment, melanin is a substance that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It also gives color to the iris of the eye, feathers, and scales.

In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin. By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or more fair skin coloring.

Melanin provides many benefits to human beings. One of the most recognised benefits involves ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Melanin provides a natural protection against the harmful effects of these rays. However, it does not provide complete protection from the sun, and individuals with darker skin tones are still at risk from the sun’s damaging rays.

When the laser hits the melanin it damages and destroys the regrowth potential of the hair follicle. The specific wave length of light (755nm) enhances the accuracy of the treatment and gives far superior results. At 755 nanometres the laser can achieve the best penetration into the hair follicle. For people with dark hair and light skin, this is the ultimate in hair reduction.

The new 755 nanometre hair removal laser uses a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin during, and after, laser exposure.

This is why the treatment is regarded as a lot less painful than other treatments. Some patients have compared the treatment to the sensation of the snap of a rubber band.

For your safety, the ownership and operation of lasers in most Australian States is highly regulated. Clinics need to have an owner’s license, clinic license, safety officers, licensed operators and licensed equipment, which is why very few clinics are fully licensed.

How Modern Hair Restoration Can Be Successful

Before seeking the services of a hair replacement center, it is important to understand some basic information about hair loss and what can do about it.

Hair Loss Background

Approximately 95% of the estimated 60 million men and women in the United States who experience abnormal hair loss suffer from a hereditary condition called androgentic alopecia. This is the gradual loss of hair that usually begins somewhere between 30 to 40 years of age in men and is essentially a cosmetic disorder, which is relevant because most health insurance plans will not pay for cosmetic care. In women, the onset of hereditary hair loss usually does not occur until after menopause.

The incidence of androgentic alopecia is highest in white males but can also be found women, Asians, and African Americans. Usually, the thinning hair begins in the frontal area and progresses back over the head. In general, the growth transition begins with large, thick healthy hair, then progresses to thinner, shorter, indeterminate hairs, and finally, short, nonpigmented vellus hairs cover the area sporadically. During this transition, the patient may notice more shedding than normal. Some shedding is natural, as up to 10% of a person’s hair so prone to shedding at any given time. Lab studies can be done to determine whether the hair loss is genetic or caused by other sources.

What can be done about it?

Once the cause of thinning hair is determined, a hair replacement center can offer several viable solutions for hair restoration . If the cause is not genetic, changes in medication, diet, or hairstyle products may take care of the problem without any significant out-of-pocket cost to the patient. In the event the patient is loosing hair due to genetic reasons or the changes mentioned above do not create a regrowth of hair, other options are still available.

• Surgery offers a couple of solutions. One is a scalp reduction. This is where a portion of the bald scalp is removed, and then the skin is stretch to cover the area of the scalp where the skin was removed. The other option is probably the most commonly considered option. Hair follicles can be transplanted from a donor or from thickly haired sections of the head. The main problem with hair plugs is covering the bald area with enough plugs to provide satisfactory results.

• The last option is hair weaving. Hairpieces are weaved into the patient’s natural hair to create a prosthetic method of covering the baldness. While the hairpieces of the past were often horrendous failures, many of the modern prosthetics are indistinguishable from the patient’s own hair.

Conclusion for modern hair restoration technologies

Now that you have a general idea what to expect from a hair replacement center, you can more effectively prepare a list of questions for the doctor. You can also go prepared to ask questions about your family history, medical history, current medications, diet, and general hair care regime.

While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is also an integral part of self-image. As such, concern over hair loss is a normal reaction and should not be taken lightly.

How Hair Transplant Replacement Works

Hair transplantation – „hair transplant“ — is a surgical procedure that involves moving sections of scalp where hair still grows to a part of the scalp that is bald or where the hair is thinning.

History of hair transplantation

Hair restoration started in 1930, when Japanese doctors experimented to see if skin and hair could be transplanted from healthy parts of the body to parts that had been disfigured by injury.

In 1950, dermatologist Norman Orentreich wrote an article explaining how hair transplantation could be done. Although his studies were not embraced by the scientific community, he became even more determined to prove his theory „donor dominance,“ which states that even when hair is relocated to a bald area it will continue to grow as it did before. He is considered the father of hair transplants.

Hair transplantation is the most common elective surgery among men. The reason for its popularity among men is the fact that results gained from this procedure are much better compared to other similar hair replacement procedures. The hair transplantation of today is not really different from the hair transplantation Dr. Orentreich performed — however, today’s hair transplantation involves graft or plug size.

The older method of hair transplantation is easily identified by its patchy appearance. This used to be the norm, until transplant surgeons critically examined the possibilities of using a different graft size. It was determined that better results would be gleaned from using grafts that were smaller.

What happens during a hair transplant?

As mentioned earlier, hair transplantation involves moving small pieces of scalp where hair still grows to a part of the scalp that is bald or where the hair is thinning.

There are five types of grafts, varying in size and shape. These are: punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts and strip grafts. Since this new method of hair transplantation makes use of smaller sizes of grafts, many surgical procedures are needed to fully covered a bald area, taking as long as two years. The number of large plugs transplanted during the first sessions of surgery varies with each individual, but the average is usually about 50. With mini-graphs or micro-graphs there may be up tp 700 plugs transplanted per session.

For more information on hair transplantation, ask your surgeon.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work

Laser hair removal has become one of the most popular techniques for removing unwanted body hair. Much of the reason this technique has become popular is that it has the capability to permanently remove unwanted hair, without causing a lot of pain. However the procedure is fairly expensive, and you may have to visit a clinic multiple times to get the results you desire. Also, laser hair removal will not work for everyone as its effectiveness is highly dependant on skin pigmentation.

Laser hair removal works by shining a laser onto the skin where it gets absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair follicles. Ironically, nobody is exactly certain what causes this hair removal process to work. But it is believed that the heat generated at the hair follicle by the laser breaks down that follicle so that it will no longer grow hair. In some cases it is possible that the follicle may be damaged but not permanently destroyed. Since hair grows in cycles in some cases people have had hair come back after undergoing laser hair removal. The laser can be modulated so that it goes through the skin and directly to the hair follicle without causing significant pain or discomfort.

Laser hair removal does not work for everyone. Results will depend on your skin type. Generally speaking, the results are best with people who have fair skin. However if your skin is too light colored it still might not work. For people with lighter hair, or people with little melanin in their hair it might not be as effective. Be sure to fully understand the benefits to your skin type before paying the money to try laser hair removal.

The laser hair removal procedure is quite simple. A practitioner will guide the laser over the body areas to be treated. Typically this will take about one hour for an entire set of legs.

In order to prevent the skin from getting burned various gels and cooling sprays are rubbed onto the area to be treated prior to the laser beam directed towards the hair follicles. When you have the procedure done you’ll wear protective goggles to prevent any possibility of the laser impacting your eyes. This removes one of the potential dangers that could exist by having a laser used on your body in this fashion.

Laser hair removal is effective at removing hair all wide range of body parts. Effective areas that are treated include the legs, chest, back, under arms, and facial hair. The chin and the upper lip are the most commonly treated areas.

Laser hair removal can be quite expensive, especially if you have a large area to be treated. In many cases it will take four or five treatments to get the results you are looking for. However, laser hair removal offers a superior alternative to other more painful or less permanent techniques of removing unwanted body hair.

If you are considering trying this technique to remove unwanted body hair, be sure to research practitioners in your area and ask for references. Laser hair removal might be the right solution for some people. But for others laser hair removal will not be as effective. For those who are not good candidates for laser hair removal, or anyone else who is concerned that the procedure might not yield permanent results, electrolysis might be a better alternative.

How Can Waxing Rid You Of Unsightly Body Hair

Are you using waxing as a hair removal technique? If not, then you should consider it. The process of waxing is very old and one that has been used in one way or another for thousands of years (dating back to ancient Egypt even) and can work very well for you today. What is it? It is the removal of hair from the root through a process of applying a wax and then quickly removing it. And, yes, waxing does hurt a bit but it is only temporary and can give you hair free results for up to six to eight weeks. All in all, it can be well worth it.

Where To Wax?

Waxing can safely be done throughout the body. Individuals use it for their legs, eyebrows, bikini areas and much larger hairs such as their chest, stomach and back. You can have it done so that you can shave time off of your swimming competition or to help you to just look the way that you enjoy looking.

What Is It?

What’s in the wax? The mixture that you will use is a combination of paraffin or beeswax and natural oils. These products are chosen since they work well with the body and stick to the skin. There are two types, cold and hot waxing. Some have supplements in them to help improve the skin’s feel and texture.

Hot Waxing: In this method of waxing, a hot but comfortable temperature is used for the wax. It is spread onto the area in the direction of the hair growth. When the wax cools, it is torn off quickly in the opposite direction, pulling the hair out with it. Usually, this gives the best results in waxing.

Cold Waxing: In this method of waxing, the strips of cloth are coated with the wax and them applied to the skin. The strips are rubbed in the direction of the hair growth and then ripped off in the opposite direction.

After you wax your skin, you can use a treatment of a non perfumed moisturizer. This will help to restore the feel of the skin by adding Vitamin B and Aloe Vera to it. Whatever you do, you do not want to go swimming, use a spa or hot tub, tan, or apply perfume, deodorant or other chemicals to the area that was just waxed as these can cause infections and pain.

It is important that you carefully look at your skin prior to using any type of waxing. You should not use in areas where there are open sores, infection, moles, warts or other skin irritations. You should never attempt to wax eyelashes, ear hair, nose hair or nipple hair. And, you should make sure that you use the appropriate combination of wax for specific areas such as pubic hair. Make sure to test the temperature of the wax so that you do not get burned too.

Waxing has been around for centuries because it is an effective way to remove hair. There are not normally side effects besides a little bit of pain and redness. And, you can do it at home or in a salon. Waxing is an effective method to remove unwanted hair from virtually every area of your body.

How You Can Avoid Dishonest Hair Transplant Doctors

It is easy to assume that any doctor will do everything in his power to do right by you. However, it would be naïve to think that there are no hair transplant doctors that are dishonestly trying to use you to make money and nothing more. There are a few things to take into consideration.

1. Watch out for high pressure tactics. One example is when a promotion is run guaranteeing a special price if you schedule your procedure by a certain date. Most reputable doctors charge a fair price for the hair transplant surgery and so do not need to discount it. Another example is when you go in and the doctor or other people in his office will not take no for an answer. Any good doctor knows the decision is yours to make.

2. Try not to use a doctor who starts you off with a salesman or other person who has nothing to do with the health occupations. You need a person with good training to show you all you need to make your mind up about the surgery. You do not need a person whose only agenda is to sell you on getting hair transplant procedures done.

3. You should start to get concerned if your doctor has no specific good stories to tell about hair transplant surgery they have done. You need to see before and after photos. You need a way to contact former patients. If at all possible, you need to be able to visit with patients the doctor has treated so they can show you the results in person. You are not asking too much – it is a major commitment you are making.

4. If your doctor says to try a few hair transplant grafts and then decide, run. This is never a good idea. Once you start having the grafts done, you are committing to a full set of procedures. Otherwise, your hair will end up looking out of balance.

5. Do not get involved with a doctor who does not listen. A good doctor knows how important the hair transplant is to you. He will listen to your questions about hair transplant and provide intelligent answers. He will also try to find out what your goals are to see if they are realistic.

6. Keep it realistic. If the doctor says the hair transplant will cost an exorbitant amount of time or money, be wary. You should have a basic idea of the going rates before you make this decision. On the other hand, if the doctor talks about how little it will cost and how quick and easy it will be, be suspicious of that too. The answer should lie somewhere in the middle.

7. Not all hair transplant stories are good ones. If the doctor you consult with claims that his are, you cannot trust what he says. Virtually every doctor has some procedure that has gone wrong to some degree. A good doctor will admit this and provide a plan to avoid it.

There are hair transplant stories that would make most people think twice about having the surgery. However, it is not a good representation of the fine work that most hair restoration surgeons are doing. Just make sure you find one of those good surgeons.

How to Take Care after Hair Transplant Surgery

Once you have made the decision to have hair transplant surgery, you are probably jumping ahead to thinking about your post-op plans. You most likely cannot wait to see the faces on your friends and acquaintances when they notice your new full head of hair. In the meantime, you have to go through the surgery and take care so that your hair transplant will be successful.

Your hair transplant will not heal unless you keep the newly operated-on skin out of the sunlight. The surgery will make the skin especially sensitive. If you protect the skin on your scalp after getting a scalp hair transplant, you will help the wounds heal much faster.

You can start out by getting some kind of hat. It does not matter what kind of hat it is, as long as it is fairly loose-fitting so that it does not rub on your new hair transplant grafts. You should not have to put up with this for long. After a couple of weeks, you can replace the cap with sunscreen. It should have an SPF of at least 30.

Having just the right amount of blood flow to the hair transplant sites will make a big difference in how fast they heal. For example, you need to make sure you get enough blood flow during the night. You can do this by sleeping on pillows to elevate your head. Your usual pillows can be used, or you can buy wedge-shaped pillows made for this purpose.

On the other hand, you do not want too much blood flow. You should get plenty of rest after your hair transplant surgery. For the first few weeks it is not wise to engage in any physically demanding activities. Then, the blood flow will be too much. Your transplants may start to bleed.

It is important to clean your hair just as your doctor recommends after hair transplant surgery. You will be given a special shampoo to use and specific instructions on how and when to use it. It is necessary to clean gently but thoroughly. At first, you may find yourself rinsing your hair many times a day. Just be sure that you do not bother the hair transplant site by scratching or rubbing it.

Your hair transplant doctor will want you to come in for a check of your transplants about a week after your surgery. Be sure to be at that appointment on time. If you have any questions about how to care for your hair, bring them up at that time.

Ask your doctor when you will be ready to use a comb on your new hair. You might be surprised at how soon you can use one. Then, your doctor will schedule other check-ups, which you should also attend.

At first it may seem as if you have to be very careful with your hair – and you do! It does not make sense to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars having your hair transplant surgery and then not follow through with good care. However, in no time at all, you will be treating this new hair just as you treated the hair you once had there.

How to Find a Good Hair Transplant Surgeon

There is no law in the US that requires a doctor to have any special credentials to perform hair transplant surgery, other than basic licensing as a physician. This leaves many potential candidates for the surgery in the dark. It is difficult to know the difference between a good hair transplant surgeon and an inexperienced one.

If you know someone who has had hair transplant surgery, you have at least one person to whom you can go for advice. You will know from looking at their hair whether the job was done well. You can ask the person whether you were treated professionally. That person will also know how much the total cost was, and if there were any hidden fees.

You might not know anyone who has had a hair transplant procedure. In this case, you might go to the telephone directory. This is just a starting point. Many of the doctors who advertise there are simply trying to start up a practice in the field. They may have little or no experience. This is just a way to get names that you can check out.

When you contact a hair restoration surgeon, ask to see a portfolio of patients‘ photos before and after hair transplant surgery. You should be suspicious if you are shown less than a dozen or so sets of pictures. This may mean the doctor does not have much experience to brag about. The pictures should be of good quality so that you can really see what kind of job was done.

Next, ask for names and phone numbers of patients the surgeon has treated. A doctor who has done many successful hair transplant procedures will have a list of people willing to talk about their experience. You can call each one and ask about how the procedure went for them.

Be aware that not all hair transplant doctors are scrupulous businesspeople. Many will try to fool you into believing they are more experienced than they are. Sometimes, they will try to make you believe they do better work than they do. They will show you pictures that are not true examples of their own work.

They might show you photos that they have taken using lighting tricks to make the hair look thicker and healthier than it is. It is often hard to spot such tricks, but knowing that some surgeons do them will help you to watch out for them.

You will get some good advice if you go to certain associations for assistance. The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons will give you information on surgeons that are affiliated with them. The American Academy of Dermatology is another fine institution that has data on hair transplant surgeons.

The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is known for supporting good cosmetic surgery, which hair transplant procedures are. Finally, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery deals exclusively with these types of procedures.

It can be quite difficult to find the right surgeon to do your hair transplant procedure. Do not give up. There are plenty of skilled surgeons who can perform these operations well. You just need to take the time you need to find them.

How Surgeons Hide Donor Scars during Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant procedures leave scars. It is just a fact of life. However, if the surgeries are handled in the proper manner, the scars are barely noticeable. They are thin to the point that they can barely be seen in most cases. Skilled doctors have ways of making the scars practically disappear.

First of all, the surgeon must be very skilled in choosing the site of the path where he harvests the donor tissue for the hair transplant. Its width should be no more than one centimeter in most instances. This allows the scalp to close completely when sutured back into place.

If the hair transplant procedure is done well, the scar will not be noticeable even if the patient likes to wear his hair in a short style. The scar will only become unsightly if the patient is genetically predisposed to keloid scarring. People who have this kind of problem need special treatment.

If a patient is known to suffer from keloid scarring, the first thing a reputable doctor will do before hair transplant surgery is to explain the possibility of unsightly scars. This requires a very honest surgeon, since the patient may decide the procedure is not worth the scarring it will cause.

The next step with such a patient would be to discuss ways the keloid could be covered. It could be camouflaged by wearing the hair just a little longer. Other patients have rubbery skin that stretches too much and so causes wide donor scars. These two groups add up to about 5% of the patients who have hair transplant surgery.

The other 95% of patients have no problems with their tiny scars at all. The hair transplant doctors are able to keep the donor strips very thin. They also use a double layer closure method to help the skin heal properly. As long as the surgeon knows what she is doing, the scars are a minor consideration.

Another aspect of scarring is when doctors go in for multiple hair transplant surgeries. A new strip of donor tissue has to be taken each time to supply the grafts for the new transplant. It would seem that this would lead to a large number of scars on the back and sides of the head.

Actually, there is a hair transplant procedure that keeps the scarring to one thin line. It consists of cutting the new thin donor strip immediately above the original scar. In most cases, the old scar is removed at the same time. When the wound is stitched up, the entire area of both the old scar and the new cut are sewn into one line. If multiple surgeries are done, this procedure is used every time.

Hair transplant surgery leaves scars. That much is certain. If you are one of the unlucky few who scar easily, you might have scars big enough that you have to hide them. Yet, if you are like most people, you will not have scars that anyone will notice at all.