When people think about ab exercise, they tend to think about getting a six-pack, flattening their stomach and generally looking better. Your abs, however, aren’t just there for looking good – there are far more reasons to exercise them than that!
Your abs – that is, your abdominal muscles – are some of the most important muscles in your body. They protect your stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, colon, and much more besides. In fact, your abs has some role in almost every movement you make, meaning that they are some of the most important muscles you possess.
One of the best reasons to do abs exercise is that it not only helps to prevent abdominal pain, but also helps with back pain as well, as strong abs allow you to sit up straight easily and prevent back strain. A little effort now can save you a lot of pain and later on down the line. Even if your back has already gone, ab exercise can help to relieve some of the pain by taking some of the weight off your back.
Your abs don’t just help to support your back – they support your spine, your arms and your legs, too. Although it might seem strange, having strong abs can make it much less tiring to walk long distances, as you are less likely to feel a ‘stitch’ in your side. Strong abs also keeps you more balanced, as they are situated at the body’s centre of gravity.
As your abs are a protective muscle, having strong abs makes you less likely to injure yourself when you fall – when it comes to your vital organs, it could actually make the difference between life and death. This is very important if you are an athlete or play other sports where you might be prone to injury.