Your website should be the hub of all of your marketing activity. If you decide that you are going to offer a new line of green products and services, the first place to start marketing this fact will be your own website.
Going Green
If you have been in business for some time, one of the easiest ways to go green is to revamp your product line. Look at two or three of your best-selling products, and see if you can come up with greener versions of them. Ask your customers what they think of the idea. Survey your email marketing lists to see if they would also be interested in greener versions of your products.
Once you have done your market research, it will be time to take a 360-degree look at the product as it is at the moment to try to see in which areas it can become greener. For example, you might wish to look at the packaging. Opting for recycled cardboard and soy-based inks will make a significant difference in the impact your packaging has on the environment. Similarly, paying attention to the plastic that you use and opting for ones that are easily recyclable will also ensure that less trash goes into landfills.
When you make these decisions, write about them at your site. You might even write a press release about your changes if you are using any new, cutting-edge technology. For example, there is an inventor from New Zealand who has created a portable machine that can create standard-sized building bricks out of sea plastic shoveled up from beaches in the Hawaiian Islands, and using the bricks to make houses for the poor. That kind of innovation is headline-worthy and certainly should be reported on your website.
Greening Made Easy
Your website should also become the hub of all of your activity because a truly green company will try to be as clean as possible. This means discontinuing any paper catalogs or direct mail that you may have been using in order to market your products. This in turn will mean you need to do most of your marketing online, especially in relation to the social networks.
It might also mean ceasing to publish paperback books in favor of electronic ones and buying recycled photocopy paper and paper goods for the office and announcing that fact. All of these initiatives will have a significant environmental impact and you might even consider documenting all you do and the savings they involve. Then you can share your experiences and become a poster child for a leaner, greener company in your niche or industry.
You could even create eBooks, or become a coach or consultant, about greening one’s business, spinning new profitable products out of everything you learn. Naturally, you would launch these new products at your website.
Your About Us Page and Mission Statement
Your green initiatives also should also be part of your About Us page and mission statement. These „housekeeping“ pages on your website are more important than you think. Google’s search engine spiders scan them more than any other pages at your site apart from your homepage.
New visitors to your site will want to know who you are, what your values are, and why they should do business with you. Don’t make them guess or hunt all over the site to find out this information. Put it where they can find it and be proud of your green offerings.
Your website should be a hive of activity, driving traffic to it to see all you have to offer. Once you have traveled down the path of being greener, be sure your website and all your marketing reflects that fact, and see what a difference it can make to your profits.