Artificial Diamonds

Diamonds as they say are a girl’s best friend and buying the perfect diamond ring should not be a problem for anyone. Usually any kind of diamond ring will do just so long as you get a big diamond on the ring you will be fine. However there have been people that feel an artificial diamond or man made diamond are different from mined diamonds and therefore they feel that the quality will suffer because of this. However there is nothing to fear because an artificial or man made diamond is still chemically the same as a mined diamond.

In fact it can be very hard for people to tell the difference between an artificial diamond and a mined diamond. This can create problems for many people because at the end of the day if you are going to treat someone to a diamond ring then you are going to want the real thing and nothing artificial. While it is unlikely that artificial diamond rings will replace mined diamond rings there still remains the fact that these man made diamond rings are still much cheaper then their mined counterparts.

Diamonds do look nice on a ring and because it is very hard to tell the difference from a man made diamond to a real diamond this means that any ring with a diamond on can look very nice. Diamonds can also withstand high temperatures a diamond can withstand temperatures reaching and including 1100C when it gets hotter then that the diamond will then vaporize.

Diamonds can be made to fit into almost anything for example man made diamonds can be made small enough so that they can be made into earrings, pendants, cufflinks and even bracelets. The possibilities that you have with diamonds are almost endless they can be made to fit into anything and you can visit any jeweller and just see all the diamonds that they have on display. These will range from earrings to engagement and wedding rings. Of course diamonds do not come cheap and if you want to purchase a piece of jewellery that contains diamonds then you will have to pay a pretty penny.

Diamonds are without a doubt a beautiful piece of jewellery to look at. If you are lucky enough to own a piece of jewellery with a diamond in it then you will usually only wear it for a special party. Just so you can see your friends admire your stunning piece of diamond jewellery.

Are Diamonds Really Rare

When you walk into a jewelry store and see
all the diamonds in all of the various settings
that are for sale, it is difficult to realize that
diamonds are indeed rare. Most people
don’t even stop to consider how that
diamond came to be sitting in that jeweler’s
case! There is quite a bit of work that is done
before a diamond is ready to sell to the
general public!

For every one million diamonds that are
mined, only one will be found that is a quality
one caret diamond. In order to find a two
caret diamond, about five million diamonds
must be mined. More than two hundred tons
of ore must be mined to find one small
diamond, and even then, more than 80%
of the diamonds that are mined are only
good for industrial use, such as diamond
drill bits.

So, the next time you visit your local jewelry
store, ask to see the one carat diamonds.
You should look at this diamond with new
appreciation – knowing that it truly is one
in a million!

Are Diamonds Really Forever

In the past, the Greeks and the Romans thought that the diamonds were tears of Gods and small pieces of stars. There were also the Hindus, who thought that the diamonds had so much power that they put diamonds in the eyes of some of their statues. Other people believed that an unapproachable valley in Central Asia covered by diamonds existed. One said that this valley was „kept by birds of prey and protected by snakes of mortal stare“.

Besides believing that diamonds could attract luck and success, people also thought that they could defy the astrological events. Many people used them as jewels, supposing they would be increasing their sexual power and capacity to attract. Even Plato wrote about diamonds, describing them as living creatures, impersonating divine spirits.

Until the 15th century, only kings were allowed to use diamonds, having them as a symbol of courage, power and invincibility. But as the centuries passed by, the diamond started to acquire its status of sublime proof of love. Currently, they are related to the love, romance and myth.

We probably will never know when the first diamond was discovered, but we do know that, from the ancient times to the 18th century, all the diamonds of the world came from India. From the period of the Roman Empire to the appearance of the first Europeans to India, in the beginning of the 16th century, the commercial relations between Europe and Eastern Asia bloomed.

One of the main routes of the diamond commerce was in Venice. The city became the most important mercantile republic of the western world. It enjoyed the monopoly of the commerce of the diamond course to the main cities of the south of Germany until its final destiny, Brussels. Since this city became the final phase of the commercial route, it became a promising centre of diamond stature, and the reputation of the city in this sector did not stop increasing. Even though Brussels maintained their predominance until the end of the 14th century, they began to decline in a lapse of fifty years. The diamond trade and numerous other economic activities of Brussels were moved progressively to the city of Ambers, which offered more recent and better facilities for the communications and the commercial exchange. In 1866, the first diamond in South Africa was discovered. Following this was the discovery of the deposits of Kimberley few years later, giving birth to the fabulous era of Kimberley.

The word diamond comes from the Greek word ‚ adamas ‚, meaning invincible, and ‚ diaphanes ‚, that means transparent. In the past centuries, people believed that a diamond could reattach a wrecked marriage. It was used also in battles as a symbol of courage.

Even though the diamond is the hardest rock known by men, it is the only precious gem with only one element: carbon. Nevertheless, it can only be melted when exposed to a temperature of 5500 degrees Celsius! Billions of years before, the basic forces of heat and pressure miraculously transformed the carbon into diamond through volcano lava underneath the earth. In some way, this volcanic mass was expelled out of the earthly crust, cooling soon to be found as diamonds in rudimentary form. No acid can destroy them, and they are capable to cut anything on Earth, therefore, they only can be cut with themselves.

However, are the diamonds really forever? If they appeared miraculously, can they be destroyed? As incredible as it may seem, the small diamond that adorn the ring that you gave your wife will probably last forever – at least while Earth exists. They are the most resistant minerals of the planet, and only can be melted when displayed to a temperature of 5500°C. The problem is that the global atmosphere will never achieve this high temperature, even if it was to be hit by an enormous meteor that would eliminate all forms of life. They only would melt if, one day, the planet literally entered the Sun, which has a temperature of 5800°C. The curious thing is that, according to astronomers, in 7,5 billion years our planet will actually enter the Sun, when the star will be next to death. If you think diamonds will disappear then, you might be wrong. When such episode happens, the temperature of the Sun will lower to about 3000°C. That means that even when Earth reaches an atmosphere as hot and dense as Mercury’s atmosphere, we will still be able to find some small diamonds spread around.

April Celebrities Share The Diamond Birthstone With You

If you are still young enough to admit you have birthdays and your birthday falls in April then you already know the diamond is April’s birthstones. Celebrities who already have a love affair with diamonds are even more apt to be seen wearing diamonds if their birthday is in April. There are many April celebrities that share the diamond birthstone with you.
But did you know that the diamond is also deep in mystical powers from ancient times? It is said to enhance ones competence, trust and love relationships.

Diamonds also have a long history in their medicinal qualities. During ancient times diamonds were believed to heal illness. Diamonds were first placed into the bed to warm the diamond to enhance their healing qualities.

It is even said that over the centuries Cupid’s arrows were tipped in diamonds and thus it earned its reputation as the perfect gift of love.
The white and brilliant hues diamonds signify life, joy and innocence. But really diamonds come in a wide range of colors other than white which includes shades of gray, brown, yellow, blue, red, and green.
Pre 1400’s diamonds were only available to those of royal blood who were the only people able to wear the symbol of courage and invincibility. During the mid 1400s The Archduke Maximillian gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy beginning the long tradition of diamond engagement rings which is still carried on today.

The practice of wearing a diamond engagement ring on the third finger often referred to as the ring finger began in Egyptian times because it was believed the vein of love ran through this finger directly to the heart.
Besides being the birthstone for April there is no gift that is more symbolic of love than a diamond and no more convincing promise of eternal and everlasting love.

Ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were splinters of stars that had fallen from the sky making a visit to earth. Others revered to diamonds as Gods Tears or dew drops. The origin of the first diamond has never been solved and remains a mystery to geologists and sciences even today.
Initially geologists thought that India was the first river-bed source for mining diamonds. The ancient Hindus called the diamond Vajra which means lightening. It earned this name because of its incredible strength and the light rays it emitted. Besides being the most beautiful gem they are also the hardest substance found on earth. Diamonds have been mined Botswana, Australia, Russia and South Africa, and recently Canada has been added to that list.

April does have an alternative birthstone which is the opal. Unlike diamonds which are simply crystallized carbon, opals are found deep within the earth where the intense heat develops this beautiful stone.
So even though there are many April celebrities that share the diamond birthstone with you the diamond is a celebrity and star all on its own. Recognized back to ancient times for its symbol of love and its beautiful brilliance.

Amsterdam Diamonds

Amsterdam is a major historical location for the diamond industry. Walking down the streets you will see a lot of jewelry stores as well as many diamond businesses with prominent security systems and signs reading „guided diamond tours“.

If you go on these tours you’ll see some breathtaking diamonds, as well a chance to see these stones being cut and polished. And if you have some cash to spare, purchase one for $4000 to $400,000.

Amsterdam has an extended history relating to diamonds, and has been a major diamond center since Sephardic Jews introduced the diamond cutting industry to Amsterdam in the later 16th century. Nowadays there are about a dozen diamond cutting facilities in the city, 5 of which offer guided tours. The tours are free and are usually conducted 9am to 5pm each day.

Amsterdam has an extended heritage in the diamond business, and has been a major European diamond center since Sephardic Jews introduced the diamond cutting industry in the later 16th century. Ultra-Orthodox Jews are still prominent in worldwide diamond marketing and distribution, and urban legend has it they hide diamonds in their beards to move them through customs without being detected. Diamonds are not necessarily cheaper in Amsterdam; however prices are fairly competitive. At least you will have seen the stones being worked, and when you purchase from a factory you get an extensive description of the diamond you acquire so you know exactly what you are buying.

The following renowned diamond stores offer diamond-cutting and polishing tours, and sales of the finished diamonds:

Coster Diamonds
Gassan Diamonds
Stoeltie Diamonds

Van Moppes Diamonds, which was the the 1st company to offer guided tours.

Be sure to sample authentic Dutch food at the numerous cafes. If you have a chance eat a „brodje haring“ (an open-faced sandwich with salted herring) or try other seafood specialties from the cuisine of this seafaring nation.

The best time to visit Holland is spring or fall when the heat of summer and the droves of tourists have departed and the leaves on the trees aren’t blocking the review of the monumental facades. The winters are penetratingly cold and wet with lots of rain and sleet. Because of the high humidity, it actually feels as cold as the thirty-below winters common in Canada. Come in spring (March through May) and catch the Holland Flower Festival at Keukenhof.

If you’re over 40, make sure you pack a pair of reading/magnifying glasses: museums tend to utilise microscopic lettertypes for their descriptive plaques.

Just here are a select few of Amsterdam’s major attractions:

Anne Frank Home (Anne Frank Huis)
National Museum (Rijksmuseum)
Van Gogh Museum
Red Light District
National Museum of Modern Art (Stedelijk Museum)
Amstelkring Museum (Our Lord in the Attic Chapel)
Museum Het Rembrandt Huis (Rembrandt House)
Jewish Historical Museum (Joods Historisch Museum)
Dam Square
Sauna Deco

Amsterdam sail:
Sail Amsterdam

If you love boats, KNSM Island with its shipping history is the place for you. Every five years this harbor area of Amsterdam hosts the Sail event. Every new edition attracts even more visitors (Sail 2000 welcomed two and a half million people). Every edition also offers even more Tall Ships and even more cultural activities in the area.

The Van Gogh Museum contains the largest collection of works by Vincent Van Gogh, the tragic artist who cut off his ear and committed suicide. You will find more than 200 incredible works from the Master’s hand, as well as 500 drawings and 700 written documents. Together these provide a historic insight into his life and art.

Amsterdam is a fascinating place with lots of things to see and do besides diamonds and diamond businesses. After one visit I’m sure you’ll be so fascinated you will be determined to come back.

All About the Clarity of Diamonds

Clarity is an important aspect of a diamond,
and it is important to know how to grade the
clarity of a diamond before you buy one. It is
actually quite easy to learn how to grade the
clarity of a diamond. There are basically two
things that you must understand: Diamonds
with visual inclusions and blemishes, and
those that are ‘eye clean’ meaning that there
are no inclusions or blemishes that can be
seen with the naked eye. From there, the
clarity of a diamond is further broken down
into subcategories.

Many people mistakenly think that diamond
clarity refers to how clear it is. This isn’t so.
Clarity actually refers to the internal and
external imperfections of the diamond. The
best diamonds, of course get a grade of FL
or IF – Flawless or Internally Flawless –
meaning that it is perfect. A grade of I-1, I-2
or I-3 means that the diamond is imperfect,
with a grade of I-3 being the worst.

Other grades are VVS1 and VVS2, which
means that the diamond is very, very slightly
imperfect; VS1 and VS2, meaning the
diamond is very slightly imperfect; SI-1 and
SI-2, which means that the diamond is
slightly imperfect.

About Diamond Weights

Diamonds are measured in Carat Weight.
One carat weighs 200 milligrams. If a
diamond is referred to as four grains, this
also means that it is a one carat diamond.
The word Carat comes from the word carob.
A carob is a bean that grows on a tree in the
Mediterranean. In times past, if a diamond
weighed the same as a carob bean, it was
one carob, or one carat.

However, in the far east, where Carob trees
do not grow, rice was used to measure the
weight of a diamond. If a diamond weighed
as much as four grains of rice, it was four
grains – or one carat as we know it to be
now. The majority of diamond purchases
are for diamonds that are 1/3 of a carat.

Beware when shopping for diamonds that
are already set or mounted. If more than one
diamond is used in the piece, the tag on the
jewelry will give the CTW or Carat Total
Weight – it does not tell you the carat weight
of each stone in the piece. You need to ask
the jeweler for the total carat weight of the
largest diamond in the piece to truly
understand what you are buying.

Look at Diamond Dog Tags

Diamond dog tags are the cream of the crop, the best of the best, the most luxurious type of dog tag you can buy.

Diamond dog tags can cost up to $7500 or more. If you can afford such luxuries, a diamond dog tag is the perfect addition to your collection. Give your dog a diamond bone, heart, fire hydrant, or any of a limitless number of shapes and designs.

You can even buy dog-and-owner tag duos. Put one on your dog’s collar, and hang one as a pendant from your neck (or as a charm on your bracelet.)

A diamond dog tag deserves a great collar or necklace. You wouldn’t frame a masterpiece painting with cardboard, would you? The same principle applies to dog tags. Most retailers of diamond dog tags also carry luxury collars. Ask them about the selection. You can have diamonds on the collar (for maximum effect), rhinestones, crystals, sapphires, gold, silver, or any other precious stone. Perhaps a series of your dog’s birthstone would be the perfect touch.

Diamonds for dogs are about the same as diamonds for humans. They start at a few hundred dollars, and can go as high as tens of thousands of dollars, depending on size, cut, and supplier.

Where can you buy a diamond dog tag? There are many sources online. The award-winning pet accessories website is a great place to start. There you will find a wide selection of dog tags, and not only diamond, but also gold, silver, and pearl. You can even find cheap ones – great for use as a backup in case your diamond dog tag ever falls off your rambunctious pup.

Guide To Diamond Engagement Rings

Surprising your girlfriend with a beautiful diamond ring is a moment both of you will cherish your entire life. A once in a lifetime occasion, buying a diamond ring should be done carefully as your fiancée will wear it everyday, showing it off to her friends and family members, flaunting your love.

The market is flooded with numerous jewelers and shops claiming to sell the most authentic and beautiful diamonds there are. To make the right choice from the plethora of designs and variety can indeed be a confusing task. It would do you good to be aware of some basic tips on buying diamond jewelry before you buy one for your girlfriend. The ‘four c’s’, color, cut, clarity and carat, are the deciding factors for a diamond’s purity and value. This king of gems comes in all colors, with white being the purest and costliest. Although it is the hardest stone available, diamond can be cut in a variety of fancy shapes and sizes. The shape and cut determines the shine of the gem.

One should choose the shape of the diamond according to your girlfriend’s personality. If she is dainty– buy a small elegant one; tall and well-buily? go for a large squarish rock. The sparkle of the diamond often holds more importance than the rock’s size. Clarity of the diamond ensures a dazzling shine every time the light passes through the stone. Carat, or the weight of diamond, also contributes to its price and value in the market.

Educating yourself about the ‘four c’s’ will keep you from buying imitations. Even though it is conventional to spend two months salary on your engagement ring, you can buy synthetic diamonds, which will be easier on your wallet. Synthetic diamond has the same physical properties of a real diamond but is more affordable than the real one. Finally, do ask the jeweler to provide a purity certificate, which will serve as a guarantee and later help in insuring your gems.

Grand Step For Diamond Jewelry Market In The Corporate Gifting Sector

A grand step for Diamond Jewelry market in the Corporate Gifting Sector

Diamond market further flourishes with its entry in the corporate sector serving itself as an important gifting and promotional tool.

Jewelry has been part of the Indian traditions for centuries. In the past it was treasured as a stone of value and security, but today more than even before the Indian consumer is lining up to buy jewelry that makes a fashion statement or expresses her individuality. Not only the richer class but also the sales were seen to be high in middle class section i.e. we are talking about approximately 300 million middle class consumers.

The rising purchasing power of the Indian consumer at all levels and the boom in the IT and the BPO industries has pushed up people’s desire to spend. India, which has long been the world’s largest consumer of gold, has in the last few years seen the overall jewelry market expand beyond expectations, with changing consumer preferences leading a shift away from heavy gold jewelry to lighter, trendier ornaments. India has tremendously increased it’s sales of diamond jewelry and taught Indians to value design where they once only looked at the intrinsic value of the jewelry.

Diamond no longer is a rich man’s possession, more or less it has turned out to be a fad today to gift diamond studded jewelry. This year itself in the month of February during the Valentine Day one had seen a remarkable upward trend in sales. The valentine day is no longer restricted to only youngsters but now older couples and families enjoy the occasion equally. This was very much evident in the jewelry market this year. Gifting has become an exclusive way of expressing your love and speaks just more than words.

The diamond boom in corporate world recently small, branded diamond Jewelry products are seen exchanged in the corporate gifting industry. Brands are playing a major role in propelling growth in the diamond jewelry industry. Branded products are bolstering consumer confidence with their assurance of quality. Brands cater to vary segments at different price points and new collections of the season are seen with the very coming festival – diwali, giving the customers the power of choice.

Particularly remarkable is the huge boom in the demand for diamond studded jewelry in the corporate segment. Within overall jewelry sales the diamond segment accounts for around 20 – 25% of the total sales in which it obtains 75% of it’s sales from metros. In which around 5-7% of the market sales is seen in corporate gifting. Though constituting in a small manner the corporate market is showing fast growth. It is seen to grow approximately 20% more per year.

The products seen to be most saleable as corporate gifts include small heart shaped diamond pendants, spiritual pendants, colored diamond jewelry, small bud earrings, balis good for casual wear, minakari, kundan and polki work diamond jewelry products etc. Rings are also considered while gifting but they face the problem of size however delicate rings of standard size are also seen to be a part in the corporate gifting product range.

Some of the well known brands ruling diamond market, who have put their foot in corporate gifting are D’damas, Ciemme of C.Mahendra, Adora brand of Concept Jewelry (India) Pvt.Ltd., DTC’s Asmi and Nakshatra to name a few. Festivals play an important role in a person’s life and diamonds have successfully managed to merge itself as a part of their gifting traditions. Diamond pendants and rings at just Rs.999/- & Rs.1999/-. The market demand for diamond jewelry has definitely improved than last year and the growth seems to be fast moving.
So the market definitely seems to be promising.

One has seen that the dominant consumers of diamond jewelry for corporate gifting are the all major pharmaceutical companies and electronic companies. Diamond jewelry products are also used for cross promotions by many travelling agencies, cosmetic manufacturers, clothing industries etc. Even in the banking and service sector this kind of jewelry has worked as an effective promotional tool. Many well known banks present their premium customers with small branded diamond pendants on becoming the proud owner of their gold credit card and such other schemes. Branded diamond product serves to be an ideal gift to the valued customer and being branded it also comes with a touch of trust. The customers are known to preserve such gifts forever.

Diamond Jewelry Gifting

Diamond jewelry as a gift is emerging in the market and not only in the corporate sector but with so many brand ambassadors advertising the brands, it is growing at an individual gifting platform too. The most recent, ‚Swaranjali‘ from Adora, to hit the marquee is the signature collection of noted playback singer Lata Mangeshkar, which is said to open a new spectrum in the premium branded jewelry segment in India. Further the retail scenario which is on an upswing in India is said to be supporting the growth of diamond jewelry. There are exclusive jewelry malls opening up in the cities where some of the best brands in the country are deciding to set up shops. Such malls are guaranteed to bring about a revolution in the highly fragmented jewelry industry where the retailers could provide which consumers deserved and desired. This will redefine jewelry-retailing standards, which will encourage Indian consumers, NRIs and foreign tourists to spend more on jewelry thus boosting the Indian industry.

Women Power

Last but not the least the Indian woman’s persona too has changed perceptibly, she is young, urban and independent. The percentage of Indian women who preferred to have a diamond set has grown by more than 300 per cent. It is found by a survey that approximately 15 per cent of Indian women within the upper-economic class own diamond jewelry. Thus the new Indian woman is a reality that no marketer can overlook. Also the diamonds are not just restricted to rings and earring they have now also become a part of a women’s other personal accessories, like diamonds are now studded in watches and bracelets, in their hand bags, clips etc.

One needs innovative ideas to attract and retain customers. Apart from the privilege of choice offered to the consumer, the branded diamond jewelry market has to face competition from the local fragmented jewelry market too and one has to keep it’s step cautiously. A customer today needs to be pampered and it is very essential to know your consumer, as it becomes easier to respond to their needs. Advertising has increased brand consciousness markedly and most importantly, branded and machine-made diamond jewelry has become increasingly more affordable. Diamond jewelry has consumption grown at a blistering 24 % in 2003. India has seen a similar growth pattern in 2004 & 2005 and it will be no different in 2006. The diamond has also stepped into the marriage market, until recently, which was had veritable strong hold of gold jewelry only. Diamond jewelry market is definitely at it’s zenith and has a very promising future ahead as far as corporate and personal gifting is concerned.

A Diamond Ring

When choosing a diamond ring, you have to consider the 4 Cs to ensure that you are buying the right quality and the right style of diamond for you. They are Cut, Carat, Color, and Clarity.

Cut: A well cut diamond is beautiful because it’s very brilliant. Of all the variables affecting the value of a diamond ring, the cut is the most crucial.
A well cut diamond is the work of a master diamond cutter, since it is the cut that enables the diamond to reflect light, creating that glitter and sparkle. When a diamond is well proportioned, light is reflected from one facet to another and dispersed through the top of the stone as rainbows of color, making it is so exotic to look at.

Carat: The carat is actually a measurement of weight, not size. One carat is divided into 100 points. 1.00 ct is equal to .20 grams. Carat is the easiest of the 4 C’s to determine.
One carat is divided into 100 „points,“ so that a diamond of 75 points, for example, weighs .75 carats, 50 points weighs .50 carat etc. Fine quality can be found in diamonds of all carat weights.

Color: Diamonds are found in a range of colours – from colorless to yellowish, and judged according to a color grading scale from „D“, which is totally colorless through to „Z“ which is vivid yellow.
It is the colorless diamond that is the most valued because it is the rarest. The average stone carries an I or J grading for its color. In addition to that, there are twelve other colors called Fancies, and as the name implies, they are expensive.

Clarity: Most diamonds contain tiny natural birthmarks called inclusions and are mostly not visible to the naked eye, but can be seen with a 10X magnification.
Inclusions interfere with the dispersion of light and therefore the diamond’s brilliance gets reduced. The fewer and smaller the inclusions, the rarer the stone and higher the price.

While inclusions do not generally affect the diamond’s beauty and usually cannot be seen, their presence reduces the price. Clarity is graded on a scale with a range from internally flawless (IF), very small inclusions (VVS1-VVS2), very small inclusions (VS1-VS2), small inclusions (SI1-SI2) to imperfect (I1-I2-I3) with eye visible inclusions.

Diamond Engagement Ring

Your engagement is considered to be one of the most special days. It’s a chance to represent your true love and devotion to someone special and to declare it a way that will never be forgotten.

The engagement ring is going to stay on her hands forever, and every time she sees it, it should remind her about that glorious day, and her partner’s undying devotion. This is why the engagement ring holds such an important place in a man’s life. It is not just an ornament; it symbolizes your love, trust, dedication and the affection you have for your life partner.

If the Diamond engagement ring had been a mere ornament, you could always go for the costliest one and the most flamboyant, glossy model to show off your wealth and status in the society. But it?s not just an ornament; it’s a token of love and care. So, it has to be chosen in a manner that it would truly and wholly represent you.

A diamond is considered the best choice for the engagement ring, because the diamond is as special as your life partner. It is the purest, and the hardest material available. Above all, nothing can beat the look of a diamond ring. Women are considered as the best creation of nature, so presenting a Diamond Ring is like saying, ‚one beuatiful creation for another.‘

You can choose whatever look you want in your diamond ring. Vintage, classic, contemporary, or ultra modern; whatever style is desired by your partner. Choosing the right kind and style of diamond depends not only upon the color, texture and the price, but also on the likings and the looks of your partner.

An elongated diamond, such as the Marquise or Oval can make short fingers look sleeker. A diamond is hard in character, extremely good looking, dazzling all through its life, making the person who has it happier, and represents the glitter of love. So there cannot be a more special reason to buy a diamond engagement ring; after all, the right diamond with the right setting is the best thing that can happen in your life, only next to your life partner.

Arizona Diamondbacks Preview

Rebounding from a truly disastrous 111 loss season in 2004, the Arizona Diamondbacks improved their 2005 season record to 77-85 including a final 8-2 record to finish the last 10 games of the year. Led by a balanced offense, the team was able to improve on their 2004 record thanks to the surprise performances supplied by 1st baseman Tony Clark (.304 30 87) and Chad Tracy (.308 27 72). The Diamondbacks also received much needed help from Troy Glaus (.258 37 97), Luis Gonzalez (.271 24 79) and outfielder Shawn Greene (.286 22 73).

Arizona’s starting pitching was spotty for much of the season with starters Brandon Webb (14-12 3.54), Javier Vazquez (11-15 4.42) and Brad Halsey (8-12 4.61) providing the majority of the quality starts in 2005. Relievers Brandon Medders (4-1 1.78) and Lance Cormier (7-3 5.11) joined Brandon Lyon (0-2 6.44 14 saves), Brian Burney (1-3 7.43 12 saves) and Jose Val Verde (3-4 2.44 15 saves) who combined to save 41 games in total.

Off Season Moves:

Arizona moved aggressively in the off season by shipping Javier Vazquez to the White Sox for Orlando Hernandez (9-9 5.12), and also trading power hitter Troy Glaus to the Blue Jays for closer Miguel Batista (5-8 4.10 31 saves) as well as Gold Glove second baseman Orlando Hudson (.271 10 63). The Diamondbacks also picked up catcher Johnny Estrada (.261 4 39) in a off season trade with the Atlanta Braves. The team signed free agent center fielder Eric Byrnes (.226 10 40) to help improve the as well.

2006 Analysis:

The Diamondbacks addressed their need for a legitimate closer by dealing Glaus in an aggressive off season move. Although Glaus’ hitting will be greatly missed, the Diamondbacks will get far more reliability with Batista then any of the options they used last year. The team is relying on youngsters like Chad Trady and first baseman Conor Jackson to pick up the slack left by Glaus.

Arizona also extended Webb’s deal for another 4 years which was a smart move. Webb is a solid workhorse type pitcher and is the ace of the staff. In 2005 he led the team in both ERA (3.54) and Wins (14 ). The pickup of Orlando Hernandez will at a minimum eat up more innings in 2006. But fans shouldn’t expect many wins from him or this rotation. Eric Byrnes is another nice addition but offense really isn’t nor ever was this team’s problem. The lineup is solid and Luis Gonzalez and outfielder Shawn Greene should project to similar numbers in 2006 even without Glaus in the lineup.

The biggest problem for the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2006 will be their pitching. The team did very little to improve their starting rotation and in fact may have actually weakened it in order to improve their bullpen. Aside from Webb the starting pitching needs much more help. The team shouldn’t be considered as serious contenders for the NL West until the pitching receives a significant upgrade.

Most Common Diamond Scams

When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamonds. Scams occur simply because most people who buy diamonds – for whatever reasons – don’t know that much about diamonds. Therefore, they are easily fooled.

Jewelry stores like to show their diamonds in bright lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well. Jewelry also stores often run ‘fluorescence’ scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality – even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special.

A common scam that most jewelry stores participate in is the Carat Total Weight scam. The tag on the piece of jewelry, usually a ring, only states the total carat weight of all diamonds in the piece, instead of listing the total weights separately for each diamond. This leads consumers to believe that the main diamond in the piece is actually bigger than it is. Ask what the total carat weight of the center stone is. Also beware of fractions. Jewelry stores are allowed to round off diamond weights. This means that if the jeweler tells you that it is a ¾ carat diamond, it is probably between ½ and ¾ carat – but closer to ¾.

Some truly unscrupulous jewelers target those who want appraisals on diamonds that were given to them as gifts or that were purchased elsewhere. They will try to tell you that the diamond is worthless, or worth less than it actually is worth – and offer to take it off your hands or trade it for a much better diamond, along with the cash to make up the difference. This is called low balling. Get a second, third, and even a forth opinion before taking any action.

Jewelry stores often run ‘fluorescence’ scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality – even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special. Jewelry stores also like to show their diamonds in bright lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well.

Another common dirty trick is to switch the diamond you have chosen and paid for with one of lesser quality and value when you leave it to be set in a piece of jewelry, or leave a diamond ring to be sized. The only way to avoid this is to do business with one trustworthy jeweler. Avoid jewelers that you have not done business with in the past.

There are many more scams that jewelry stores commonly pull on unsuspecting consumers. Just use your best judgment, and purchase your diamonds with the utmost care and consideration.

Tips For Diamond Systems Mastery

Let’s face it… Learning to use those „dots on the rails“ can be daunting at times, and other times down right frightening.

In this short article, I’ll give the beginner to amateur level player a few tips to follow in their quest to become proficient in the pool and billiards diamond system.

Tip #1: Master the fundamentals of the game first

Like in any other skills it’s always easier to learn the correct way at the beginning than try to unlearn bad habits after they have been acquired. You may have heard the saying, „Bend the tree while it is still young“.

The point here is that if you develop bad techniques and mechanics when first learning pool this could adversely affect your effectiveness later in using diamond systems. Also there is little use in tackling ‘Pool 202’ when you haven’t mastered ‘Pool 101’.

Tip #2: Using diamond systems can enhance natural instinct

There are many pool players who will argue that all you need is a ‘feel’ for the ball and you can forget any math or physics as applied to the game. These players can apparently make their shots without reverting to any ‘diamond systems’ and calculation and so experience is more important than learning some ‘trick’.

The only problem with this approach is that when such players are having a bad day then they have nothing to resort to.

This is not to say that feel and intuition have no part in the game, but pool follows physical laws that the systems try to simplify for the pool player. Terms such as ‘hard’ and ‘soft’, ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ are of course imprecise and would mean different actual speeds (meters per second) for different players.

Tip #3: Take 5 minutes and learn the table in front of you

As mentioned before, because diamond systems by their very nature are more involved, you want to have a perfect and predictable table as possible. Unfortunately, each table will have their own particularities that you must compensate for in your shots.

This takes us back to the argument of intuition versus systems because if you’ve practiced all your game on one table you may have problems with your shots just being a little off on another table. Your ‘feel’ may be on spot but the table is not being kind to you.

You must then carry out some simple exercises to test the rubber, cushion, level of table, bad spots and whether the table is playing long or short. Simple things such as if the cue ball is dirty or new can significantly affect your game.

If there is any inconsistency in the table then small mistakes will become magnified and your shots will be off.

Tip #4: Learn the proper english to use with diamond systems

English is often defined in tips, such as in ‘one tip of running english’. The only problem here is that different cues have different sizes and curvature of tips; so one tip to the left of center for a 13mm cue tip will be very different for a 12mm tip.

The point here is that ‘tip’ is not a fair measurement against the cue ball because different cue sticks have different size tips.

Tip #5: Learn the right speed to use with diamond systems.

In simple optics, the angle that light strikes a plane (flat) mirror at is the same angle that it will reflect at. In pool a rebounding ball approaches this same principle (assuming no spin) except that whereas the light doesn’t physically affect the mirror the ball compresses the cushion adding another factor to take into consideration.

As a rule of thumb the faster the ball hits the cushion the [smaller] the angle that it leaves the cushion. To get a feel for how this changes with speed of the ball will require constant practice.

This behavior of the ball is a little counter-intuitive so it takes some ‘getting use to’ which is the whole purpose of trying different speeds of the ball off the cushion and experiencing for yourself the difference in the rebound track line.

Now that was some food for thought.

In my next article I’ll share with you an additional series of tips, that if studied further will guide you to a greater understanding of using diamond systems in pool and billiards.

Important Suggestions When Purchasing A Diamond Saw Blade

What are diamond blades you may ask? Well, have you ever been driving down the road and you see some construction workers cutting either the road or cement? The circular metal tool that actually cuts the material is what the diamond blade is. This metal is very strong only if it is used correctly. There are many different diamond blades made especially for different types of metals and concrete. Each diamond blade is made for certain abrasive material and if you do not have the right blade for the job it will not cut it. Finding the correct diamond blade for the job is crucial if you want to complete the job. Diamond blades can be used to cut through many different types of abrasive metals and concretes.

Diamond saw blades are usually used on construction sites, home remodeling, or repairing city roads and highways. There are many different diamond saw blades and accessories such as core bits to select from but each one is made for certain abrasive materials and if you choose the wrong one I can guarantee you that you are not going to be happy with it. Each diamond saw blade is made unique so that it is very efficient in cutting a certain abrasive material. Diamond blades are made unique to cut through asphalt, concrete, brick, and block. The reason why each diamond saw blade is created different is so that the user can get the maximum strength and potential of the blade without having to replace it every time you are finished cutting.

When selecting a diamond saw blade you will have to take into consideration which core bits you will need to use. The core bits are basically used as the power of the diamond saw blade and the diamond blade actually does the cutting. You have to make sure you match the core bits and the diamond blade saw. Just like diamond saw blades the core bits are matched to fit certain diamond blades to provide efficiency, speed and strength. Some core bits are used especially for speed because some material needs a higher rpm to cut through it and if the blade does not have the required speed it will either warp or probably break. If not the blade will not work to its potential and may even warp or break. Some diamond blades are also made to cut while running water over them while they are cutting. This helps keep the diamond blade temperatures lower so that the blade does not warp and keep it from cracking. You will want to make sure that you do not purchase the wrong diamond saw blade and core bits because you will be spending a lot more in replacements. These are not cheap so please do your homework.

There are many varieties of diamond saw blades and core bits to choose from with each made for cutting a specific type of abrasive material. Make sure you take your time and plan which blade and core bit you will need to purchase for the desired abrasive material you will be cutting. There are also many online diamond blade distributors that you may be able to purchase some blades at a discounted price. More importantly these online stores can provide you will online information and some even provide a phone number that you can call to receive more information. Good luck on your purchase and the job it will be used for.

Mercury Free Dentistry

100 Million Americans have it in their bodies, right now, reeking havoc in every cell. 72 tons of it is placed directly in the mouths of North Americans each year.

It can contribute to major chronic degenerative diseases including heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney disease, and other neurological diseases, just to name a few.

Is it in your mouth? It might have been put there innocently by a well-intentioned dentist many years ago. But now, more and more research is showing that this toxic substance may be causing untold damage to your entire system. And the only way to eliminate the risk is to eliminate the substance from your body, safely and thoroughly.

The substance is Mercury. Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive heavy metal on the planet, more toxic than lead. According to the World Health Organization, or W.H.O, there is no known safe level of mercury for humans. The tiniest amount of mercury entering the body can inflict widespread damage to cells, tissues and organs.

While mercury can enter our bodies through many environmental avenues, the W.H.O. data shows that mercury released from amalgam fillings is, by far, the primary source of exposure. In fact, the W.H.O. estimates that exposure from amalgams is 6 to 7 times greater than exposure from fish or other food sources and 400 to 500 times the level of exposure from the environment.

„The controversy regarding amalgam fillings has been raging for over 100 years. Yet one thing is clear: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have both declared the mercury in amalgam fillings as a toxic, dangerous substance, that should not be touched or released into the environment. OSHA requires that dental amalgam materials be stored in unbreakable, hazardous waste containers, away from heat and no one should handle amalgam material without protection. If OSHA has determined that the mercury release from amalgam is so dangerous that it can’t be touched, then why in heaven’s name are we putting this stuff in our mouths?“

Mercury’s most profound health damage is inflicted upon the central nervous system, the tissues in the brain and spinal chord. We now know that mercury from amalgam/silver fillings can contribute to many health problems. Most frightening perhaps is that mercury can pass through the placenta of a pregnant woman and infiltrate the fetus‘ central nervous system. Mercury from amalgam fillings can also pass from breast milk to a nursing newborn.

At Sanoviv’s state-of-the-art Oral HealthCare Center, we understand the important relationship between oral health and overall health. We also understand that neglecting these dental health problems may jeopardize the successful treatment of other, more serious diseases. Because of our commitment to whole body health and healing, we offer a unique Mercury Detoxification Program. This exceptional program is available for anyone wishing to have his or her dental care performed at Sanoviv’s mercury-free holistic dental center.

Because of Mercury’s extreme toxicity it will not be enough just to have your mercury/amalgam filings removed and replaced. While it is possible to remove amalgam fillings and replace them with a safe, non-toxic composite, removal must be done using a rigorous protocol in order to eliminate potential mercury exposure when taking out the fillings.

When you choose to have your amalgams removed, you will be examined for amalgam fillings and tested for harmful mercury vapor using our state-of-the-art mercury vapor analyzer. If necessary, additional tests will be recommended to help determine whether mercury has accumulated in your body. The best approach to removing and replacing these toxic fillings will be designed specifically for you. We will also provide you with a scientifically designed Mercury Detoxification Program. This program may include „chelation therapy“ – an intravenous therapy that will help flush the body of mercury. It may also include anti-oxidant supplements, antihomotoxic medicine and lymphatic drainage massage after every amalgam removal treatment.

These processes provide the best opportunity for your body to rid itself of mercury that has accumulated in your tissues and organs. In depth studies show that individuals who have had their amalgam fillings removed report marked improvement in their health over a series of weeks and months.

Low Cost New York Dentists

For those who cannot afford high-cost dental treatment, there are a number of avenues open for them in New York. Various dental plans and community services are in operation so that the poor are not deprived of necessary treatment.

Take for instance the NYU College of Dentistry. The college provides nearly 230,000 visits annually to the most multiethnic, multicultural and desperately poor patient population in the United States. They include a large numbers of Medicaid recipients who account for approximately 60,000 patient visits annually. Many other patients are treated free of charge because they are unable to pay for care, uninsured, or ineligible for Medicaid. The College provides more than $30 million annually in free care.

There are a few thousand network dentists participating in different dental plans in New York. There are also clinics that provide free or cheap treatment to those who cannot afford expensive treatment.

Lutheran Medical Center Dental, New York City Technical College, New York University David B. Kriser Dental Center, and Sunset Pediatric Dentistry are some of the places where dental treatment can be received at a low cost.

Moreover, there are a number of dental plans that offer poor patients an opportunity to receive treatment at a low price. Some of them are Aetna Dental Access, GE Wellness Plan, Patriot Plan, and UNI-CARE 200.

Some of these plans are not dental insurance policies and they do not pay directly to the providers of dental services. The plan member is obligated to pay the dentist for all dental care services that he or she receives. But the member will receive a pre-negotiated discount from the dentists listed as providers in the network, in accordance with the specific pre-negotiated discounted fee schedule.

Love My Dentist

This is not so much about how to market a dental practice, as it is an illustration of how smart marketing strategy can permeate every aspect of a busy professional service firm.

During my last appointment, Dr. Penski and I talked about her practice and approach to marketing. Here’s what I learned:

Clear Positioning:

Fresh out of Georgetown University’s Dental School, she couldn’t get funding for her vision of a practice that would cater to women. In her words, „Anger was a great motivator,“ so she set out to fulfill her dream by catering to private-pay professional women and moms, two very influential forces when it comes to how families spend their dental dollars.

From the start, she and her business partner knew they would best serve this niche by offering „dentistry with a caring touch.“ This vision permeates everything, setting a baseline for how they package and promote their services, their approach to sales, the care they provide, and day-to-day performance for the entire staff.

Thoughtful Packaging:

Dr. Penski explained how they created their practice „identity“ on a dime. Over dinner with spouses, the couples discussed how to „package“ the new practice including uniforms, office decor, business stationary, and welcome brochure. A husband suggested they use the symbol of a fern, since it was „old, natural, and graceful — just like they were!“ The silhouette of a fern, plucked from Dr. Penski’s garden and created on her copy machine, shows up everywhere.

Nature is also the theme in the waiting room where you can relax browsing nature art books, listen to soothing spa music and a fountain, and enjoy an herbal neck wrap. The caring touch is reinforced with an album bursting with patient letters, baby announcements, wedding photos, and thank you cards. A photo album of before and after shots demonstrates credibility in yet another way.

Smart Promotion:

I found Dr. Penski on the Washingtonian Magazine list of top dentists. A smart place to appear, if you’re catering to professional women in DC. I immediately knew something was different when the receptionist told me that my first appointment would be for the doctor to get to know me first, as well as assess my dental needs.

The day after I made my first appointment, I received a „Welcome to our Practice“ package, that included a simple but sincere welcome brochure, medical and insurance forms to complete before my appointment, a health assessment that also asked me, „If there was one thing you could change about your smile, what would it be?“ and clear payment policy.

All of these things served to set a standard, manage my expectations, welcome me, and connect with me before my appointment. It was also a smart way to start up-selling me even before my first visit.

Sophisticated Persuasion:

The practice takes a phased approach to bringing a new patient on board. This is also a sophisticated way to build trust and encourage further use of their services. The first appointment was all about assessment and relationship-building. In addition to the most thorough, tooth-by-tooth assessment and set of x-rays I’ve ever experienced, Dr. Penski took her time getting to know me as a person, about my background, and my concerns or fears about going to the dentist. When I mentioned an interest in whitening my smile, she talked me out of it, showing me how it would look unnatural. My trust in her credibility and interest in my wellbeing continued to deepen.

I asked Dr. Penski why, in 30+ years of regular dental care, was this the first time I’d ever received this thorough of a check-up? Her response: they break all the prescribed rules for how much time to spend with each patient, which gives them the freedom to be as thorough as possible.

The business model works because they spend more time with higher-paying clients, who specifically value the approach Dr. Penski and her partner take. They don’t have to make up for lower insurance reimbursements with a higher volume of patients. There is an overall atmosphere of calm, nurturing focus on each patient. Everyone wins.

Before leaving, my second and third appointments were set up for cleaning and another minor procedure. I was up-sold on the spot and happy about it!

Relationship-Building Performance:

Dr. Penski explained that the cornerstone to the practice is their daily all-staff meeting. Held every morning, they discuss each patient coming in that day as a whole person: her dental treatment, what’s going on in her life, what issues or fears she might have about today’s procedure, and other things that matter to her experience and treatment. The meetings serve to center and refresh the doctors and staff every day, so that they’re really focused on each person as an individual when she arrives.

The caring approach and relationship-building performance continued with a follow-up call to see if I had any questions from my first appointment and to provide me contact info for a new doctor referral I mentioned needing as I was leaving.

Never did I think I’d become a raving fan of my dentist, but there you have it!

When I asked Dr. Penski about what they specifically do to market the practice, she said, „We don’t have to market!“ The truth is, they market every day because of how they choose to run their practice.

Here are some ideas you can borrow to create your own raving fans:

1) Pick a clear niche that you really want to serve and go after it. You’ve got to really love your niche, or your efforts to penetrate this niche will ring hollow and fall flat.

As important: make sure your niche has money to spend and is willing to pay for what you can deliver.

2) Think of ways you can start the marketing process before you even meet new prospects. How do you want them to first know about you (i.e., on the Top 10 List of something that matters to your target audience)? What will build your perceived credibility in the eyes of your target audience (i.e., the album of patient thank you notes and photos in the waitin room)?

Surprisingly, Dr. Penski’s practice does not have a website, which is an essential marketing tool for any professional service firm! But that doesn’t stop them from doing the same things offline through low-cost printed materials and other credibility-raising, trust-building tools. It’s how you use these tools that matters.

3) One you’ve got their attention, what can you do, say or send that will invite prospects to connect with you and set the standard that you are different (i.e., a Welcome Package, self-assessment or maybe a „Checklist to Help You Pick the Right CPA for Your Business“)?

4) Be consistent. Does what your firm stands for permeate everything you say, do, offer, print, show and produce? You don’t have to have a big marketing budget to infuse your vision into everything you do.

5) Invest in relationships. Would you rather have as many higher-paying, appreciative clients as you choose or be constantly running to keep up with lower-paying, high-maintenance volume? It’s a choice you have.

6) Pay attention to the details. Clients who are willing to pay good money for your professional services will not stick around if you don’t attend to the details. Dr. Penski’s daily staff meeting is her vehicle for making sure nothing falls through the cracks. What’s yours?

No website, home-grown graphic design, far fewer patients per hour than recommended, chatty staff and personal relationships with patients…

Is this any way to run a professional service firm? You bet!

Los Angeles Dentist

I do not like dentists offices. Lets put it this way, I will not choose it over a stroll in the park, or even a wrestler’s den if you ask me. Be it squeamishness or plain fear, los angeles dentists have never been in my Fave 5 lists.

My daughter of course thinks otherwise. All of eleven years old, peer pressure and television factor has made sure that looks are more important that fear and pain, and she nonchalantly announced that she wants to visit the dentist for orthodontist treatment, no less. So off we went in search of a suitable los angeles cosmetic dentist.

Whether you look for a Encino cosmetic dentistry or a Van Nuys orthodontist, there is one thing in common – high prices. However, years of competition and a large number of doctors have contributed to a downward pressure, but the fact remains that there are a few dentists who are a league out of the ordinary. Nowadays the accent is on high quality and a few dentists are so busy that getting appoinments seem to be a lotto pick.

We finally decided on an Encino dentist focusing on orthodontic treatment. We have gone through our first round of visiting and talking to the doctor. My daughter is excited, actually I also have a grudging compliment. Who know, better late than never, I can get around visiting the doctor sometime. But not too soon, though…

Learn Current Trends Laser Dentistry

His state of the art dentist’s office provides general, cosmetic, restorative and laser dentistry with spa amenities to ensure your comfort. He focuses on comprehensive patient care, with a special devotion to lasers, cosmetic and conscious sedation (sleep) dentistry. Services include dental implants, sedation dentistry, dental veneers, sleep dentistry, orthodontics, tooth whitening, laser dentistry, breath treatment and other cosmetic dentistry services.

A dental services center specialized in cosmetic and laser dentistry, implantology, conservative and restorative dentistry, periodontics, orthodontics, pedodontics, preventive dentistry, and oral surgery. Soft-tissue lasers take care of the cosmetic side of dentistry. Our staff is skilled in the art of cosmetic, general, and especially trained in Laser Dentistry to provide the finest quality care. Services provided at Flax Dental include aesthetic dentistry, laser dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and extreme dental makeovers.

tooth whitening, laser dentistry, bonding and veneers, Invisalign®, and dental implants, as well as many other cosmetic dentistry procedures. 20 Laser technology is improving diagnosis and treatment in medical fields ranging from dentistry to cosmetic surgery. Our cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, and laser dentistry procedures consist of dental implants, veneers, teeth whitening and more. He maintains a busy private practice emphasizing cosmetic and laser dentistry and is an attending doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Elson has completed extensive post graduate courses in cosmetic, implant, laser, adhesive and prosthetic dentistry. As a result, little or no anesthesia is needed when a laser is chosen over the traditional cosmetic dentistry method. Fundamental issues will include: advances in laser dentistry, infection control and pain management, and cosmetic dentistry. State of the art dentistry with air abrasion, power whitening, laser treatment, children’s dentistry and cosmetic dentistry.

As with any dental device, the dentist must have appropriate training, with demonstrated proficiency, knowledge and skill for the use of lasers in dentistry. Paragraphs will be transformed automatically into proper HTML formating.) Laser dentist procedures and a directory of dentists that utilize dental lasers in dentistry. Talk to your dentist about how laser dentistry can benefit you. When you are asking about a laser dentist specifically you can ask about their accreditation with the Academy of Laser Dentistry. Your nearest laser dentist will be able to answer any questions regarding laser dentistry that are not answered here. Upon thorough examination and resulting diagnosis, your dentist can determine if laser dentistry is indicated for you. Information about laser dentistry and search for a dentist in by area.

This conference will provide a forum for presentation of both basic and applied research in laser dentistry. Furthermore, he is able to provide many periodontal treatments more effectively and efficiently than ever, thanks to advancements in laser dentistry. Determine how lasers can be used to provide better and more comfortable dentistry. It should provide a wonderful opportunity for readers to learn current trends and developments in laser dentistry with the world’s leading exponents.

This way the U-CP technology ensures an obvious and necessary repeatability of the laser-assisted actions for applicatioms in dentistry. Deka’s technology constantly evolves and discovers new ways of applying Nd:YAG laser in dentistry, while SmartFile’s efficacy and resistance is still guaranteed. Schindler utilizes laser dentistry technology to give her patients thebest end result comfortably. Introduction Recent developments in laser dentistry have led to an increasing acceptance of this technology by both professionals and the general public. The ADA, however, states that it is cautiously optimistic about the role of laser technology in the field of dentistry.

In most cases, laser dentistry patients experience no pain. Some of the benefits to laser dentistry are: faster healing time, minimal post-operative pain and recovery time, minimal bleeding and sensitivity. Patients experience less pain with laser dentistry. The Art of Dentistry’s hygiene team is superb, using the most current protocols including lasers for the most effective and pain free bacterial reduction. The newest generation of lasers allow for pain free dentistry often without anesthetic.

There are a variety of uses for lasers in the field of dentistry. Strauss is an experienced and skilled in the laser dentistry field. Winn is a leader in the field of laser dentistry, pioneering new techniques that others follow. David Winn is a leader in the field of laser dentistry, pioneering new techniques that others follow.

Implant Dentistry For Missing Front Teeth

A good implant dentist Toronto or else where in Canada can restore smiles. You know because unfortunately, when your son’s football coach told him to wear his mouth guard his mind was a thousand miles away. So he went to practice with the protective wear in his pocket where it could do absolutely no good. As it turns out his team mates packed on a lot of muscle over the summer.

When the scrimmage began your son got sacked. To make an all too familiar story short an elbow landed in his mouth and two of his bottom teeth broke out. They might have been able to re-implant the teeth if another team mate didn’t step on them. Ugh! It was awful. This otherwise normal part of summer suddenly turned into an ordeal.

There was bleeding, blaming and bad feelings all around. Finally everyone realized that contact sports are never without risks. There was nothing left to do but visit the Emergency Room. The attending physician sutured the gums after removing small fragments of debris from the football field. The radiology department took x-rays of the neck and face. The young resident looked over the films and said that he didn’t think there were any other bone injuries. Your son was prescribed antibiotics and sent home.

Although the injury did not pose any further health risk there was still negative emotional impact. You couldn’t look at him without wincing and his father muttered about ending his football career. Your son became a hermit canceling all social contact that he would otherwise have been eagerly preoccupied with. The whole family turned morose. The summer was almost ruined.

Well after the mouth injury healed there was the gap to fill before the many important events of high school senior year and of course commencement. Modern dentistry to the rescue. Luckily the family dentist was able to work your son in and plan for implant surgery to bridge the newly created gap in his bottom teeth.

It takes two basic procedures after the initial consultation. The first appointment allowed for the implantation of posts which would anchor the artificial teeth in place. The second appointment allowed the dentist to inspect the healing and then affix the new teeth. The entire thing was relatively quick. The smile that had faced the first day of school for 12 years was once again restored. So was your son’s love of football.

The first step in any sports program needs to be taking safety precautions seriously. Mouth guards and chin straps do provide a lot of protection from facial injuries. The second step is for parents, teachers and coaches to strictly enforce rules requiring the use of safety gear.

The last step is to keep your dentist’s emergency phone number close at hand and hope that you never need to use it. Implant dentist Toronto area has most of the answers to this and other perplexing dental situations. Do not hesitate to correct smile problems before they become confidence killing features.

Dental Floss

Everytime I go in to see the dentist for that annual cleaning I hear the same thing. „You only need to floss the ones that you want to keep“ I think it’s the joke of the industry and everyone uses it. Still, there’s something very important in the statement. You see, I’m the guy that simply loves to floss my teeth. In the car, at home watching television, and of course every evening after a good and thorough brushing.

If you’re not in love with dental floss, then you probably don’t realize not only how important it is for good oral hygiene but also how great it makes your teeth feel. Consider teeth like boxes stacked up against each other. Two sides show while two sides are against each other. Now imagine how much a tooth brush can clean those two sides of your teeth that are against one another. Not much, right?

Brushing alone simply isn’t enough to reach the plaque from the inside surface between your teeth. The Interproximal areas or places between your teeth and below the gum line are two spots where the toothbrush simply can’t reach and old food particles get stuck, becoming a perfect growth environment for plaque. These are the places where cavities are also likely to develop. Once plaque hardens, it needs removed at that regular visit to the dentist I was telling you about above. Daily flossing however, cleans out the plaque before it completely hardens, keeping your teeth looking better, and healthier, and removing a major cause of bad breath.

Drumroll please……So Enter Dental Floss and the act of flossing. Dental floss looks simply like thread, usually made of inorganic material such as nylon. Dental floss comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes including waxed, non-waxed, flat, round and textured, with baking soda, with fluoride and even with it’s own dental floss holders. These items can be found at drug stores, grocery stores or through medical supply stores.

So when flossing, find one that you like. My personal favorite is mint flavored waxed. Boy, you just can’t beat the ease of use and minty flavor. Anyway….Dental floss comes on a roll in a plastic container. Pull off a couple of feet of floss. Hey, it’s cheap and it makes the job much easier.

Next, wind one end around your index finger a couple of times. The trick here is to wind it around enough that you can pull the long end and it won’t slip off your finger. Now grasp the long end, wrap it once or twice around your other index finger leaving about 1-2 inches of floss between both fingers and prepare for a wonderful experience.

Simply open your mouth, place one finger against the 1-2 inch piece of floss and push between two teeth. When just starting out, use any teeth that you’re comfortable reaching. Now once the floss is between your teeth, use it like a little brush and pull it against one tooth and move it up and down between the teeth then do the other tooth surface.

Finally pull the dental floss out from between those two teeth.You should feel a little tug and a snap as the floss frees itself from between the two teeth. Sometimes with a good build up of plaque, this snap will release little pieces of white like goo. This is good.

Next, wrap another two inches of floss around your index finger, grab the long end again with another inch or two of clean dental floss and you’re ready for the next teeth. Repeat with another two teeth until you go around and clean between all of them. personally, I can do several teeth before I need to „freshen“ my floss. Flossing leaves your mouth feeling clean and fresh without the need to artificial breath fresheners.

If done right with healthy teeth and gums, flossing will not by itself cause your mouth or gums to bleed. Bleeding can happen however if you accidentally push the floss into your gums to hard. Not to worry though, a quick rinse with cold water will usually take care of everything.

One final word of caution. Flossing can be addictive

How What you Eat Effects your Unborn Fetus’s Teeth

Any Scarborough dentist will be able to tell you that what you eat can affect your fetus, and in particular the development of your baby’s jaw and future teeth. It’s not common for babies to be born with teeth, but this does happen in every one out of 2,000 to 3,000 births.

These kinds of teeth are called neonatal teeth and are usually an isolated incident but can be associated with various syndromes like;

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
Pierre Robin syndrome
Soto’s syndrome

So the pediatrician who finds natal teeth at birth may inquire about having your baby tested for these conditions.

A Scarborough dentist will tell you that cleaning your infants teeth can be a simple process, whether natal teeth or neonatal teeth, which can erupt as soon as 30 days after birth. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down baby’s teeth and gums, then inspect their tongue and gums on a regular basis to make sure that the teeth aren’t causing undue irritation. These unusual teeth can be wobbly and not well attached so the doctor may wish to remove them at birth.

Nutrients for Your Fetus’s Teeth and Bones
Before birth however, you’ll be busy growing that baby and it needs lots of nutrients. Most women are surprised to learn that they don’t actually need to eat for two as the common saying goes, but they do need to find highly nutritious foods to help give the fetus all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to develop.

Some excellent vitamins and nutrients your Scarborough dentist will recommend to take for yourself and your baby during and right before pregnancy are folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, and iron.

Folic acid and its counterpart found in nature, folate, can be extremely important for a growing fetus. Research has shown that not only will it prevent neural tube defects in a baby, but will help to prevent cleft palate while the jawbone and upper palate are forming in the fetus. To get the maximum benefit you need to take folic acid before you get pregnant, about 400 micrograms a day. Any good vitamin will include at least this much Folic Acid.

Calcium, of course is needed to build strong bones, even though your baby’s bones will still be soft when he or she is born. You’ll still want to take a lot of calcium during pregnancy to ensure that the baby’s bones form properly, especially in the face and jaw so they will be able to chew properly and will be able to support their first teeth. Doctors recommend about 1,300 milligrams a day of calcium while pregnant. In addition you’ll want to take Vitamin D, because it helps the body absorb and use calcium properly.

Lastly, Iron is important for women and babies during pregnancy. It will help keep you from developing anemia since your blood will be shared with the fetus. The baby is also looking to store up a large amount of iron, several months supply, for its first few months of life.

In addition be certain to keep up with your regular flossing and brushing. Scarborough dentists and other dentists around the world are starting to agree that cavities can be a disease that affects the rest of the body. After all, an infection of a very bad cavity can work its way to your brain and even your heart. So keep flossing and stay healthy.

How to find and interview the Right Cosmetic Dentist

How to find and interview the Right Cosmetic Dentist
There are a number of ways to select a Cosmetic Dentist, some good, some bad. Below I describe some good methods, and some that aren’t so good.
The best way:
The best way to select your cosmetic dentist is to put in some legwork. Don’t be in a hurry; this is a decision that could last a lifetime. Interview at least two or three cosmetic dentists, and ask to see before and after pictures of the work they have done. Be sure that you like the results of the doctor’s work. Do all of the patient’s teeth look the same? Do they look natural, or do they look like a mouth full of Chiclets? How does the shape of the teeth blend with the patient’s face? Ask the Dentist to show you examples of different shapes of teeth. You need to also be sure that you communicate well with the dentist, and he understands what it is you want. Where did the dentist get his cosmetic training? True cosmetic dentistry is not taught in dental school. The Dentist should have attended a postgraduate program such as The Las Vegas institute for Advanced Dental Studies. These types of programs have the dentists bring in actual patients to work on, they aren’t just a weekend lecture course on how to do veneers. Most importantly, make sure the dentist takes the time to explain everything to you and answers all of your questions. Once you have done all of this, you can make an informed, rational decision. Anyone who refers you to a cosmetic dentist has far less at stake in the outcome than you do, so it’s up to you to take responsibility for finding the best doctor.

1. A recommendation from your family doctor. This can be a starting point, but remember, your primary doctor is probably pretty busy. He doesn’t usually have time to evaluate a bunch of different cosmetic dentists. He may know a couple of different dentists who practice cosmetic dentistry, but these may not necessarily be the best in town.
2. A referral from a patient who has had work done by a cosmetic dentist. If you like the results, he/she may be worth checking into. Find out about education and postgraduate training.
3. A recommendation from an aesthetician or hair stylist. These people are in the appearance and style business. They know who has had what done, and have probably seen both the good and bad in your town. This can actually be a pretty good starting point for your search.
4. The yellow pages will have a list of dentists in your town; keep in mind that the size and quality of the ad are not an indication of the quality of the work. Be very careful about using this as your starting point.

The Interview
Some things to remember when you go in for a consultation:
1. Try to relax. You are just going for a consultation. You have no obligation to have any treatment. Tell the dentist what it is you are looking for. Listen to what he has to say.
2. Remember, you are hiring the dentist, not the other way around. Be sure that he answers all of your questions.
3. Go to your consultation with pictures of smiles that you like. Not every smile can be duplicated on every patient, but it will give the cosmetic dentist some idea of what direction you wish to go. Be sure to let him know what it is about your smile that you dislike. Listen to what he has to say about your smile
What you want to accomplish at the consultation:
1. Get as much information as you can about the recommended procedure. What will be done; veneers? Crowns? Implants? bridges? What can be improved upon? What can the dentist not improve? What are the possible complications? What are the costs? Will you be able to go out right after the procedure? If you feel that the doctor is not answering your questions or comes across as if you are wasting his time, move on to the next one. It is the cosmetic dentists job to make sure you are educated about the procedure and that he answers all of your questions.
2. How good is the cosmetic dentist? Look at before and after photos of patients with similar situations. This is one way of determining how good his work is. Be sure to ask if the pictures you are seeing are patients the dentist has done himself. Some “cosmetic dentists” use stock photos of patients who are not their own. If the dentist will not show you photos, it is probably a good idea to go elsewhere.
3. If you like what you see, but are still a little bit uneasy, ask the dentist if you can contact some of his cosmetic patients that have had similar treatment. Most good cosmetic dentist will be happy to arrange this for you.
Cosmetic dentists are just like any other professional, some are very good, and others are not so good. Pictures of the dentist’s work are the best evidence of the dentist’s skill. You wouldn’t hire someone to remodel your house without seeing samples of their work first. A great cosmetic dentist sees beyond the teeth, looking at the whole person. For more information on cosmetic dentistry, go to The Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist

How Does Cosmetic Dentistry Work

There are many people who are unhappy with their appearance in the world today. Some peoples’ teeth may have been unattractive for their entire lives, whereas others’ teeth may have aged and slowly become unattractive. For these reasons, many people decide to look into cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry could be considered a dental facelift, changing someone’s appearance so that they look better and feel better about themselves. There are many techniques in cosmetic dentistry, from braces to porcelain veneers. More often than not, dentists use a combination of these techniques in order to achieve the best results.

The first method widely used in cosmetic dentistry is Porcelain Laminate Veneers (also known as veneers). These veneers are specially made porcelain wafers that can be places over teeth in order to enhance their appearance. Veneers can correct unappealing smiles, reverse the effects of aging, and whiten teeth. Many popular movie stars use veneers today in order to have that perfect smile. There are temporary and permanent veneers. People usually ware the temporary veneers while the permanent ones are being made. In terms of cost, veneers usually cost several thousand dollars, depending on the amount of teeth needing modification.

Teeth whitening is another very popular way to change the appearance of teeth. There are two types of whitening, in-office or at-home whitening. In-office whitening uses a high intensity light along with 35% hydrogen peroxide. The patient’s gums are protected, and the whitening process takes about an hour. The results are usually teeth that are four to six shades lighter than before. The at-home systems generally use between 10 and 20% carbamine peroxide. Impressions of the person’s mouth are made in order to make trays. The trays are then fitted and the patient is told to place a little bit of the carbamine peroxide gel in the tray and ware it while sleeping. The time of wearing this varies greatly from one week to six. Some people use a combination of in-office and at-home systems. This usually has a result of 12 to 15 shades of whitening.

There are three popular procedures to fix only a few unappealing teeth. The procedures for fixing select teeth are: tooth shaping, bonded-bridge, and resin or tooth colored fillings. Tooth shaping is when a doctor removes a very small amount of enamel from a tooth in order to shape it and make it more appealing. This is usually used for shortening long teeth, rounding off pointed teeth, or to simply make a smile follow the contour of the lower lip (which is more appealing). This procedure costs only $25 to $75 per tooth. The bonded-bridge procedure is used to replace missing teeth. The procedure usually involves taking out a small amount from teeth on either side of the missing tooth and then taking an impression or mold. From this, a bonded-bridge that can attach to the backs of the teeth on either side is made. There are resin-bonded bridges that do not fall out as easily, and there are metal bonded-bridges that are more expensive. Finally, people can get resin or tooth colored fillings. Resin is used to fill small cavities or a chipped front tooth. Resin instead of porcelain veneers saves money as well as time, but resin needs to be replaced every so often.

The final two things people can do in cosmetic dentistry are gum-lifts and braces. Gum-lifts remove gums in order to make teeth appear longer and eliminate a “gummy” smile. Uneven gum lines can make the teeth seem as though they are of different lengths that makes for an unattractive smile. The procedure is relatively quick and painless. Braces are the last, and most common, way to get cosmetic dentistry. Braces are placed on the teeth and can straighten crooked teeth, help fix over-bites, and generally create a more appealing smile. Braces are very time consuming, and costly, but are a great option for children. Some adults do get braces, but most opt for faster, cheaper methods. Braces run from $3,500 to $4,500, and require multiple visits to the orthodontist.

Cosmetic dentistry has been described as not a science but rather an art. Cosmetic dentists use many different procedures in order to improve their patients’ smiles and overall confidence. Some cosmetic dentistry procedures can be very costly, but yield great results. So, if someone has been unhappy with their smile for years, and does not know what to do, cosmetic dentistry may be the perfect option.

High Cost Cosmetic Dentistry

Very few people are able to visit the clinics because of the high cost of cosmetic dentistry. Only a few others have constantly and regularly followed their clinic schedules for check-ups.

The costs of porcelain veneers are extremely high. They range from $975 per veneer to a high of $2200 per veneer. But this rate will depend on the country you are in; different countries have different charges. Some countries may be charging a lot, but this is an expensive service. Rates for cosmetic dentistry procedures are high, even in the early years. If you want to be a wise dental consumer, you must understand some of the basic information with regards to cosmetic dentistry and its fees.

A lot of people wonder why cosmetic dentistry fees are not declining at all. There has never been a time when dentist services were priced low. Porcelain is notably high —the cost of all-porcelain crowns is the same as for porcelain veneers.
The cost of white fillings used for black teeth is charged according the amount and the number of the surfaces that are covered by the fillings. In a one-surface filling, the fees will range from $150 up to $250. For the two surfaces, the cost will run from $200 up to $400, and for three surfaces it ranges from $250 up to $500.

Bonding a front tooth is another expensive service you can choose. When bonding the tooth involves a corner of the tooth, it will range from $300 up to $1600. These costs are unbelievably high and expensive because the dentists who do this work need to have a high level of skill and artistry. A dentist carefully fixes patients teeth with expertise and preciseness. They spend long hours fixing up a patient’s teeth.
Braces can cost from $5000 to $7000 to cover a complete case — a substantial investment.

Cosmetic dentistry is costly because it the use of expensive materials, first-class cosmetic dental labs, and usually extra time and effort on the part of the cosmetic dentist. All these extra costs are factored into the fee. A clinic also must be very clean, comfortable and free from bacteria, which adds to the cost of this type of dentistry. In fact, these services might even get more expensive in the coming years if the dentists become less common.

You need to keep in mind that as a consumer, you are in the most difficult position of not being legally covered or protected from bad cosmetic dental care. Cosmetic dentistry requires a lot of expertise. It is not really a legally distinct specialty. The dentist during his study years may have been through a lot of training or he might even traveled to remote areas for training. You should ask these questions, and be sure of any professional’s credentials before you begin a treatment program.

Have a migraine

Do you or someone you know suffer from chronic headaches or Migraines? Usually these people have seen a variety of different doctors, with little if any relief. Their symptoms are being treated, but the cause of the problem still persists. Ever thought about seeing your dentist for a migraine? Well that is just one of the conditions that Neuromuscular dentistry is being used to treat. Neuromuscular dentistry is one of the new technologies available in dentistry today. It is different from regular dentistry in that it focuses on the muscles of the jaw and neck and how they are related to the teeth.

Neuromuscular dentistry recognizes that the muscles that move the jaw must be in a comfortable, relaxed position in order to not be in conflict with the teeth and jaw joint i.e. we must have ” happy muscles.” ? Some of the symptoms that occur when we do not have these” happy muscles” include: Headaches, Loose teeth, Clenching or grinding, root abfractions, Pain or clicking and popping in the jaw joints, Shoulder, neck, and back pain, Numbness in arms and fingers, non-specific Facial pain, problems swallowing , hot or cold sensitive teeth ,Crowded teeth , Receding gums , Ringing or congestion in the ears. A person could experience Migraine headaches and no other symptoms for example, yet be suffering from a neuromuscular dental problem.

There are a number of different types of equipment used in Neuromuscular dentistry to help us get a person to a position of “Happy Muscles”. First, we must find a position at rest that is most comfortable for the patient. . This is position where the muscles are relaxed, regardless of where the teeth line up. A device known as the Myo-monitor is used to help relax the patient’s muscles. It is a low frequency T.E.N.S. (Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation)unit. The Myo-monitor stimulates the Trigeminal Nerve and The Facial nerve using a very mild electrical impulse.

This TENSing accomplishes 3 things. First, It pumps waste metabolites and lactic acid away from the stressed muscles. Second, it increases the blood flow to the muscle, which increases the oxygen, glucose, and energy to the muscle itself. Finally, it allows the jaw to relax into its ideal position. Tensing usually takes 45- 60 minutes depending on how bad a patients symptom are and how tight their muscles are. Sometimes we will use an EMG machine to measure the level of tightness in the different muscles. Before tensing ,the EMG shows how hyperactivity of the muscles. After TENSing there is much less activity and the muscle are much “happier”.

After TENSing and finding the ideal position of the jaw where the muscles are happy, we make an appliance called an orthotic to keep the muscles in this position. Keeping the muscles in this position is very important because it allows them to remain at their ideal length, which prevents them from going into spasm. Again, we want to get to a state of “Happy Muscles”.

Wearing the orthotic allows the muscles to heal, pain to dissipate and/or disappear and the jaw joint to heal. The orthotic is usually worn for 1-3 months to make sure the bite is correct and that the symptoms disappear. Once the patient has become symptom free, we make a decision about Phase 2 of treatment. The patient may decide to wear the orthotic indefinitely, have orthodontic treatment done to move teeth into the correct position, have the teeth restored or adjust the teeth to their ideal bite.

The following three patient cases recently came to me for migraine treatment.

Alan is a 68-year-old male with a history of migraine headaches 6-10 times per month for the past 25 years. “I had seen every imaginable type of doctor in the country, including the Mayo clinic. Nothing would stop the headaches; just control the pain with drugs. It got to the point where I had to carry narcotics with me everywhere I went.” Alan was treated using neuromuscular dentistry and is now virtually headache free. “I am so happy with the results of my treatment. I am practically headache free and don’t have to take any headache medications anymore. What a relief after all these years.”

Barbara is a 43-year-old mom of three with a history of headaches and stiff neck for the past 7 years. She had seen numerous physicians, specialists, chiropractors and acupuncturists over the years. “Nobody was able to stop the headaches and I haven’t been able to move my neck completely for 1 and ½ years. I had to miss my 10 year old’s birthday party because of a migraine.” When Barbara came to our office, she had a severe headache and a knot the size of a golf ball in the muscles of her neck. We used the TENS unit on her for 1 hr. “I couldn’t believe it. My headache had disappeared, the knot in my neck was gone, and I could move my neck from side to side for the first time in a year and a half.” Barbara has been virtually pain free for the last 3 months, and is extremely happy with the results of her orthotic use. “I can’t wait to have my mouth restored.”

Deaun had occasional migraines until two years ago. ”I was at a comedy club with my husband and I felt a migraine coming on. We left the club, went home and I went to bed. Ever since then, the migraines have been pretty much all the time for the last two years.” Deaun had been to numerous doctors with no resolution. “They kept telling me that all they could do was give me pain medication. Then I heard about Dr. Cohen. My husband didn’t think anything would work, but I really wanted to try neuromuscular dentistry. I am so glad that I did. My headaches have been reduced to about 1 every 6 weeks, and even my husband, the skeptic, is amazed at the improvement. I am religious about wearing my orthotic and feel great.”

Have A Headache

Do you or someone you know suffer from chronic headaches or Migraines? Usually these people have seen a variety of different doctors, with little if any relief. Their symptoms are being treated, but the cause of the problem still persists. Ever thought about seeing your dentist for a migraine? Well that is just one of the conditions that Neuromuscular dentistry is being used to treat. Neuromuscular dentistry is one of the new technologies available in dentistry today. It is different from regular dentistry in that it focuses on the muscles of the jaw and neck and how they are related to the teeth.

Neuromuscular dentistry recognizes that the muscles that move the jaw must be in a comfortable, relaxed position in order to not be in conflict with the teeth and jaw joint i.e. we must have ” happy muscles.” ? Some of the symptoms that occur when we do not have these” happy muscles” include: Headaches, Loose teeth, Clenching or grinding, root abfractions, Pain or clicking and popping in the jaw joints, Shoulder, neck, and back pain, Numbness in arms and fingers, non-specific Facial pain, problems swallowing , hot or cold sensitive teeth ,Crowded teeth , Receding gums , Ringing or congestion in the ears. A person could experience Migraine headaches and no other symptoms for example, yet be suffering from a neuromuscular dental problem.

There are a number of different types of equipment used in Neuromuscular dentistry to help us get a person to a position of “Happy Muscles”. First, we must find a position at rest that is most comfortable for the patient. . This is position where the muscles are relaxed, regardless of where the teeth line up. A device known as the Myo-monitor is used to help relax the patient’s muscles. It is a low frequency T.E.N.S. (Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation)unit. The Myo-monitor stimulates the Trigeminal Nerve and The Facial nerve using a very mild electrical impulse.

This TENSing accomplishes 3 things. First, It pumps waste metabolites and lactic acid away from the stressed muscles. Second, it increases the blood flow to the muscle, which increases the oxygen, glucose, and energy to the muscle itself. Finally, it allows the jaw to relax into its ideal position. Tensing usually takes 45- 60 minutes depending on how bad a patients symptom are and how tight their muscles are. Sometimes we will use an EMG machine to measure the level of tightness in the different muscles. Before tensing ,the EMG shows how hyperactivity of the muscles. After TENSing there is much less activity and the muscle are much “happier”.

After TENSing and finding the ideal position of the jaw where the muscles are happy, we make an appliance called an orthotic to keep the muscles in this position. Keeping the muscles in this position is very important because it allows them to remain at their ideal length, which prevents them from going into spasm. Again, we want to get to a state of “Happy Muscles”.

Wearing the orthotic allows the muscles to heal, pain to dissipate and/or disappear and the jaw joint to heal. The orthotic is usually worn for 1-3 months to make sure the bite is correct and that the symptoms disappear. Once the patient has become symptom free, we make a decision about Phase 2 of treatment. The patient may decide to wear the orthotic indefinitely, have orthodontic treatment done to move teeth into the correct position, have the teeth restored or adjust the teeth to their ideal bite.

The following three patient cases recently came to me for migraine treatment.

Alan is a 68-year-old male with a history of migraine headaches 6-10 times per month for the past 25 years. “I had seen every imaginable type of doctor in the country, including the Mayo clinic. Nothing would stop the headaches; just control the pain with drugs. It got to the point where I had to carry narcotics with me everywhere I went.” Alan was treated using neuromuscular dentistry and is now virtually headache free. “I am so happy with the results of my treatment. I am practically headache free and don’t have to take any headache medications anymore. What a relief after all these years.”

Barbara is a 43-year-old mom of three with a history of headaches and stiff neck for the past 7 years. She had seen numerous physicians, specialists, chiropractors and acupuncturists over the years. “Nobody was able to stop the headaches and I haven’t been able to move my neck completely for 1 and ½ years. I had to miss my 10 year old’s birthday party because of a migraine.” When Barbara came to our office, she had a severe headache and a knot the size of a golf ball in the muscles of her neck. We used the TENS unit on her for 1 hr. “I couldn’t believe it. My headache had disappeared, the knot in my neck was gone, and I could move my neck from side to side for the first time in a year and a half.” Barbara has been virtually pain free for the last 3 months, and is extremely happy with the results of her orthotic use. “I can’t wait to have my mouth restored.”

Deaun had occasional migraines until two years ago. ”I was at a comedy club with my husband and I felt a migraine coming on. We left the club, went home and I went to bed. Ever since then, the migraines have been pretty much all the time for the last two years.” Deaun had been to numerous doctors with no resolution. “They kept telling me that all they could do was give me pain medication. Then I heard about Dr. Cohen. My husband didn’t think anything would work, but I really wanted to try neuromuscular dentistry. I am so glad that I did. My headaches have been reduced to about 1 every 6 weeks, and even my husband, the skeptic, is amazed at the improvement. I am religious about wearing my orthotic and feel great.”

Getting Over Your Fear Of The Dentist

Dental anxiety or fearing the dentist is a problem that many people have, and something that is somewhat difficult to overcome. This fear normally prevents rational people from visiting the dentist and maintaining the health of their teeth. The key to keeping your teeth healthy is to prevent problems before they start. Those who suffer from dental anxiety will try to avoid going to the dentist, which results in problems.

When someone who suffers from dental anxiety finally goes to the dentist, they normally find that even the smallest of problems can turn serious and require a lot of work and intervention from the dentist. Even though you may not realize it, regular cleaning visits to your dentist is the best way to keep your teeth healthy, and prevent problems such as decay and cavities.

You can use several techniques to overcome dental anxiety. Some of the techniques require mild sedatives, also referred to as sedation. Sedation is a way to relax, given by breathing or IV (Intra Vein) through a vein in your arm. Sedation will help you to calm down, although you will normally be awake to answer questions or talk to your dentist.

Some people who suffer from dental anxiety have had bad experiences. Any type of negative dental experience will normally result in emotional scarring and last for years. Anything that results in negative feelings for the patient will normally cause them to feel in a negative way toward the entire dental profession. Although all dentists aren’t bad – a negative experience will certainly make a patient feel that way.

When you look fora dentist, you should always ask your family and friends who they use, and who they recommend. When you visit a dentist, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask him any questions that come to mind, so you can be more relaxed. You should always keep in mind that you are customer, and the dentist is the one who needs to make you feel relaxed. Never should you feel intimidated, as the best dentists will do everything they can to establish a sense of trust.

Establishing trust is very important with the patient/dentist relationship. You’ll be going to your dentist on a frequent basis, so you’ll want to be sure that you can trust him. When you go to your dentist for the first time, you should let him know about your dental anxiety. If he isn’t willing to talk about it with you or do things to help you relax, you should look into a new dentist.

You can always tell who the better dentists are by the type of facilities they have. Dentists who have a lot of customers or nice offices, have established themselves and proved that they are indeed the best. If a dentist has a lot of customers, it lets you know that he has them for a reason. People that are satisfied with a dentist, normally return.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you should always let your dentist know in advance. This way, he work with you to overcome your fear. Over time, you’ll find that you can overcome your fear and establish a great relationship with your dentist. You can get over your fear of dentists, no matter how bad your fear may be. It will take you some time, although your dentist should be willing to work with you. Before you know it, you’ll be over your fear and more than willing to go to your dentist.

Finding and Interviewing the Right Cosmetic Dentist

There are a number of ways to select a Cosmetic Dentist, some good, some bad. Below I describe some good methods, and some that aren’t so good.
The best way:
The best way to select your cosmetic dentist is to put in some legwork. Don’t be in a hurry; this is a decision that could last a lifetime. Interview at least two or three cosmetic dentists, and ask to see before and after pictures of the work they have done. Be sure that you like the results of the doctor’s work. Do all of the patient’s teeth look the same? Do they look natural, or do they look like a mouth full of Chiclets? How does the shape of the teeth blend with the patient’s face? Ask the Dentist to show you examples of different shapes of teeth. You need to also be sure that you communicate well with the dentist, and he understands what it is you want. Where did the dentist get his cosmetic training? True cosmetic dentistry is not taught in dental school. The Dentist should have attended a postgraduate program such as The Las Vegas institute for Advanced Dental Studies. These types of programs have the dentists bring in actual patients to work on, they aren’t just a weekend lecture course on how to do veneers. Most importantly, make sure the dentist takes the time to explain everything to you and answers all of your questions. Once you have done all of this, you can make an informed, rational decision. Anyone who refers you to a cosmetic dentist has far less at stake in the outcome than you do, so it’s up to you to take responsibility for finding the best doctor.

1. A recommendation from your family doctor. This can be a starting point, but remember, your primary doctor is probably pretty busy. He doesn’t usually have time to evaluate a bunch of different cosmetic dentists. He may know a couple of different dentists who practice cosmetic dentistry, but these may not necessarily be the best in town.
2. A referral from a patient who has had work done by a cosmetic dentist. If you like the results, he/she may be worth checking into. Find out about education and postgraduate training.
3. A recommendation from an aesthetician or hair stylist. These people are in the appearance and style business. They know who has had what done, and have probably seen both the good and bad in your town. This can actually be a pretty good starting point for your search.
4. The yellow pages will have a list of dentists in your town; keep in mind that the size and quality of the ad are not an indication of the quality of the work. Be very careful about using this as your starting point.

The Interview
Some things to remember when you go in for a consultation:
1. Try to relax. You are just going for a consultation. You have no obligation to have any treatment. Tell the dentist what it is you are looking for. Listen to what he has to say.
2. Remember, you are hiring the dentist, not the other way around. Be sure that he answers all of your questions.
3. Go to your consultation with pictures of smiles that you like. Not every smile can be duplicated on every patient, but it will give the cosmetic dentist some idea of what direction you wish to go. Be sure to let him know what it is about your smile that you dislike. Listen to what he has to say about your smile
What you want to accomplish at the consultation:
1. Get as much information as you can about the recommended procedure. What will be done; veneers? Crowns? Implants? bridges? What can be improved upon? What can the dentist not improve? What are the possible complications? What are the costs? Will you be able to go out right after the procedure? If you feel that the doctor is not answering your questions or comes across as if you are wasting his time, move on to the next one. It is the cosmetic dentists job to make sure you are educated about the procedure and that he answers all of your questions.
2. How good is the cosmetic dentist? Look at before and after photos of patients with similar situations. This is one way of determining how good his work is. Be sure to ask if the pictures you are seeing are patients the dentist has done himself. Some “cosmetic dentists” use stock photos of patients who are not their own. If the dentist will not show you photos, it is probably a good idea to go elsewhere.
3. If you like what you see, but are still a little bit uneasy, ask the dentist if you can contact some of his cosmetic patients that have had similar treatment. Most good cosmetic dentist will be happy to arrange this for you.
Cosmetic dentists are just like any other professional, some are very good, and others are not so good. Pictures of the dentist’s work are the best evidence of the dentist’s skill. You wouldn’t hire someone to remodel your house without seeing samples of their work first. A great cosmetic dentist sees beyond the teeth, looking at the whole person. For more information on cosmetic dentistry, go to The Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist

Fear Of The Dentist

Dentophobia, or fear of the dentist, isn’t as uncommon as most people might think. One bad experience can create a horrific fantasy in the mind of a person who is scheduled, or should be scheduled, to see go to a dental clinic. With this “fear of the dentist”, a person’s dental health can create some major problems to the overall health of the patient.

How It Starts

Fear of the dentist begins with dental anxiety. This is when a person will start to feel somewhat “in danger” or uneasy prior to seeing the dentist. This unknown danger causes the person to think of the worst case scenarios while in the dentist is working on him. This anxiety is just a slight uneasy feeling of an unknown or anticipated experience.

What It Is

Fear of the dentist, or dental fear, is when the person has had a bad experience at the dental clinic and is afraid to go back because he might go through it again. In his mental state, the dentist will do the same thing to him again, even if it is a completely different doctor. He fears the dentist and the following thoughts might be going through his mind: “I’ve been there, I’ve done that…and i really don’t want to do it again.” He will hesitate and contemplate on whether he will attend his scheduled appointment.

What It Can Turn To

Fear of the dentist can turn into an uncontrollable fear, or dental phobia. When dental fear becomes extreme, the person will do all he can to avoid taking a trip to the dental clinic. This could create serious health issues for him from dental, physical and sometimes, mental health.

A Possible Solution: Treatment Centers

Because fear of the dentist is a common illness, there are many ways that you can treat this fear. One of the first things is to be able to realize that this can be overcome in several ways. There are actually dental phobia treatment centers that can help you overcome this fear. They have specialist that are able to help easy your anxieties and fear of the dentist. Before performing a dental procedure on you, they will explain and clarify any of your questions and concerns. They will help you ease your worries. If necessary, they can also provide calming distractions so that you don’t worry about what the dentist is doing to you. They also have relaxation techniques that will help calm your nerves and your mind about dentists.

A Successful Solution:

Secondly, through the process of hypnosis. People might think that this process is interesting enough, but the importance of altering the thinking process of the mind through this procedure is critical in eradicating the problem.

But before your fear of the dentist can be overcome, you must motivate yourself to get the necessary help you need to overcome this illness. The only way for others to help you is for you to realize that you must have some control over the anxieties you are experiencing. When you have that control, you have the power to overcome your fear of the dentist.

Family dentist facts through the ages

As early as 3000 BC, men have dabbled in dentistry to take care of dental problems they have encountered. The excruciating pain that is associated with cavities and rotting teeth must have prompted them to discover ways to relieve their agonizing and unbearable discomfort. Thus the emergence of early “dentists” must be because of the painful symptoms.

Much evidence point out, like from uncovered relics, artifacts and mummies, some forms of dental surgery or dental prosthetics. From the ancient Egyptians to the Greco-Romans to early Chinese civilizations, dentists have existed to aid the people with their teeth problems.

Dentists have always been associated with pain. No trip to the dentist has ever been a welcome journey. Many people, mostly children, see the voyage to a dentist appointment as a form of torture. The mere sound of the dentist’s drill sends shivers up everybody’s spine and causes a form of an anxiety attack (for some though).

Even with the development of many scientific technologies in dental practice, such as better pain relievers, anesthetics, modern equipment and painless procedures. In any case, dentists have had a bad reputation which is probably uncalled for.

Learning and knowing more about dentists would make them look less menacing and more interesting. Dentists are here to help us, because having good, strong and healthy teeth not only makes us look better but also spares us from the agony of having to endure the unbearable pain of having cavities.

Here are 10 things you didn’t know about dentists. Some facts show the polls done on their perception and satisfaction of their dentists while some are fun facts that may help you see a different side of dentists.

While dentists have been uncommonly regarded as fear factors here are some facts that prove otherwise:

According to a poll done in 1997 by the Gallup poll, dentists received high marks in being the most trusted profession in the United States of America placing fifth in the overall ranking.

Dentists also get high grades from another Gallup poll done recently in being the line of work that has high degree in interpersonal skills and delivery of quality care (remember the lollipops?).

A high 92% of those polled said that they would recommend them to everyone as stated in another Gallup poll.

Another survey shows that 83% of American adults are very satisfied with the services they get from their dentists. This survey was done by Louis Harris and Associates in an effort to study the American peoples attitude towards dentists.

…. And, dentists have a big rating, 61%, in the ethics poll for honesty and trustworthiness.

For some fun facts about dentists….

The electric chair was invented by a dentist. Hhhmmmm… makes you a wonder a whole lot about the Dentist’s Chair don’t it?

William F. Semple, a dentist from Mount Vernon, OH. was issued the first patent in 1869 for chewing gum.

In the old days when dentures weren’t invented yet, dentists would do a quick surgery in implanting teeth in the mouth of a person. The teeth came from dead people!

Aztec dentists would mix iron fillings, water and navel lint bake and insert it in the cavities to seal it. Not only was relief reported but a development of the sense of direction of a person was felt.

So if you think about it, after reading this and finding out how many generations have already sought people to take care of their teeth problems, dentists might just have the oldest profession in the whole world. What do you think?

Environmental Or Conventional Dentistry

Conventional dental and dentists‘ practice help many people enjoy excellent dental and oral function for years. Conventional dentistry’s stature throws dentists practicing alternative dentistry methods into obscurity. Lina Garcia, DMD, a so-called environmental dentist clears up several issues regarding the untraditional means that they practice. She also exposes several ways how conventional dentistry procedures harm patients and the environment.

Environmental dentistry does not differ widely from conventional practices. But they do uphold a principle: the mouth as an integrated member of a person’s body and must be treated using this perspective. The primary objective of environmental dental and dentists‘ practice is to treat dental and oral problems without causing harm and adverse effects on the body. Environmental dentists claim that conventional dental procedures often use methods that are harmful to the body over time. Environmental dentistry’s recent findings indicate that some of the most basic services of conventional dentists are hazardous for the patients and their environment. Garcia identifies these problems as the common and basic services patients often ask from their dentists. Amalgam fillings, root canals, cavitations, implants, surgery, and the use of stainless steel in the oral cavity are cited in a report by Garcia. According to her, amalgam fillings are still 50% mercury which make them dangerous and toxic when ingested. Root canals also cause more mouth problems because they encourage the growth of bacteria; it is also the same with cavitations. Environmental dentistry also abhors the use of implants without bio-compatibility testing. They claim that it aggravates the immuno-defense system and often start allergies and negative reactions. They also cite the results of studies that indicate that use of stainless steel in any open body part is a cause of cancer.

The critiques from environmental dentistry are many but the conventional dentistry explains these as nuisance. Conventional dentists assert that the mercury in amalgam filling is converted to a non-toxic substance once it reacts with the oral fluids and bacteria. They also cite lack of evidence and proof to support the environmental practice’s claim on the relation of dental care to other major diseases like heart disease and cancer. Conventional dental and dentists‘ service providers encourage patients to consult only dentists who advocate scientific treatment. What they termed „holistic“ practices such as environmental dentistry, are often unsafe and poses serious health risks.

Both camps have their cards on the table. I think that it is up to you, as patients to decide in which practice you feel comfortable with: a „holistic“ environmental practice or scientific and clinical dentistry? I strongly advise research and making informed choices when it comes to health matters.

Are You Afraid Of The Dentist

„Drills, burs, retractors, excavators and probes. That sounds more like a construction zone then a place to maintain healthy teeth,“ says dentist Rene Piedra, DMD ( It’s no wonder that according to the National Dental Information Center, 95 million Americans are afraid of the dentist. Odontophobia or fear of the dentist is so common that more and more patients are avoiding their dentist appointments or taking unnecessary measures to mask the experience. „Rene Piedra, DMD & Associates have made it a personal mission to eradicate this fear and change the face of dentistry,“ says Dr. Rene Piedra.

Known as the „people dentist“ in Coral Gables, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami Beach and surrounding areas, Dr. Rene Piedra and his team embrace several practices to help people not be afraid of the dentist.

* They help patients get to the root of their problem rather then try to offer unnecessary medication by actually listening to patient concerns. Rene Piedra, DMD & Associates established a call center where patients can discuss their anxiety about dental procedures.
* During the appointment, the element of the unknown is eliminated. Patients are walked through the entire process and can choose to view everything on state of the art computer monitors.
* Using the latest in dental technology, regular procedures are now less invasive and easier on the patient.
* Rene Piedra, DMD & Associates‘ offices are uniquely set up so that when you come in, you will be welcomed into a soothing environment and greeted with a smile with no drill sounds or chemicals.
* Patients worried about the cost can relax. Dr. Piedra works with a variety of financial institutions which allows them to offer no down payments and interest free loans.

„It is all really about the people not the teeth,“ concludes Dr. Piedra. „Out of all of the patients whom initially got treatment under sedation, more than 90% of them are now able to receive dental care without it! It is always our goal to get the patient past their fears.“

If you have had a bad experience in the past or in your youth or fear going to the dentist, Dr. Rene Piedra can help. To find out more information about the services offered by Rene Piedra, DMD & Associates, call their toll-free number at (866) 568-2195 or visit them on the web at

Do You Fear Your Dentist

Taking good care of our teeth is hygienic. The mouth is actually home to thousands of harmful bacteria and if you do not have your teeth cleaned and checked professionally, you could be prone to oral bacteria-related illnesses. Many people think that brushing their teeth is enough.

Unfortunately, health experts believe that a person should visit a dentist at least twice a year to get their teeth cleaned professionally and checked as well for repair works. This will ensure that all cavities are removed and tooth decay is prevented.

Despite the importance of going to the dentist, there are still many people who avoid going to the dentist. These people maybe suffering from fear of the dentist. Although it may sound a bit funny, majority of these people are full-grown adults. When asked why they are afraid of dentists, they would probably not know the reason why. Their fear stems from an illogical belief that a trip to the dentist would mean hours of discomfort and pain.

This belief can be blamed on the bad reputations that dentists have earned during the old times. But there is nothing to fear from dentists today. These dentists are well-trained and use the latest technology. A trip to the dentist is actually comfortable and pain-free.

Your fear of the dentist can be overcome by going to the dentist and seeing for yourself how times have changed. Look for a dentist that you will feel comfortable with if you want. You can also ask your friends and colleagues for referrals if you want to look for great dentists.

Deciding to go to the dentist is a big step for you. If you still feel a bit queasy, you should try some relaxation exercises which could relieve some of the anxiety you are feeling. You can try breathing deeply as well as stretching to remove muscle tension. Since you will be lying down with your mouth open most of the time, you might feel more comfortable if you know what’s going on. Ask your dentist for a small mirror, which you can use.

If you are suffering from intense fear of the dentist, you can try behavior-altering methods such as hypnotherapy. Considered to be an effective treatment for phobias and addictions, hypnotherapy targets the subconscious, which is more receptive to suggestions. After a single session, you will immediately observe its positive effects. In no time at all, you would be able to go to the dentist without feeling faint, anxious or nervous.

Dentists Are Smiling Over Painless Veneer Alternative

Traditional methods of smile enhancement, like veneers, often have required painful hours in the dentist’s chair.

„I have always been worried that we are doing damage, especially on young people, by taking away too much tooth structure,“ says a North Carolina dentist in a posting on, a popular dental Web site and forum.

Now, with one of the newest developments in cosmetic dentistry, Lumineers by Cerinate, you can dramatically improve your smile immediately and painlessly. There is virtually no maintenance, save for regular brushings, and your new smile will be permanent.

Veneers require the removal of sensitive tooth structure, which necessitates the use of anesthesia and pain medication. However, Lumineers are so thin and strong that they don’t require the same invasive drilling and shaving.

Lumineers leave original teeth intact. They are also clinically proven to last up to 20 years.

So when it comes to smile makeovers today, some 7,500 dentists are choosing Lumineers. These contact lens-thin smile enhancers are a great alternative to orthodontics and can be placed over old crowns and bridges.

Dental professionals are so impressed with new developments like Lumineers that they are placing them on their own friends‘ and loved ones‘ teeth.

„I placed Lumineers on my daughter,“ reveals another dentist on „I can’t wait to do another case.“

Lumineers can be made only from Cerinate, an innovative porcelain developed by Den-Mat Corp. They have been lauded in top dental publications, including Dental Products Report, which awarded them a spot in its „Top 10 Products“ list.

Dentist scare the hide off of you

If the thought of visiting your dentist scares you rigid then you definitely must read on. You see if you think about it logically it is in your dentists best interest to make your dental experience as easy going and calming as possible. You see he knows only to well that if he gives you pain he will not gain. To put it bluntly the better your experience the more likely you are to make a return visit.

Do not for a minute think that your dentist is a money grabbing tyrant who’s main goal in life is to get his hands on your hard earned cash. Most dentists will be financially secure and very happy practising a career which is rewarding both financially and from the job satisfaction angle.

Ok so you might have memories of a nasty experience when you were a kid. Well get real, Memories from our childhood are often far removed from the actual reality of what really went on in the past. The terrible pain you thought you endured was more than likely a fraction of what your memory tells you.

The science of dentistry itself has advanced to such a degree that really there is no need for pain other than that given by the dreaded needle.. Well did you know that even that task can be carried out with the minimal of pain. Your modern caring dentist now has it in his power to numb your gums with the aid of a pain killing compress. A small amount of a pain killing drug is applied to a small cotton bud, This is then placed on your gums and the end result is you won’t even feel that dreaded needle.

It is ironic to think that the key to the least amount of dental pain is in fact to ensure that you take the time to make an appointment and visit your dentist at regular intervals. Most dentists pride themselves in their prevention and decay stopping techniques.

For those of you who do in fact have to visit your dentist for a long overdue appointment, Don’t worry,Don’t panic and simply make sure your dentist is totally aware that you are terrified out of your wits as he prods and examines your mouth. The thing is that it has been found that an amazing eighty percent of folk visiting the dentist are actually not bothered by this experience at all, Our dentists say that because of this they tend to get into such a routine that sometimes the thought of a person being scared has not even entered their mind.

If you are among the small percentage of folk who are indeed petrified of dental visits then it is vital that you tell your dentist exactly how you feel. Once he knows this you can be assured that every effort will be made to ensure your visit is as stress free and most importantly,

As pain free as possible.

Dental Infection

A statement I made earlier in this book, Root Canal Cover-Up exposed! Many Illnesses Result, is most likely causing some of my dental colleagues to bitterly resent the charge that our profession has unknowingly been responsible for the deaths of many of our patients.

How could I make such a statement when not a single one of all my dentist friends and acquaintances has knowingly lost a patient? Ours has generally been considered a safe profession to practice, certainly not one which involves fatality.

For dentist, physicians or patients who think I am merely being a sensationalist, this chapter, which reviews the book Death and Dentistry by Martin H. Fischer, M.D., may help put this whole subject in its true perspective.

Dr. Fischer’s book states the microorganisms from teeth and tonsils metastasize to other organs and tissues, similar to the phenomenon which occurs in cancer and results in similar disagreeable circumstances.

Dr. Fischer, a professor of physiology, reminds us the heart disease problems of endocarditis, pericarditis and myocarditis were found to be caused by streptococci and diplococci bacteria, and that these bacteria are also found in chronic appendicitis and bleeding ulcer cases, plus gall bladder and liver diseases. We all know of people who die of these afflictions despite antibiotics. A good many of them have immune systems which have been overtaxed for long periods of time by hidden focal infections and their toxins. Such people more readily develop pneumonia or some other affliction which eventually causes their deaths.

Dr. Fischer reported how Dr. E.C. Rosenow (not Milton Rosenau, a Price Research Institute advisor) isolated streptococcus bacteria from a human infected appendix and injected these bacteria into animals, 80 percent of which developed appendicitis. The same Dr. Rosenow reported in the AMA Journal how he had produced stomach and duodental ulcers in 18 rabbits, six dogs and monkey by inoculating these animals with bacteria from the tonsils and the tissues of patients with rheumatism.

Dr. Rosenow stated most doctors think ulcers in the stomach are due to the patient’s swallowing bacteria from infected tonsils or teeth, but the contents their mode of spread is through the bloodstream.

Dr. Fischer’s book is full of studies similar to those I have mentioned in this chapter which confirm Price’s discoveries.

Like the investigators of this subject named in Dr. Fischer’s book, other outstanding leaders in this field of research are: Frank Billings, Milton Rosenow, Ludvig Hektoen, D.J. Davis, Edwin Lecount, Leila Jackson, Ernest E. Irons, Rollin T. Woodyatt, George and Gladys Dick, N.W. Jones, Russell Haden, Herman C. Burnpus, Jr., Henry A. Cotton, Bernard Langdon Wyatt, And Weston Price.

Each person listed above significantly contributed to the setting up of a new paradigm, a new basic principle in clinical bacteriology and pathology.

All of the claims that degenerative diseases are the result of poor inheritance; too much or too little protein, vitamins or minerals; too much beer, wine or whiskey; and the overuse of sugar, sweets and caffeine products, while partially the case, must not deter serious consideration of those 24 million root canal treatments performed last year, not to mention the billion or so which exist in mouths of people throughout America and the rest of the world.

Costmetic Dentistry and Other

Dentistry is the widely used „practical application of knowledge of dental science (the science of placement, arrangement, function of teeth and their supporting bones and soft tissues) to human beings.“ I’m sure you can see why in most countries, many years of training are required in university in order to become an actual dentist. A dentist is what we call a professional practitioner of dentistry. This „Dentist“ has normally studied between 4-8 years at university and will normally also have alot of practical experience with working on actual patients, often times accompianed by a more experienced dentist.

There is nine different specialties that are branched out from dentistry which all require initial education after the initial dental school. These are:

Dental Public Health – Which is the study of dental epidemiology and social health policies
Endodontics – Which is root canal therapy
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology – Which is the study, diagnosis, and often the treatment of oral and maxillofacial related diseases
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology – Which is the study and radiologic interpretation of oral and maxillofacial diseases
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Which is the extractions and facial surgery
Orthodontics – Which is straightening of teeth
Pedodontics – Which is pediatric dentistry for children
Periodontics – Which is treatment of gum disease
Prosthodontics – Which is the replacement of missing facial anatomy by prostheses such as dentures, bridges and implants

Often times visiting the Dentis is an un-nerving situation. Rest assured that if you are going to a qualified dentist, they have all of the training that is required to perform what it is that you require. If you are still un-easy or having a problem choosing a dentist in your area, you might want to talk those around you and find out who has had good and bad experiences and where.