
SHOUPI 100 Stück Einweghandschuhe Latex Medizinische Handschuhe Dichtung Langlebig und hochelastisch Geschirrspülmittel Küchenarbeit Gummi Garten Universal Für die Linke und rechte Hand, Blau, M

Die ideale Lösung für Personen, die empfindlich auf Naturkautschuklatex und Anziehpulver reagieren.
Bequeme Passform mit strukturierten Fingerspitzen für hervorragende Tastempfindlichkeit.
Außergewöhnliche Festigkeit, dehnbare Haltbarkeit und Pannensicherheit
Wird häufig von Strafverfolgungsbeamten, Tätowierern, Ärzten und Ersthelfern verwendet.
Mit glatter Außenbeschichtung und Perlenmanschette für zusätzliche Haltbarkeit




Lieferumfang: 5 x Masken.

95 % Viskose, 5 % Elastan.

Eigenschaften: Reisen, Flugzeug, öffentliche Bereiche, geschwächtes Immunsystem, draußen, blockiert Allergene

[Einfach zu bedienen] – Die elastische Ohrschlaufen-Mundmaske ist breit genug, um Nase, Mund und Gesicht zu bedecken, sehr angenehm zu tragen. Ohrschlaufen sitzen schön hinter dem Ohr und können stundenlang ohne Reizungen getragen werden.

Wiederverwendbar: waschbar, kann immer wieder verwendet werden. Diese Maske lässt Luft leicht herein und hält Feuchtigkeit draußen, lässt Sie leichter atmen und hält gleichzeitig Staub und andere Schadstoffe fern.



PRIME VIDEO BRINGT IHNEN DAS KINO NACH HAUSE. DIE KÄNGURU CHRONIKEN IST JETZT ZUM KAUFEN VERFÜGBAR. Marc Uwe, ein unterambitionierter Kleinkünstler mit Migräne Hintergrund, lebt mit einem Känguru zusammen. Doch die ganz normale Kreuzberger WG ist in Gefahr.

Download und Stream bei Amazon



Dani Levy

Paulus Manker, Tim Seyfi, Henry Hübchen

10 Minuten Film Trailer :

Beschreibung :

Bis zu drei Millionen Zuschauer hätten die „Känguru-Chroniken“ ins Kino gezogen, wäre nicht Corona dazwischengekommen. Jetzt könnte der Film Auslöser einer großen Kino-Revolution werden.

Das Känguru nimmt sich schon einiges heraus. Es futtert Schnapspralinen in rauen Mengen in sich hinein, verübt Anti-Terror-Anschläge gegen „das System“ und propagiert die kommunistische Weltrevolution. Das bleibt natürlich weitgehend graue Theorie (außer dem Pralinenkonsum), aber ab sofort sind die „Känguru-Chroniken“ tatsächlich an der Vorfront einer Entwicklung, die als Revolution bezeichnet werden muss. Überall raunt es, nach Corona werde nichts sein wie zuvor, aber niemand weiß etwas Konkretes. Dies hier ist konkret.

Aus Marc-Uwe Klings „Chroniken“-Bestseller war nach zehn Jahren endlich auch ein Film geworden, der am 5. März in die Kinos kam, wo ihn in der ersten Woche 500.000 Zuschauer sahen. Es ließ sich hochrechnen, dass Dani Levys Verfilmung am Ende seines Kinolaufs zwei bis drei Millionen Deutsche gesehen haben würden. Doch zu Beginn der zweiten Kinowoche schlug das Virus das Beuteltier k. o., womit dies offensichtlich nicht gerechnet hatte.

Unter normalen Umständen wäre das Känguru – Pech gehabt! – nun bis September in der Versenkung verschwunden, denn das „Kinofenster“ in Deutschland dauert sechs Monate; der Zeitraum, in dem exklusiv Kinos einen Film auswerten dürfen. Das gilt für mit Mitteln der Filmförderung entstandene Filme (also für fast alle). Das Kinofenster sieht sechs Monate bis zur DVD-Auswertung vor, ebenfalls sechs Monate bis zum Abrufvideo (Einzelkauf) und zwölf Monate bis zum Abrufvideo (auf Pauschalplattformen). Das Fenster-System steht weltweit unter Druck, weil die Streamer neue Filme möglichst früh zeigen wollen.
Unerforschtes Territorium

Und nun tanzt das Känguru aus der Reihe, egoistisch, wie wir es kennen: Ab sofort ist sein Film auf allen einschlägigen Abrufseiten zu kaufen, zu streamen, auf das eigene Endgerät zu laden. Fünf Monate bevor es die Förderregeln eigentlich erlauben. Dafür benötigte es einen Dispens, wie ihn eigentlich nur der Papst erteilen kann, und der Vatikan im deutschen Film ist die Filmförderanstalt (FFA), welche die Ausnahmegenehmigung erteilt hat.
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Es wäre, wenn es keine Ausnahme bliebe, was die FFA und der „Känguru“-Produzent X-Filme da verhandelt haben, tatsächlich eine Revolution. Doch der Deal geht noch viel weiter auf unerforschtes Territorium. Wenn die Ausgehsperre irgendwann aufgehoben ist, soll das „Känguru“ nämlich ins Kino zurückkehren, als sei dazwischen nichts gewesen, nach einer zwei-, dreimonatigen Pause, auch das hat es noch nie gegeben.
Die Känguru-Chroniken De Film
Szene aus „Die Känguru-Chroniken“
Quelle: X-Verleih

Der bahnbrechendste Aspekt kommt aber erst noch: Die Einnahmen des digitalen „Kängurus“ werden aufgeteilt zwischen der Plattform, dem Produzenten (X), dem Verleiher (Warner) – und den Kinos, obwohl die zu diesem Zeitpunkt gar nichts mehr damit zu tun haben. Man kann darin die in der Krise von allen geforderte Solidarität sehen oder ein Zugeständnis, damit die Kinos die Kröte des verkürzten Zeitfensters schlucken.

Man kann darin aber auch die Morgenröte einer wahren Revolution entdecken, vor der alle möglichen Teilnehmer bisher noch zurückschrecken. Das Modell gibt es, es wurde vor ein paar Jahren schon ernsthaft diskutiert, dann aber schnell abgewürgt. Im Kern würde es bedeuten, dass die Kinos selbst zu Streamern werden. Sie würden erst zwei, drei, vier Wochen den Film in ihren Sälen zeigen.
Vielleicht doch Revolutionär

Dann, wenn das Publikum weniger wird, würden sie anbieten, den Film über ihre eigene Webseite zu streamen. Daran würden sie weiter verdienen, es würde die Kundenbindung erhöhen und das Kinofenster flexibler machen, abgestimmt auf die unterschiedliche Zugkraft der Filme. Es würde ihnen sogar die Chance lassen, den Film wieder auf ihre große Leinwand zurückzuholen.

Vielleicht wird das Känguru auf diese Weise doch noch zu dem Revolutionär, der es immer sein wollte. Es wäre zwar nicht der ganz große Umsturz, der den gesamten Kapitalismus hinwegfegt, aber auch Kängurus müssen eben klein anfangen.



Toilet Paper

Soft Design: The roll paper is soft and comfortable in use, which features the special surface treatment not to leave any fibers. And the paper features no irritation to the skin, no aroma or pigment.
Premium Material: The roll paper is made of high-quality native wood pulp, which is soft and strong.
Easily Degradable: The paper is safe to use in septic tank systems. And the eco-friendly recycled paper is washable and it is safe for standard sewer and septic tank systems.
Practical in Use: The roll paper can be placed in a standard paper towel dispenser to improve hygiene and ease of use. So you don’t need to worry about the product does not match the tissue holder.
Wide Application: The roll paper is suitable for daily life, which is ideal for toilets, kitchens, workshops or restaurants.

Toilet Paper

Desinfektions Spray

Desinfektions-Spray speziell entwickelt für alle Satisfyer
alkoholfreie Rezeptur für eine schonende Reinigung
Schutz vor Bakterien und Viren in einer praktischen Sprühflasche
Pflege und Reinigung ohne Flecken
Inhalt: 300 ml

Desinfektions Spray


Bacoban Desinfektionsmittel 1 Liter Sprühflasche, Alkoholfreie Desinfektion und Reinigung von medizinischem Inventar und anderen Flächen (gemäß Richtlinie 93/42/EWG; MDD) LANGZEIT-FLÄCHENDESINFEKTION mit bis zu 10 TAGEN WIRKSAMKEIT. Desinfektion mit nachhaltiger Wirkung. Stoppen Sie bestimmte Viren, Bakterien und Pilze nachhaltig. Die nachhaltige Wirkung von Bacoban schließt die Hygienelücke. Geprüfte Biokompatibiltät (Verträglichkeit) nach DIN EN ISO 10993-1.
Bacoban REINIGUNG. DESINFEKTION. VERSIEGELUNG. 3 IN 1. Bacoban ist eine patentierte Variante an Flächendesinfektionsmitteln, die einen völlig neuen Ansatz haben und sich in einem wesentlichen Punkt von allen anderen Mitteln unterscheiden: Sie haben einen antimikrobiellen und Virus inaktivierenden Effekt von bis zu 10 Tagen gegen bestimmte Viren, Bakterien und Pilze wie z.B. Corona, Hepatitis, Influenza, HIV, Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomona Aeroginosa, Candida Albicans und vielen anderen mehr.
Schließt die Hygienelücke, welche zwischen den Desinfektionen entsteht. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal eine aktive Infektionskontrolle über einen längeren Zeitraum, ohne dass der Mensch wieder gefordert ist. Herkömmliche Mittel sind nur von kurzer Dauer wirksam. Mikroorganismen werden nur während der wenige Minuten dauernden Einwirkzeit abgetötet. Bis zur nächsten Desinfektion entsteht eine Hygienelücke, in der es wieder zu einer Neubesiedlung durch Mikroorganismen kommen kann.
Reduziert auch durch Bakterien verursachte Gerüche. Bacoban ist VAH-gelistet und wurde von namhaften Instituten getestet. Dabei wurde auch der antimikrobielle Effekt nach ASTM E 2180 (Langzeiteffekt) nachgewiesen und zusätzlich bestätigt, dass eine „Easy-To-Clean“-Oberfläche entsteht, die die Reinigungszeit der Oberflächen um mehr als 50 Prozent reduziert.
Wirksamkeit gegenüber Bakterien. Bacoban leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Bekämpfung von Gerüchen, vor allem in sanitären Einrichtungen. Die dort entstehenden sehr unangenehmen Gerüche werden von Bakterien verursacht. Diese „verstoffwechseln“ den im Urin befindlichen Harnstoff in Ammoniak (beißenden Geruch). Durch die regelmäßige Behandlung der Oberfläche mit Bacoban können Mikroorganismen dort nicht mehr leben. Somit kann auch kein unangenehmer Geruch mehr entstehen.



Praktisch und tragbar: 6er Pack, 60 antibakterielle Alkoholtücher. Die Desinfektionstücher ziehen ein Wischtuch heraus, wischen und fertig. Erhältlich in Einzel-Singles im Taschenformat und Antihaft-Formel! Schützen Sie die Gesundheit von Ihnen und Ihrer Familie!
75% GESÄTTIGT – Sicherheit gesättigt mit 75% Isopropylalkohol. Die Alkoholtücher sind weich und bequem. Große Tücher, 7,08 „x 5,5“ Alkoholtücher, leicht zu reinigen, große Fläche.
Dicke, feuchtigkeitsreiche Tücher: Entwickelt mit verbesserter Taschentechnologie, um mehr Feuchtigkeit als je zuvor zu blockieren, sodass feuchte antibakterielle Tücher noch weiter gehen können.
GEEIGNET FÜR ERWACHSENE: Halten Sie Ihre Familie und diejenigen, die Sie pflegen, mit Desinfektionstücher gesund; Die Verwendung von Alkoholtüchern ist eine bequeme und sanfte Methode, um gesund zu bleiben.
ALLZWECKREINIGUNG: Eine Packung Reinigungstücher enthält 10 Tabletten. Hand, Tasche, Tisch, Stuhl, Spielzeug, Toilettenkissen, öffentliche Einrichtungen, Computer, Mobiltelefon, Tastatur usw. Bevor Sie diese berühren, wischen Sie sie mit Alkoholtupfer ab. Die alkohol desinfektion desinfektionstücher Ihre Gesundheit.


Desinfektionsmittel Hand

Vorbeugendes alkoholisches, farbstofffreies Desinfektionsmittel zum Einreiben der Haut und Hände.
Haut- und Händedesinfektion für den alltäglichen Gebrauch, mit erfrischender Wirkung für die Haut.
Das Händedesinfektionsmittel gemäß Hauptgruppe 1, Produktart 1 der Biozid-Richtlinie 98/8/EGRegistriert bei der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA N-87027)
Schnelle Desinfektion in nur wenigen Sekunden
Hautverträglichkeit dermatologisch bestätigt.

Desinfektionsmittel Hand

Hautfreundliches Toilettenpapier

1. Material: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Zellstoff, weich und stark
2, keine Papierreste: Eine spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung hinterlässt keine Fasern. Es wird kein fluoreszierender Farbstoff verwendet. Nicht hautreizend, kein Duft oder Pigment.
3, Vier-Schicht-Dicke Design, nasses Wasser ist nicht leicht zu brechen, bequem zu bedienen
4, Praktisch im Gebrauch: Das Rollenpapier kann in einen Standard-Papierhandtuchspender gelegt werden, um die Hygiene und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen machen, dass das Produkt nicht zum Tissue-Halter passt.
5 、 Breite Anwendung: Das Rollenpapier ist für den Alltag geeignet und ideal für Toiletten, Küchen, Werkstätten oder Restaurants.

Hautfreundliches Toilettenpapier


Praktisch im Gebrauch: Das Rollenpapier kann in einen Standard-Papierhandtuchspender gelegt werden, um die Hygiene und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen machen, dass das Produkt nicht zum Tissue-Halter passt.
Leicht abbaubar: Das Toilleten Papier kann sicher in Klärgrubensystemen verwendet werden. Das umweltfreundliche Recyclingpapier ist waschbar und sicher für Standardkanal- und Klärgrubensysteme.
Breite Anwendung: Das Toilettenpapier ist für den Alltag geeignet und ideal für Toiletten, Küchen, Werkstätten oder Restaurants.
Weiches Design: Das Rollenpapier ist weich und angenehm zu handhaben. Durch die spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung bleiben keine Fasern zurück. Und das Papier weist keine Hautreizungen, kein Aroma oder Pigment auf.
Premium-Material: Das Rollenpapier besteht aus hochwertigem einheimischem Zellstoff, der weich und fest ist.




Hier sind die Dinge, die Sie wissen möchten.

Ultra hohe Qualität und langlebig
UANGER unterstützt unsere Kunden dabei, ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern.
Als deutscher Händler legen wir viel Wert auf gute Qualität und Service

Produktname: Toilettenpapier
Material: Klopapier aus Zellstoff
Anlass: Zuhause, Café, Geschäft, Restaurant usw.
Schicht: 3 Schichten
1 Rolle hat ungefähr 170 Blätter. 180M

6/8/10 Rolle Toilettenpapier

1. Bitte erlauben Sie leichte Messabweichungen in den Daten.
2.Die tatsächliche Farbe kann aufgrund der Monitorfarbeinstellungen leicht vom Online-Bild abweichen.

UANGER Ziel ist es, kontinuierlich eine Reihe von Qualitätsprodukten anzubieten.
Wir legen großen Wert auf die Werte Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit.
Kurz gesagt, wir möchten, dass unsere Kunden jedes Mal die gleiche großartige Produkterfahrung haben und darauf vertrauen, dass sie diese Verpflichtung erfüllen.


Octagon Records

Octagon Records is back. Founded in Bamberg Germany in 1992 and now available again with new videos and new songs. With the Best of Octagon album ( Remasterd 2020 ) all songs are now available as streams and download.

Octagon Records Germany

Fancy Colored Diamonds

If you have been thinking about buying or wishing for a fancy colored diamond read this article first! Colored diamonds are the next big trend in jewelry design. The spectrum of colors is as big as your imagination. Choosing what’s right for you can be overwhelming in today’s diamond market. This article will address a few important factors to consider when buying a fancy colored diamond for yourself or a loved one. Most important is knowing the differences between colored diamonds that are formed naturally and ones that are man-made.

Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds
Diamonds colored naturally are very rare and fetch very high prices. There are three ways in which colored diamonds are formed by nature. The first method is when a foreign element is introduced to the carbon material that a diamond is made from. For example, nitrogen can cause a diamond to have yellow or orange hues while boron can make it blue. The second method is when pressure compresses the carbon and creates a red, pink or purple hue. Lastly, natural radiation deep in the earth generates diamonds with colors of green or blue. Green, red and purple diamonds are considered very rare and command high prices. Indeed, there are only six naturally formed red diamonds currently in the market. One can only imagine the prices these stones will fetch. Natural fancy colored diamonds are so rare that there exist at least 10,000 colorless stones for each colored stone.

Synthetic or Treated Fancy Colored Diamonds
Fancy colored diamonds can also be man-made in labs. There are a variety of methods used to color diamonds. Some of these stones are purely synthetic, meaning they were totally created in a lab to simulate the properties of a real diamond. They are formed from carbon just like the real thing. However, these stones can be formed in a matter of weeks where as it takes thousands of years for natural diamonds to be formed. These type of synthetic diamonds are so similar to the real thing that only high tech equipment can detect subtle differences in the crystal formations within the stone to know they are fake.

Another man-made method to produce fancy colored diamonds involves irradiating a natural diamond that possesses an unattractive color. Irradiation is a process in which a diamond is exposed to a source of radiation that changes the position of atoms within the stone thus causing its color to change.

Treated or synthetic diamonds may look very appealing to the consumer because of the price and uniformity of color; however, these diamonds have no value to the serious buyer and have little resale value. Therefore, if you are purchasing a colored diamond for investment it is vital to obtain certification from the diamond seller. The certificate should come from a reputable laboratory and contain the origin of the stone and the natural origin of the stone’s color.

Diamond Certification and the Four C’s of Diamond Buying
Grading colored diamonds presents another set of unique issues for the buyer. Colorless diamonds are graded on the four C’s: Cut, Carat, Clarity and Color. Colored diamonds are also valued based upon the four C’s but another factor weighs most heavily on the value of a fancy colored diamond. This factor is based upon the hue and rarity of the color. Indeed a rare fancy color will garner a much higher price than a colorless diamond of many more carats. Colored diamonds have three characteristics by which they are graded. These are hue, tone and saturation. Hue refers to the dominant color of the stone, tone refers to the light within the stone and saturation refers to the intensity of the hue. Be sure to look for these factors on the diamond certificate.

Having knowledge about the differences between natural and synthetic colored diamonds will help you to choose the diamond that’s right for you. One thing is certain, in today’s marketplace jewelry designers are using fancy colored diamonds to create beautiful and unique designs that consumers want to own.

Famous Diamonds

Among the most well known diamonds is the
Hope. This 45.52 carat steel blue diamond
is currently on display at the Smithsonian.
The legends of the ill-fortune and curse
bestowed on the possessor of the Hope
Diamond are many. This diamond was
donated to the Smithsonian in 1958. The
Hope was originally a rather flat, blocky
110-carat rough.

The Dresden Green stands out among the
natural colored diamonds. It is the largest
green diamond in the world weighing
40.70 carats. This diamond is historic, large
and has a natural green color with a slight
blue overtone. These facts make it virtually

The Conde Pink is a pear shaped and
weighs 9.01-carats. This pink diamond was
once owned by Louis XIII.

The Tiffany Yellow diamond a beautiful
canary-yellow octahedron weighing 287.42
in the rough (metric) carats discovered in
either 1877 or 1878 in South Africa. The
gem after cutting boasts the extraordinary
weight of 128.54 carats. And until recently,
was the largest golden-yellow in the world.

The Koh-I-Noor ( Mountain of Light ) is now
among the British Crown Jewels. This
diamond weighs 105.60 carats. First
mentioned in 1304, it is believed to have
been once set in Shah Jehan‘s famous
peacock throne as one of the peacocks eyes.

The Agra is graded as a naturally colored
Fancy Light Pink and weighs 32.34 carats.
It was sold for about 6.9 million in 1990.
Since this sale, it has been modified to a
cushion shape weighing about 28.15 carats.

The Transvaal Blue is pear cut. This blue
diamond weighs 25 carats. It was found in
the Premier Diamond Mine in Transvaal,
South Africa.

The Great Chrysanthemum was discovered
in the summer of 1963, in a South African
diamond field. This 198.28-carat fancy
brown diamond appeared to be a light
honey color in its rough state. However,
after cutting, it proved to be a rich golden
brown, with overtones of sienna and burnt

The Taylor-Burton Diamond is a pear-shaped
69.42 carat diamond. Cartier of New York
purchased this diamond at an auction in
1969 and christened it „Cartier.“ The next
day Richard Burton bought the diamond
for Elizabeth Taylor. He renamed it the
„Taylor-Burton”. In 1978, Elizabeth
Taylor put the diamond up for sale.
Prospective buyers had to pay $2,500
each to view the diamond to cover the costs
of showing it. Finally, in June of 1979, the
diamond was sold for nearly $3 million dollars.

Famous Diamonds In The Rough

Loose diamonds have been around for many centuries, and have intrigued people of every country and continent. Some of the most famous have been the catalyst behind theft, and even murder.

One of the first, and most famous loose diamonds, was the Koh-I-Noor, which means Mountain of Light. Historians found mention of it as far back as 1304. This loose diamond weighed a heavy 186 carats and its cut was oval. A part of the British monarch, the Koh-I-Noor was thought to have once been a decorative part of Shah Jehan’s peacock throne. The loose diamond served as an eye of the peacock. It was recut during Queen Victoria’s reign and still resides in the UK, along with other valuables of the British Crown. Its current weight is 108.93 carats.

The largest ever of any of the loose diamonds was called the Cullinan. It weighed almost two pounds when first discovered, and in the rough was 3,106 carats. From the Cullinan nine major loose diamonds were created, and 96 other smaller loose diamonds used as gemstones. One of the most famous of these resulting diamonds, and the largest, was The Star of Africa, another current member of the jewels of the British Crown. The Star of Africa has 74 facets, weighs more than 530 carats and is currently the world’s largest cut diamond.

The Excelsior is the second largest of the loose diamonds ever found, with a rough weight of slightly more than 995 carats.

The Great Mogul, which, unfortunately, has disappeared, was found in the 1800’s. It was named after the creator of the Taj Mahal, Shah Jehan. It was reported to have weighed a large 793 carats.

The Blue Hope is the most notorious of any of the famous loose diamonds. It was once the property of Louis XIV, with a designation as the British Crown’s blue diamond. The Blue Hope was stolen during the time of the French Revolution, although it was later found in 1830 in London. Henry Philip Hope then purchased this loose diamond, after which it came to be known. What made it most notorious, however, is that it came to be considered bad luck because all of the Hope family died in poverty, as did Edward McLean, who subsequently owned it. The diamond is now the property of the Smithsonian Institution.

Express Your Love With An Unbreakable Diamond Ring

She is the most important person in your life. Maybe she picks you up when you’re down, or is the mother of your children, or just cares for you unconditionally. Or maybe it’s a combination of all three. Whatever your reasons are, the truth is simple and undeniable – you are crazy about her. So why not express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring? We all know that nothing melts a woman’s heart like diamonds, but the ring you select has to be a fit to her personality and style. In this article, we’ll give you some simple tips on making sure the diamond ring you give is one that takes her breath away.

The most important (and overlooked) aspect when it comes to selecting an unbreakable diamond ring is to keep your sweetheart’s tastes in mind. Many guys want to impress their woman by “picking it out themselves”. This often leads to a scenario where she “happily” accepts the ring. She may actually be thinking that she hates it, but will feel compelled to wear it because you picked it out with love. This is one situation you definitely want to avoid – and it is so easy to do

By keeping her in mind and paying attention to her preferences, you will express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that she will adore. For example, watch her the next time a jewelry ad comes on TV or the next time you pass a jewelry store window. Pay close attention to her reactions to certain pieces, even those being worn by other people. Make a casual comment such as “Boy, that sure looks nice” and see what kind of response it gets. Women love to give “subtle” clues when it comes to diamond rings. Unfortunately, men don’t always pick up on them.

It is also important for you to take stock of the rings she currently wears. And we’re not talking her grandmother’s antique ring that she only wears on special occasions. You want to be taking note of the diamond rings she wears on a regular basis, as these pieces will be your guide to the diamond ring you select. She wouldn’t wear something all of the time if she didn’t like it, right? So, pay close attention to the style of diamond she prefers as well as the choice of metal (white gold, yellow gold, platinum, etc).

One last key piece of information and you’ll be ready to buy. It is helpful, but not necessary, if you can somehow find out her ring size. While she is at work or running errands, you could simply take one of her rings to the jeweler and voila! – you now have that mystery solved.

These tips will help you express your love with an unbreakable diamond ring that is sure to elicit a major reaction on her end. Remember, you don’t want to be the guy who just “picked it out themselves”. You want to be the guy that picked it out perfectly.

EDC Gold

How to get started making money online with a home based business program such as Wealth Funnel System or EDC Gold / EDC Diamond.

If you’re considering starting a home based internet business program or work at home business system such as “The Wealth Funnel System” or EDC Gold & EDC Diamond There are a few things you should consider when making this decision.

The first and foremost question we should answer is: Is EDC Gold, EDC Diamond, or Wealth Funnel System a SCAM?

The answer, NO! The Wealth Funnel System & EDC Gold / EDC Diamond are by far the best and the originators of the internet based home business programs available today. The true benefit to working with Wealth Funnel System, EDC Gold, and EDC Diamond is the education in marketing and support you receive.

The products and software that come with the EDC Gold & EDC Diamond program as well as The Wealth Funnel System are all marketing software that you’ll use in the training you receive with becoming a member of the business. Now, if you expect to “get rich quick” with “no effort” or if someone has lead you to believe that you can make thousands of dollars for doing NOTHING – then yes they are attempting to scam you.

However, if you take the lessons of the 14 hours of LIVE WEBINAR training per week, the personal training from your mentor, and the constant support from the help and support personnel you receive with “The Wealth Funnel System” & EDC Gold / EDC Diamond you’ll find you’ve gotten something that usually cost much more than 997.00.

You’ll find you’ve gotten a “REAL WORLD” education in practical and functional internet marketing of a home business or any business that you can think up to work from home or work at home while you make you living and earn income online.

It’s really not rocket science to market online. You simply need a little support and the right training. Once you learn to market online with the methods we teach you to run your home based business program with The Wealth Funnel System, EDC Gold & EDC Diamond. You’ll instantly start earning 997.00 per sale several time per week.

Depending on the amount of effort you put forth to start learning and watching the LIVE training the faster you’ll start seeing you’re business grow. Most of my personal team members that are instructed by me (Derrick Harper) or one of my team members typically can expect to begin making between 5 to 8 sales their first 30 to 45 days.

As you generate more sales and put forth more efforts in the marketing of your home based business making money online I and or Craig Garcia, Michael Corcoran of The Wealth Funnel System, EDC Gold & EDC Diamond will show you even more effective ways to market your online business from home.

If you decide to become a member of The Wealth Funnel System then after you’ve become a savvy Internet Marketer you’ll be shown how to set-up other affiliated marketing products to sell that yield you even more streams of revenue to assist you in making more money online while you work from home with your home based business.

Something else you should consider before you decide to join a home based business program such as EDC Gold, The Wealth Funnel System, or EDC Diamond. I personally started my attempts with making money from home with an online business as a failure. I failed miserably at my first home business that I joined because of ONE THING. No support and no training. My so called “mentor” disappeared with my money and never answered a call again. However, don’t let this story discourage you. If you will take the time to find the right mentor and right home business program you CAN be successful and generate a great income online wile you work at home.

Remember, the REAL value of a home based business program is to give you and education on HOW TO MARKET ONLINE. I personally put my own training DVD’s together to assist those people whom have signed up with a failure program and gotten NO training or support. If you fall into this category and don’t want to spend another 997.00 or 999.00 to start with a better system such as EDC Gold, Wealth Funnel System, or EDC Diamond then I recommend you try my Definitive Video Guide to Starting and Growing Your Online Business, or The Definitive Video Guide To Using Google Adwords to assist you in advertising your current business that you’re already invested in. You can learn more about these Internet Marketing Training Courses at DefinitiveVideoGuide dot com.

If you’re just starting out with your search for the best Home Business Program to join and learn from then I highly recommend you at least take the time to read the information on “The Wealth Funnel System” and call me, Derrick Harper and feel free to ask me a any questions you may have about starting your own home based business and how to work from home using your computer to make money.

I’ll be happy to speak with you about the process of learning to marketing online and starting your online home based business.

Mine Your Diamonds For The Answers

Mirror, mirror on the wall – which incentive plan is the most effective of all?

Granted, it’s not the most scientific method of determining your course of business this year, but in this age of rapidly changing technology, fickle customer loyalty and increasing distributor expectations, more and more companies are needing to pull out all the stops in order to keep expanding in the coming years. So if you don’t happen to have a magic mirror hanging around, where can you turn for the answers?

Let’s look at the options.

Past Performance- Certainly the person who coined the phrase “the best predictor of future performance is past performance” did not live in the age of technology, where change is the norm and predictability is out the window. Executives today need to think “future focus” not pine for the good old days.

Technology – After a decade of trial and error and billions of dollars invested, direct selling companies have emerged sharper, more efficient and realistic, recognizing that technology is a tool for growth, not the end-all answer to our prayers. Your strategic plan for this year must include advancements in the area of technology, but not rely solely upon it.

Consultants – When you find one who brings a combination of practical field experience in your particular market segment (party plan or network marketing), keen business savvy, a track record of success, and the ability to translate trends into solid strategies for growth, consultants can be very valuable. However, the investment of two precious resources, time and capital, demand that the results generated are both measurable and substantial.

So what is the answer, you ask? Well, at the risk of sounding a little like the keynote speaker you paid to grace your stage at Convention… the answer is in your own back yard! The story, “Acres of Diamonds” comes to mind, about the man who traveled the world searching for riches, only to return to his home and learn that the farm he once considered useless, was home to one of the largest diamond mines ever discovered. The diamond mine that houses your gems, the answer to your question of how to grow your business, is right in your own back yard as well – your distributors!

Want the perfect location for your next Convention that will attract record numbers of attendees? Are you searching for just the right incentive that will inspire even the most seasoned distributor? Is your product line in need of a sizzle item that will boost moral and increase sales? Want to know what would inspire more people to book in-home shows or hold more interviews?

The answers to these questions, and the others you’ve pondered can be answered honestly, accurately and cost-effectively through an ongoing, well thought out Customer Survey Program.

WHO Should You Survey?
A campaign that queries all the experts: distributors, customers and hostesses (if applicable) will result in the most comprehensive data. So don’t make the mistake of focusing on only one segment of your very broad market. Surveying all groups on a regular basis will result in a constant stream of feedback, suggestions and ideas, the likes of which would impress even the most experienced industry consultant.

If you want the truth and nothing but the truth… include in your target groups inactive distributors, one-time hostesses and customers you’ve not served in 18 months. If you are willing to get a little knocked around and can separate the real feedback from the mean-spirited feedback, this is where you will discover how you can truly transform your business.

WHAT Should You Ask?
Here in lies the secret to a good customer survey – the questions.

Some traits of an effective survey are:

• Objective – The tone or nature of the questions must not indicate a preferred answer.

• Non-leading – If asking participants to select from a list of answers, the options must represent a wide range of sentiments.

• Concise – Questions must be short and address only one topic.

• Simple – Keep vocabulary simple, saving the big, impressive words for your annual report.

• Brief – The ideal survey can be completed in 5 minutes.

• Anonymous – Allow participants to offer input without concerns of negative repercussions.

For those who do not have the luxury of a department or staff person who is trained in the area of writing and conducting customer surveys, engage the services of an expert who can provide guidance. For those “do it yourself-ers” who have the time to hone their skills, check out these two resources. „Guide to Customer Surveys: Sample Questionnaires and Detailed Guidelines for Creating Effective Surveys“ by Trevor M. Punt and „Talking With Your Customers: What They Will Tell You About Your Business When You Ask the Right Questions“ by Michael J. Wing.

WHERE and WHEN Should You Survey?
A thorough Customer Survey Program collects data not just from a broad range of target groups but also catches these groups at significant “moments of truth.”

For example, survey:

• Customers at the close of the product sales presentation.
• Potential distributors at the close of the opportunity presentation.
• Hostesses after the in-home show when the experience is fresh in their minds.
• Show guests who chose not to place an order.
• Customers when they receive their products.
• On-line guests who visit your business opportunity pages.
• And so on…

What Methods Should You Use?
There are primarily three methods of gathering information via customer surveys. They are paper, web-based and telephone surveys.

For the purposes of this article, in-person surveys are not listed because they do not provide participants‘ anonymity and therefore taint the resulting data.

Paper surveys This is perhaps the most popular survey method because it is user-friendly and enables you to reach a broad audience. For example, provide distributors with postage-paid survey cards that are given to customers once the sale transactions are concluded. Ask that the completed surveys be given to the hostess who drops them in the mail at no charge. To encourage distributor and customer participation, why not offer an incentive, discount or contest in exchange.

Web-based surveys: Although these surveys reach only tech-savvy customers, it is cost effective, convenient, reaches an international audience and the data is easily stored, retrieved and analyzed. If using this method, invest in the necessary technology that encrypts the resulting data in order to protect the privacy of the survey participants.

Telephone surveys: This method is best used with warm markets that have a vested interest in seeing that the survey is conducted. For example, distributors will be more receptive to a telephone survey as it demonstrates a sincere interest on the part of the company. Cold markets such as customers or inactive distributors often view telephone surveys as a violation of privacy, generating more ill-will than good.

Ten Steps To Mining Your Diamonds
Consider these ten steps when planning your Customer Survey Program:

1. Define the survey objectives and budget.

2. Select appropriate survey methods. (Can be one or a combination of the three.)

3. Design survey questions.

4. Conduct the survey.

5. Extensively analyze the results for core threats and opportunities.

6. Identify core discoveries as a result of the survey.

7. Select three core discoveries to focus on in an Executive Summary. (Use graphs, pie charts and bullet points to easily communicate findings.)

8. Establish recommendations and define strategies for implementation.

9. Implement strategies.

10. Continue to survey, assess and monitor progress toward defined objectives. While steering your direct selling company toward new horizons, it is vital that you allot the precious resources of time and money to areas that will pay the biggest dividends.

A Customer Survey Program just might be that project, resulting in greater needs awareness, smarter strategic decisions, wisely allocated capital, more effective promotions and greater customer and distributor satisfaction. Not bad when you consider that a Customer Survey Program may be the least expensive project on the list.

Did You Find Diamonds In Amsterdam

Amsterdam takes a special place in the world of Diamonds. Walking down the streets you will see a lot of Diamond and jewelry stores as well as a lot of places that are locked up with signs saying „guided diamond tours from 2 to 4 PM“.

Actually going on some of these tours you’ll have a chance to see some fantastic diamonds and you’ll have a chance as well to see how they are cut and polished. And if you want to, you can buy them for $4000 to $400,000 each.

These are some of the companies offering guided tours:

Amsterdam diamonds

Amsterdam has a long heritage in the diamonds, and has been a major diamond centre since Sephardic Jews introduced the diamond cutting industry in the later 16th century. Nowadays there are about a dozen diamond factories in the city, five of which offer guided tours. The tours are free and are usually conducted 9am to 5pm every day. Diamonds aren’t necessarily cheaper in Amsterdam but prices are fairly competitive. At least you will have seen how they are worked, and when you buy from a factory you get an extensive description of the purchase so you know exactly what you are buying.

Diamond tours

The following renowned diamond stores offer diamond-cutting and polishing tours, and sales of the finished diamonds:

Coster Diamonds
Gassan Diamonds
Stoeltie Diamonds
Van Moppes Diamonds the first company to offer guided tours.

If you have a chance eat an „uitsmijter“ as well.

Best time to visit is april or late september when the leaves on the trees are not blocking the view of the monumental facades. The winters are penetratingly cold and damp with lots of rain and sleet.

It actually feels colder than 30 below in Canada.

Bring a pair of good glasses: we tend to use very small letter types for the legends in museums.

Here are some of Amsterdam’s major attractions:

Anne Frank House (Anne Frank Huis)
National Museum (Rijksmuseum)
Van Gogh Museum
Red Light District
National Museum of Modern Art (Stedelijk Museum)
Amstelkring Museum (Our Lord in the Attic Chapel)
Museum Het Rembrandt Huis (Rembrandt House)
Jewish Historical Museum (Joods Historisch Museum)
Dam Square
Sauna Deco

Amsterdam sail:
Sail Amsterdam

If you love boats, KNSM Island is where you should go. Not just because of its shipping past. Every 5 years this harbor area of Amsterdam hosts the Sail event. Each new edition attracts more visitors (Sail 2000 welcomed 2.5 million people). Each edition also offers more Tall Ships and more cultural activities in the area.

The Van Gogh Museum contains the largest collection of works by Vincent Van Gogh who shot off his ear and then committed suicide. You will find more than 200 fantastic works from the Master’s hand, as well as 500 drawings and 700 written documents. Together these provide a fantastic insight into his life and work.

Amsterdam is a fascinating place with lots of things to see and do.

Also, remember and try all its culinary delights.

Diamond Scams

When it comes to diamonds, there are
numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are
minor, but there are some major ones that
come up from time to time concerning the
buying and selling of diamonds. Scams
occur simply because most people who buy
diamonds – for whatever reasons – don’t
know that much about diamonds. Therefore,
they are easily fooled.

A common scam that most jewelry stores
participate in is the Carat Total Weight scam.
The tag on the piece of jewelry, usually a ring,
only states the total carat weight of all
diamonds in the piece, instead of listing the
total weights separately for each diamond.
This leads consumers to believe that the main
diamond in the piece is actually bigger than it
is. Ask what the total carat weight of the center
stone is. Also beware of fractions. Jewelry
stores are allowed to round off diamond
weights. This means that if the jeweler tells
you that it is a ¾ carat diamond, it is
probably between ½ and ¾ carat – but
closer to ¾.

Jewelry stores often run ‘fluorescence’
scams to varying degrees. Referring to a
diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a
scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very
unique and special, but in fact, this type of
diamond is of lesser quality – even though
the jeweler will try to make you think you are
getting something special. Jewelry stores
also like to show their diamonds in bright
lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask
to see the diamond in a different, darker
type of lighting as well.

Some truly unscrupulous jewelers target
those who want appraisals on diamonds
that were given to them as gifts or that were
purchased elsewhere. They will try to tell you
that the diamond is worthless, or worth less
than it actually is worth – and offer to take it
off your hands or trade it for a much better
diamond, along with the cash to make up
the difference. This is called low balling.
Get a second, third, and even a forth opinion
before taking any action.

Another common dirty trick is to switch the
diamond you have chosen and paid for with
one of lesser quality and value when you
leave it to be set in a piece of jewelry, or
leave a diamond ring to be sized. The only
way to avoid this is to do business with one
trustworthy jeweler. Avoid jewelers that you
have not done business with in the past.

There are many more scams that jewelry
stores commonly pull on unsuspecting
consumers. Just use your best judgment,
and purchase your diamonds with the
utmost care and consideration.

Diamonds Make a Wonderful Wonderful Gift

Precious gems are beautiful and they last a long time and they are very valuable. Diamonds in particular shimmer in any kind of light, providing an exquisite treasure. Some people give a piece of diamond jewelry as the sole gem gift a loved one will ever receive. Others add a diamond gift to a long line of precious gems. Before bestowing diamonds as a gift to a loved one, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Diamonds are usually very expensive. If you come across a diamond that is being sold on the cheap, you have to wonder why this is the case. It may mean that the cut is not the best quality or it could have poor point value. Perhaps the gem is even stolen! You have to be careful about where and how you purchase precious jewelry to ensure that you get your money’s worth in value. Check with several jewelry stores or diamond dealers. State up front how much money you have to spend and the type of gift you wish to make. The experts can help you make a good choice for what you have to work with.

Diamonds are for grown ups. Children or even teenagers rarely have a proper appreciation for diamonds. Perhaps diamond chip earrings would be an acceptable gift for older teen girls, but more lavish diamond jewelry should be saved for more mature wearers. A diamond necklace, brooch, ring, or bracelet conveys a sense of sophistication that younger women cannot often carry off. Save the gift of diamonds for a special occasion and an older girl.

Diamonds deserve special care. You don’t want to just fling a diamond ring in the jewelry box or leave it lying unprotected on a`dresser top. Preserve the beauty and keep it clean while avoiding scratches by placing diamond jewelry into velvet-lined boxes or containers. Depending on the size and value of your investment, your diamonds may need to be kept in a safe deposit box or vault at your local bank. You don’t want nosy workers or desperate thieves to make off with your prized possession. You may want to have your diamond priced or valued by an experienced jeweler for home insurance purposes. It also is a good idea to have it cleaned periodically, if needed.

Diamonds are for special occasions. Although they are often given on any occasion like a birthday or holiday, a diamond jewelry item is especially suited to commemorative occasions, such as an engagement or anniversary. Smaller diamond gifts can serve just about any purpose, but the larger, more valuable kind should not be handed off lightly. Give some thought to the meaning of your gift and what your receiver will think (as well as what you want him or her to think) before offering this unique token of affection.

Diamonds in the Spam

There are those who turn apoplectic at the receipt of unsolicited commercial email, commonly dubbed spam. These are the same people who receive hundreds of bulk letters addressed to „Occupant“ without batting an eye.

Getting rid of unwanted mail means sorting through the stack to pull out the important pieces and then dumping the remainder in the trash bin. The garbage piles up in landfills and ocean dumping grounds while the trees continue to fall to produce more and more paper.

Electronic mail can be quickly scanned and then deleted, disappearing forever into cyberspace, causing no pollution or build-up, and requiring no consumption of non-renewable resources.

My inbox is my conduit to the world, scanned daily with eager eyes for those unexpected morsels that appear out of nowhere. I have found delightful offers, developed new areas of interest, and have followed seductive links to websites that have become perennial favorites – all because of unsolicited messages.

My response is that, barring blatantly pornographic material, I like spam, and I hope it keeps coming. Unfortunately, those who feel the purity of the Internet has somehow been violated, have led to a cyber world where everything requires confirmation, double or triple opt-in lists, bouncing of incoming messages by non-intelligent filters, and evokes multiple complaints to ISPs who are forced to investigate and respond.

The Internet is so wonderful because it is highly resistant to the urge for co-option by the government, large corporations, and the rich and powerful. It is the great leveler where even the most humble can connect to the world.

Let’s fight to keep it that way, even if it means 30 minutes of our precious daily time is spent deleting unwanted messages.

Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend

In most traditional relationships, women expect their man to give them gifts of jewelry, and the men do so. Today, more women are paying special attention to giving jewelry to their men than ever before.

Giving jewelry to your spouse or romantic partner has always been a popular gift. Often holidays like Christmas, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day prompt men to run to the jewelry store for something shiny and expensive. Imagine how much more valued this gift would be if given without a major holiday attached to it. Why not give your partner jewelry for no particular reason, other than love?

Diamonds are always popular when it comes to choosing jewelry, other gemstones or simply silver and gold can be just as popular. You probably know that each month has a gemstone that represents it, and those gemstones each have a symbolic meaning. If you really want to blow your partner away, select your jewelry for it’s significance to a particular month (birthday or anniversary for example) or for another more personal meaning.

Here’s a brief look at the gemstone for each month and their meanings.
January – garnet, represents faith and stability and is available in many colors, except blue
February – amethyst, represents sincerity and happiness and is royal purple in color
March – aquamarine, represents hope and bravery and is a blue-green or sea-green color
April – diamond, representing joy and innocence
May – emerald, represents peace and tranquility and is always green
June – pearl, standing for wisdom and pureness
July – ruby, represents passion and nobility and is always a beautiful red
August – peridot, stands for patience and has a yellowish-green color
September – sapphire, represents honesty and hope and is available in a variety of shades of blue
October – opal or tourmaline, represents confidence and sweet love
November – topaz or citrine, stands for friendship and faithfulness and both are brown through orange or yellow
December – turquoise, represents understanding and success. In 2002, the AGTA added Tanzanite as another December birthstone

As with any gift from the heart, presentation can count nearly as much as the gift. How would you feel if your beloved just tossed you the diamond ring and said “Gotcha something?” Now, what if they went to some amount of effort to present it to you? There movies and personal stories everywhere about how people have presented a special piece of jewelry to their spouse. Believe it or not, food is one of the most popular methods! People tend to place rings in champagne or other clear beverages or bake it into their special person’s favorite pie or cake. What is often left out of these stories is the precautions you need to take. Make sure your loved one doesn’t actually eat your gift, or worse, choke on it. Next, check with your jeweler about any physical precautions. Champagne will actually dissolve pearls and if you baked a ruby it may crack!

Giving the gift of a lifetime is a significant investment, and you shouldn’t enter into it lightly. Do your research, make sure you know what you’re buying, and how to make a good decision. You can visit the website for the Jewelry Information Center at www.jic.org for free advice on a variety of jewelry related topics.

For many people, there’s only one way to propose and get engaged: with a diamond ring. It is considered to be a symbol of a man’s enduring love that he will spend a large amount on a large diamond that the woman can then show off to her friends and family – it shows that he can and will support her for the rest of her life.

This idea of giving diamond rings before marriage has been around for less than a century, however, as it was popularised entirely by Hollywood, allegedly because worldwide diamond monopoly De Beers paid off filmmakers to create a romantic image around diamonds, using the slogan ‘a diamond is forever’.

The reality is that diamonds are not intrinsically worth very much at all, with many people who try to sell their diamonds being shocked to discover that they can only get back a fraction of what they originally paid for them. Worse, many diamonds come from parts of the world where the locals have been oppressed and local officials bribed just so the company could set up a diamond mine, especially in Africa.

For these reasons – unjustified cost and ethical concerns – many people now prefer to use other gems in rings instead of diamonds. Fake diamonds with names like ‘diamonique’ and ‘diamonte’ are popular, as stones like rubies and emeralds.

However, for the real traditional feel, plenty of people still feel you can’t beat a diamond. When you’re looking for a diamond ring, it’s common to be worried mainly about how many carats the diamond is, but remember that its cut (that is, the way it has been cut out of the original mined material) can be even more important in giving the diamond a pleasant appearance.

Also, although this is entirely subjective, you might find it worth buying a ring where many small diamonds are used to pleasant effect, rather than one big diamond poking out of the top, and you should also consider getting a guarantee that the diamond is not a De Beers ‘conflict diamond’, so that no-one has suffered to get it to you.

Diamonds And What To Do With Them

Diamonds are allotropes of carbon , whose hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry.

Diamond in Greek means „impossible to tame“. Diamonds are found mainly in central and southern Africa, although significant sources of the mineral have been discovered in Canada, Russia, Brazil, and Australia.

There are Synthetic Diamonds and Natural Diamonds.

There is something so special about diamonds, and they are so valuable, that people have been trying to make them for a long time.

Synthetic diamonds were first produced in 1953, in Stockholm ,Sweden by ASEA ,Sweden’s major electrical manufacturing company. Pressure was maintained within a device at an estimated 83,000 atmospheres for an hour to produce these diamonds.

It now seems that it is possible to make diamonds in a laboratory so perfect down to the same atomic structure that DeBeers, the world’s largest diamond consortium, is running scared.

And you know what, these diamonds can be made and sold at a profit.

Apparently there are in Russia alone 5 laboratories producing synthetic diamonds that have the same atomic structure as natural diamonds but with ONE difference, they are too perfect.
They have the same characteristics as real diamonds, the same hardness, same conductivity, the same sparkle.

Different types of Synthetic Diamonds:

2 different processes are being used to produce Synthetic Diamonds:

The oldest process uses pressure, lots of it, and carbon.

Since diamonds are carbon, eventually people were able to make diamonds in this manner, but these diamonds were easily distinguishable from natural diamonds.

Originally, the pressure process was developed by GE and, by major manufacturers, on a much larger scale.

There is also a cubic press system.

The newest process actually grows diamonds layer by layer as a chemical process and is called Chemical vapor deposition.

This process allows many new uses for diamonds which in the past had previously been either too expensive to implement or too difficult to make.

The most important characteristic of CVD diamond growth is the ability to control the properties of the diamond produced.

Diamonds are now being used to machine tools, especially for non-ferrous alloys. CVD diamond also has applications in electronics. Conductive diamond has been demonstrated as a useful electrode under many circumstances.

Diamonds are also being used as radiation detection devices. Diamonds also have uses as semiconductors because the diamonds can be contaminated with impurities.

Diamond is the ideal material. It can be used in computers to run them at speeds that would melt anything on the market today.

Diamonds can also replace rubies to make lasers of extreme power.

Diamonds can be used as memory storage devices which could be so small as to allow a cellphone to fit into a watch and an iPod to store 20,000 movies.

Diamonds and it’s complexion

Undeniably diamonds may present itself in different attractive colors. This makes
them to be very precious because they are very rare. The common color which diamond has which you usually see is white to yellow. The whiter a diamond gets much better.

Nitrogen in diamonds results to its yellow color in appearance. Diamonds with much greater shade of yellow has definitely lesser value. But it shows sparkle when it posses a shade of yellow while when if it is white it shows sparkling shine.

In every rule there will always be exception to it. Just like with canary diamond. What is canary diamond?! Canary Diamond is a diamond which is a bright yellow diamond and much way too expensive. There are some which is very particular
when it comes with the color of a diamond.

Gran Fall Spectrum Colorimeter is used to best judge the color of the stone.
You can use the GIA color grading scale as your guide:
D, E, F: Colorless
G, H, I: Nearly colorless
J, K, L: Slightly yellow
M, N, O: Light yellow
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X: Darker
yellow(least expensive)
Z: Fancy colors(expensive)

You should be knowledgeable about diamonds. Diamonds has reaction to ultraviolet light which is called Fluorescence. A fluorescence which is a faint one, is better which wouldn’t fog the diamond.

Do you know that a diamonds‘ clarity and color compliments each other?! Matching these two is known to be as Corresponding Grading.

Diamond is really very thrilling hobby but I must admit a really expensive one. But if you will not look at its cost but to its worth you will consider it to be a
worthwhile to spend your time and money for. Precious stone such as a diamond is something we people should we aware of. A stone from nature which we should consider a gift. A gift for human kind and for its being.


Diamonds are popular not only because of their beauty and the prestige of being adorned with something that says so publicly, “I have money” but also because they are tough and durable. Diamonds are the hardest natural material we know of. Diamonds aren’t just jewelry, however. Their great dispersion of light as well as their toughness make them exceptional handy for industrial applications as well.

Diamonds make top notch abrasives. Scratching diamonds is impossible without the use of other diamonds, fullerite that is ultrahard, or Borazon. For this reason diamonds hold their polish very well and keep their luster. Every year 130 million carats of diamonds are mined, worth $9 billion dollars. Many million carats of synthetics are created as well.

The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek word adamas, which means invincible. Diamonds have long been treasured, and even revered as religious icons back in ancient India. They were used as tools for engraving from the very first recorded history of humans. Since the 19th century diamonds have become even more popular, not only because they are in greater supply, but because polishing and cutting tools and techniques have improved, the economy in many parts of the world has improved to allow for their purchase, and advertising and marketing of diamonds has become more prevalent. Diamonds are judged by four criteria – their carat, their clarity, their color and their cut.

Just under half of all diamonds originate in southern or central Africa, although many come from Canada, Russia, India, Australia and Brazil as well.

They are mined from volcanic pipes of lamproite or kimberlite. The crystals are formed due to the extreme temperature and high pressure of the earth’s depths there. The distribution of these diamonds, and their mining, has been and continues to be controversial for a couple of reasons. African paramilitary organizations, for instance, debated the right to sell the diamonds. Others charge the De Beers Group with using its industry dominance to control the supply of diamonds and to use its monopoly to manipulate the price of diamonds. The latter may not be a viable argument any more, however, as the De Beers Group now has less than half the market share of the world’s diamonds.

Diamonds: Why They Are The Most Coveted Gems

As the saying goes, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Ask any woman for that matter and you would find out that majority prefer diamonds over any other type of gem when it comes to jewelry. Diamonds adorn engagement rings and wedding rings as well. True, these stones come with a price (and what an expensive price it is) but every woman whether she can afford it or not would want to have these stones whether it be given or purchased. This could probably be attributed to the fact that having a diamond is a symbol of wealth and also because investing in these types of jewelry is considered a valuable investment whose value appreciates through the years.

Dating back to ancient times, diamonds have been worn by people in authority especially those in royalty to symbolize power, might and bravery. In fact, the word “diamond” which is derived from Adamas (which is Greek) means invincible, cannot be conquered. This is probably why the diamond has been used as a symbol of love since love conquers all.

Diamonds are expensive because they are rare and precious. In fact it takes tons of ores to produce even just a carat of diamond. They are also being sought after because of its sheer beauty and the mystery that it holds. Diamonds truly fascinate anybody given the opportunity to behold it in all its beauty.

Most people may be more familiar with the clear colorless diamonds or those with just a slight hint of color but actually you can also find natural fancy color diamonds that are quite rare and very expensive as well. They can come in the colors pink, red and green which are the rare ones as well as shades of brown or yellow which are the more common ones. When you are looking for a diamond to purchase you need to bear in mind certain considerations which are known in the jewelry industry as the 4C’s in buying diamonds. It is important that you take into consideration the color, cut, clarity and carat. A fifth C that you could also include would be cost.

It is important in buying these precious stones to have an idea of how to choose them appropriately to avoid being deceived by retail jewelers who may be out to defraud or give you something of a lesser value for what you will be paying for.

Diamonds Cubic Zirconia and Moissanite

Diamonds are known for their sparkle and brilliance making them popular in jewelry as their shine is unmatched by any other gemstone. Symbolizing eternal love, diamonds are popular in engagement rings and wedding jewelry. Because of their hardness, diamonds are also used to cut and wear away other substances and are used for industrial purposes in drills, saws and engraving tools.

The jewelry and industrial uses for diamonds created a demand for the stones and also prompted the creation of imitations which mimic the qualities of a diamond with some differences. Cubic zirconia and moissanite are two of these that are popular in jewelry.

Both are diamond simulants meaning non-diamond materials are used to create them and simulate the properties of a real diamond. Both are less expensive than a diamond and have their advantages and drawbacks.

Cubic Zirconia vs. Diamonds

Cubic zirconia (or CZ) has been used in jewelry since the 1970’s. Cubic zirconias are more reflective than glass or crystal so they sparkle like diamonds. A CZ is not as hard as a diamond but weighs more, a fact that does not lessen cubic zirconias appeal since traditional carat sizes are small enough that their weight isn’t perceived as greater. The majority of diamonds have inclusions, or flaws (these are measured by the Clarity component of the four C’s of diamond buying.) CZs are optically flawless and they are colorless, another characteristics that is found in few diamonds as most diamonds have some yellow shading to them.

Moissanite vs. Diamonds

Moissanite is the jewelry name for silicon carbide and was introduced as a gemstone in the late 1990’s. Moissanites are more refractive than diamonds meaning they shine more brilliantly making this one of the easiest ways to tell it is not a diamond.

A moissanite is not as hard as a diamond but is harder than a cubic zirconia and it weighs less than a CZ. Moissanites do have inclusions like diamonds and may have green shading to them.

Both cubic zirconia and moissanite have a close visual resemblance to diamonds – they offer the luster and fire of diamonds while being mostly colorless and can be cut in the same shapes as diamonds. In jewelry making cubic zirconia and moissanite are not as popular so they are harder to find in specific cuts and are not regularly found in jewelry stores or traditional online jewelry sellers.

Diamonds – The Fascinating Gem

Diamonds radiate with more than their sparkle. They radiate with romance! With love! With dreams come true! For some people these words are all synonymous. “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” sang Carol Channing in the Broadway show, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” and a half-century later these words still resonate with some truth. Immortalized as a symbol of love at an engagement, diamonds have adorned the heads of kings and queens, and been the bait of ransom for others. Many men have died trying to acquire diamonds, and women have been known to sell their honor to be able to wear them. Diamonds themselves were found in India many thousands of year ago and adorned only the wealthiest at that time.

Diamonds also play another role in our society – that of being one of the hardest known substances that modern industry can use. The word diamond originally came from the Greek word ‘adamas,’ which meant indestructible. Because the majority of diamonds mined are either too small or too imperfect to adorn the hand of love, they are used for industrial purposes where their hardness, rather than their beauty, reflects their value.

Diamonds are measured by weight, much like coal or potatoes. The basic unit, called a carat, is 200 milligrams, or 1/142nd of an avoirdupois ounce. Although measured by weight, a well-cut, one-carat diamond will measure one-quarter of an inch diameter. A most interesting fact is that an eight-carat diamond will measure only one-half of an inch diameter. Among the largest diamonds ever found was one weighing an awesome 3,106 carats – fist sized. It was cut into eight of the world’s greatest diamonds and 96 lesser gems.

Some occupations allow the craftsman to make a mistake, but not that of the diamond cutter. A large, rough uncut diamond has the potential of being worth millions. One slip on the part of the cutter and the stone becomes almost worthless. Legends tell of the rich diamond owners of years ago standing over their cutters while they worked.

Should they make a wrong cut he would order their immediate execution.The true aim of cutters then and now is to bring out the maximum brilliancy of the stone while eliminating as many flaws as possible and still retaining the maximum weight.The cutters are truly artists at this most specialized trade. While Nature made the raw stone, it takes a talented human to reveal the potential of its hidden beauty.

The services of an expert are truly necessary when acquiring diamonds for one’s own personal use. No other product has such potential for deceit or fraud. The reputable dealer remains your best insurance as you fall in love with the brilliance, fire and beauty of each diamond.

Diamonds – Its Birth And History

About 2-3 billion years ago, carbon bearing rock about 100 miles below the earth’s surface was put under immense pressure and heated up to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit. The carbon atoms were forced to rearrange themselves in a crystalline structure and became diamonds. Various elements found their way into these new forms of carbon and created the different diamonds known today: pink, ruby red, yellow and blue. All the diamonds were transported to the surface in molten rock. Mines were dug near the kimberlite structures from where the diamonds emerged.

Diamonds were first mined in India. The Sanskrit word for diamond is vajra, meaning thunderbolt, and indrayudha, meaning Indra’s weapon. The Hindus believed that diamonds represented the power of Indra and put them in the eyes of some of their statues. The earliest evidence of the use of diamonds as drills in India dates back to 400 BC.

In Greece, Plato described diamonds as living creatures, impersonating divine spirits. The Greek word for diamond comes from the words adamas, meaning invincible, and diaphanes, meaning transparent. The Greeks believed that diamonds came from the Valley of Diamonds in Central Asia. The diamonds were protected by snakes. Alexander the Great slew the snakes and brought the diamonds back to Greece.

The diamond was mentioned in the writings of Pliny the Elder in Rome prior to the first century AD. He wrote about the qualities of diamonds and their use on chisels to cut through all materials. The Roman poet Plautus wrote of the diamond as a token of love.

The rise of Christianity resulted in the decline of the diamond in Europe for nearly 1000 years. It was not until the Middle Ages that diamonds became acceptable again. Medieval treatises, lapidaries, described it as a medicine and antidote for poison. Marbode, Bishop of Rennes (1061-1081), wrote De gemmarum. He noted the spiritual and medicinal attributes of gems. He described the diamond as capable of bestowing indomitable virtues on the bearer, enabling him to strike hard against his enemies if they were set in silver, armored in gold, and fastened to the left arm.

It was during this time that people began to believe that diamonds could attract luck and success and defy astrological events. Many wealthy people used them as jewels on their clothing to increase their sexual power and capacity to attract others.

In the 13th Century diamonds began to reappear in numbers in Europe. King Louis IX of France (1214-1270) passed a law decreeing that only kings could possess diamonds because they were a symbol of courage, power and invincibility. The earliest centre of the diamond trade in Europe was located in Venice. Techniques for diamond cutting were developed around 1330. Later, the diamond trade advanced to Paris, Bruges and Antwerp.

By the 16th Century, faceted diamonds were admired for their brilliance and fire. It was during this period that the settings of diamonds became important. The diamond broach was replaced by the pendent. Diamonds came to dominate smaller jewels during the 17th Century and the traditional gold settings are replaced by silver to avoid casting yellow over the diamond’s brillance.

In the 18th Century, diamonds started being mined in South America. New faceted designed were developed. Women began wearing diamonds more than men. The matching set of jewelry became more prized than a collection of stones in different sizes. Wearing of diamonds was limited to the night hours because they were considered too flashy in the daylight.

In 1866, diamonds were discovered in South Africa. The Kimberley mines established a new era in diamond mining and trade. Now there were enough diamonds for anybody who wanted them. Diamond settings changed again with the introduction of platinum.

How To Know If A Diamond Is Fake Or Real

A diamond is a girl’s best friend! It is a beauty and unique nature makes it easy to admire. Diamond purchasing is a great task and an exciting pleasure. There are various types of diamonds so when buying real diamonds, one should learn about fake diamonds so that you will be able to distinguish between the fake vs. real diamond. Nowadays the best fake diamond is in great demand. Here are some of the simple solutions or the methods that will enable you to find out the difference between the fake vs. real diamond. The best way to know about the precious diamond is to acquire knowledge from a diamond professional. If possible take the diamond along with you to the shop and get all the details from the jeweler. The best fake diamond looks so similar to the real diamond that even a professional diamond jeweler may get confused and may have hard time to finding out whether it is a fake or the real diamond. In case you are not satisfied with the views regarding the real diamond from the professional, here is a way to find out which is a real diamond and which is a fake diamond.

The first method is to check the diamond with the help of diamond tester as it will help you to differentiate between real diamond and best fake diamond. It is an electronic tester that can check all the diamonds except the moissanite stone for which the diamond tester is not reliable. The best fake diamond is the cubic zirconia and the weight of this diamond is around 50% more than a real diamond of the same size and shape. This weighing test also can find out the difference between fake vs. real diamond.

Another method for checking the best fake diamond is the transparency test in which the diamond is placed up side down on the news paper and if the written matter from the newspaper is legible then be sure that the diamond is not the real one and it can be a best fake diamond. One of the disadvantages of this method is that some of the stones may appear to be a real diamond due its fine cutting. In this case, one needs to be sure about the cutting methods of the stones. This method is very common and enables you to find the real diamond from the best fake diamond.

The third method that helps you to differentiate between fake vs. real diamond is the fog test. Hold the stone or the diamond and blow some air from your mouth on to the stone, if the fog appears on the stone and stays there for next few seconds then it shows that the stone is a best fake diamond because in case of a real diamond, the heat disappears instantly. The oily layers and dirt on the stone might create some problems to differentiate fake vs. real diamond. Thus, before carrying out a test for best fake diamond, clean its surface properly.

The ultra violet test is another method that will enable you to find out the real diamond from the best fake diamond. The real diamond projects blue color light if put under the ultra violet light or the black color. There are two options, if the blue light does not appear, it can be best fake diamond or can be a high quality diamond.

All of the above tests can satisfy all the test conditions to differentiate between a best fake diamond and the real diamond.

Diamonds are All About Clarity

Clarity is an important aspect of a diamond, and it is important to know how to grade the clarity of a diamond before you buy one. It is actually quite easy to learn how to grade the clarity of a diamond.

There are basically two things that you must understand:

Diamonds with visual inclusions and blemishes, and those that are ‘eye clean’ meaning that there are no inclusions or blemishesthat can be seen with the naked eye. From there, the clarity of a diamond is further broken down into subcategories.

Many people mistakenly think that diamond clarity refers to how clear it is. This isn’t so. Clarity actually refers to the internal and external imperfections of the diamond. The best diamonds, of course get a grade of FL or IF – Flawless or Internally Flawless – meaning that it is perfect. A grade of I-1, I-2 or I-3 means that the diamond is imperfect, with a grade of I-3 being the worst.

Other grades are VVS1 and VVS2, which means that the diamond is very, very slightly imperfect; VS1 and VS2, meaning the diamond is very slightly imperfect; SI-1 and SI-2, which means that the diamond is slightly imperfect.

When buying diamonds and diamond jewelry, visit a reputable dealer and ask the right questions. By doing your due diligence, you will be happy with the result of your eventual purchases.

Diamonds – A Symbol Of Love And Romance

The meaning of the word Diamond – very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem, not a very glamorous description of something so beautiful.

The word „diamond“ comes from the Greek word „Adams,“ meaning unconquerable. Diamonds are the hardest known substances on earth being one hundred and forty times harder then its nearest equal., which is how they earned their name. Because of their strength, they were initially used for such purposes as engraving other gems, such as sapphire, cameos, and for drilling holes in hard stone beads. In France in the thirteenth century only the king could wear diamonds. They were not used as jewellery in Europe until the late 13th century.

They were born about 3.4 billion years ago and only became available to man through volcanic eruption about 70 million years ago. Not all diamonds mined are of gem quality, only about 50%.

Even fewer are large enough to be polished into diamonds that are much bigger than the head of a match.

Before the sixth century India was the only known source of diamond and the predominant source for over 2,000 years, until the mid eighteenth century. Romans inherited the belief from Indian mythology. that diamonds had the power to ward off evil and wore talismans.

In Greek mythology diamond were said to be tears of the Gods. Whatever the meaning the evolution of this dazzling jewellery is awesome. Who would believe that one of the softest materials on earth, carbon, changes into a beautiful sparkling diamond? Mind you this happens between 75 to 120 miles below the earth’s surface.

Often said to be a girl’s best friend. You can understand why, they have adorned kings, queens, and movie stars, dazzled us all by their beauty and when fashioned into an engagement or eternity ring the diamond becomes a symbol of love, romance and commitment. Although diamonds are perceived as a white colourless gem, they actually come in a spectrum of colour, these are called „fancies”.

Diamonds are measured in Carat-weight. The standard measurement for diamond size is equal to 200 milligrams. A good one-carat diamond is one in a million. It takes 250 tons of ore to retrieve a 1ct diamond (cut weight), awesome statistics that is why it takes several years of training before an apprentice is authorised to cut 1ct diamonds. Cutting diamonds, as you would imagine is a highly skilled and specialised occupation.

Unlike gold diamonds don’t carry a hallmark and that is why in order to guarantee quality you can buy a certified diamond.

Being certified by an independent laboratory the quality and characteristics of your diamond are guaranteed. The report should confirm that:

– The stone is a natural diamond
– The carat weight of the stone
– It’s colour
– It’s clarity
– The cut of the diamond

Diamonds are for eternity. A sign of wealth they can be passed from generation to generation growing in value never losing their appeal and bonding the link between past and future. Who wouldn’t want to be the proud owner of such a formidable piece of dazzling beauty?

Diamond Grading Reports

You’ve been told that having a certificate or
a diamond grading report is important, and
as a responsible consumer, you get one –
unfortunately, you probably won’t understand
a word of what is on that diamond grading
report, unless you are a jeweler.

On the color grading scale, D, E, and F
mean that the diamond has no color. G, H,
and I means that it has very little color. J, K,
and L means that the diamond has a slight
yellow color. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X
means that the diamond is a darker shade
of yellow. Z means that the diamond has a
fancy color – other than white or yellow.
On the color grading scale, D is the most
valuable, and X is the least valuable –
however diamonds that get a Z rating are
the rarest and most expensive diamonds
in the world.

There are many aspects to a grading report.
Figuring it all out can be very confusing. You
should talk to a jeweler you trust, and have
them explain everything on the diamond
grading report to you.

Diamond Certificates

A diamond certificate is also known as a
Diamond Grading Report. This report comes
from the Gemological Institute of America
(GIA), and you should require this report
when you are purchasing a diamond.

With a diamond certificate, you can verify
the color, cut, carat, weight, and clarity of the
diamond. You don’t have to worry about a
diamond dealer telling you anything less than
the truth, because the certificate comes
from the GIA – not the dealer. You may be
required to pay for the certificate, but the
cost is usually low, and in many cases, it
will help you negotiate a better price on the
diamond – or keep you from purchasing a
lower quality diamond altogether.

If you buy a high quality diamond, and then
later decide to sell the diamond, you will
need to have the certificate, or you will have
a hard time selling it to someone else.
Furthermore, you can use the Diamond
Grading Report to look up the wholesale
value of the diamond in question. Use the
guide that is used by the diamond cutting

With the Certificate, or Diamond Grading
Report, there won’t be any doubts when you
are trying to purchase a diamond. You can
easily find out what the diamond is worth.
This will prevent you from overpaying, and it
can prevent a seller from under-charging as

A copy of the Diamond Grading Report
should be given to your insurance company
as well, when you insure the diamond. This
provides absolute, unquestionable proof of
the value of the diamond should it be stolen
in the future. Insurance companies cannot
argue with the report.

Avoid diamond dealers who seem reluctant
to provide a certificate! Also avoid sellers
who tell you that a certificate diamond will
cost you more – the only additional cost
should be the cost of the certificate, which
is low. If the dealer doesn’t want to provide
a certificate, then you don’t want to do
business with that dealer.

Don’t accept certificates from Gemological
Laboratories other than GIA. There are many
fly-by-night Gemological labs these days, but
in the end, GIA has been established as the
most respectable and trustworthy – not to
mention oldest – of the lot. So avoid dealers
who don’t want to use GIA for certification
purposes as well.

Don’t buy an expensive diamond without
paying the extra cost of the certificate. If a
dealer tries to convince you to make the
purchase without the certificate, or if they
want to use a company other than GIA, you
can be sure that the dealer has probably
greatly inflated the price of the diamond –
they have something that they are hiding
from you.

Diamond Brands and What They Mean

Diamonds are one of the few products that
simply cannot be ‘branded.’ Even though
there are different cuts, different grades, and
different values placed on each and every
diamond in existence, no diamond is any
specific brand – just as gold is not a specific

Branding is actually based on who owns the
diamond. For instance, if DeBeers owns the
diamond, it is a DeBeers Diamond – but it is
still just a diamond. If the diamond was cut by
a specific well known cutter, then it might be
branded in that way as well – but it usually
isn’t. It is still branded based on who owns it
at the time. So basically, when it comes down
to it – diamond brands mean absolutely
nothing at all.

Do not allow a jeweler to try to talk you into
paying an exorbitant price on a diamond
because it is a specific brand. This is a bit
of trickery used by unscrupulous jewelers
when they know that they are dealing with
people who don’t know much about
diamonds. Remember that diamonds are
not actually branded – unless mother nature
has her own brand!

Diamond Wedding Rings For Men

Diamond wedding rings are no longer just for women. Many grooms today choose to purchase a man’s diamond wedding ring to match the bride’s. Still others enjoy the social status that comes with wearing a diamond wedding band. Purchasing a diamond wedding ring means that the groom must consider not only the material and design of the ring, but also the quality of the diamonds.

Although often not considered to be as important as the diamonds in the bride’s engagement and wedding rings, the groom’s diamonds should also be purchased with care. The man should take the same „4 Cs“ into consideration: carat weight, clarity, color, and cut.

A carat is exactly 200 milligrams, but very few men’s bands will sport a diamond of this size. Most bands will instead have several smaller diamonds that may of may not equal one full carat. A full carat is also equal to 100 points, so a jeweler may refer to a ring as having several 10 point diamonds (each of which would be equal to one tenth of a carat).

While the clarity of a diamond is often considered the least important of the 4 Cs, it is still a key consideration in your diamond purchase. The clarity of a diamond measures the number and extent of the flaws in the diamond. For the most part, a more valuable diamond will have fewer flaws. It is extremely rare that you will find a completely flawless diamond; only a couple hundred „FL“ diamonds are produced a year. Although there are several grading systems used to determine a diamond’s clarity, the Gemological Institute of America’s (GIA) score is by far the most popular. It ranks diamonds as Flawless (FL), Internally Flawless (IF), Very Very Slightly Included (VVS), Very Slightly Included (VS), Slightly Included (SI), and Included (I). (Note: “inclusions” are slight specks, cracks, or other flaws in a diamond). These ranks are not subjective; the scale has extremely specific criteria that are used to differentiate between the grades.

The color of the stone, referring to how yellow the stone is, can also be graded on a GIA scale. An ideal diamond is completely colorless, being ranked as a D. The alphabetical scale ranks nearly colorless stones as I and J , increasingly yellow beginning with M/N, and a Z is a completely yellow stone. The average color for engagement diamonds in the United States is G to H.

The cut of a diamond is possibly the most confusing of the „4 Cs,“ since it can refer to the cutting style, the shape of the stone (round, square, heart-shaped, etc), its proportions, or the workmanship and the diamond-cutting process. The brilliant round cut is the most common cut for diamond engagement rings and wedding bands.

Diamond Wedding Ring Guide

One activity that you will undoubtedly appreciate when preparing for your wedding ceremony is the wedding ring selection. Like most young girls, you have probably spent most of your life dreaming of the perfect diamond wedding ring. Hopefully, you and your fiancé have decided to shop for rings together, or you have informed him of what you like. You will wear the wedding ring for a significant amount of time and it only makes sense that it’s something that you like. If your knowledge of diamond wedding rings is limited to size, it’s a good idea that you obtain more information before you make your wedding ring selection.

Loose or Set
When most people think of a diamond wedding ring, they often think of a stone that is already set or mounted. You can actually buy a diamond only and choose a setting later. The intelligence in doing so is cost. When you shop for loose diamonds you will notice that diamonds are available in various sizes, including oval, round, and marquise. If you don’t have a personal preference for a certain style, you might want to consider your hands. Certain styles complement certain types of hands. A good guide is to match the shape of the diamond to the hand. Do you have long, narrow fingers? An oval-shaped diamond or similar elongated style diamond for your wedding ring would probably work for you. Round diamonds are considered a good choice for most hands.

The Perfect Setting
Something else to consider when shopping for a wedding ring is the setting. Do you choose platinum or yellow or white gold? Yellow gold is the setting that most people choose for their wedding ring. It is typically less expensive than platinum or white gold. If you choose a yellow gold wedding ring, be careful that you don’t choose a higher quality just because you think it is better. As the quality of yellow gold goes up, the softer the metal becomes. A wedding ring set in 24k gold will be less resilient to scratches than a ring that is set in 14k gold. Platinum is by far the most expensive and most durable of the trio. White gold is a good choice for a wedding ring setting if versatility is important to you. White gold tends to go with everything.

White diamonds are by far the most popular. Did you know that you could buy a pink diamond? Diamonds are available in other colors, but these are typically more expensive. Second to the classic white diamond is the yellow diamond. When shopping for your wedding ring you will actually find more of these than any other color of diamond.

Considering Cost
Your budget probably carries the most weight in your wedding ring selection. A wedding ring featuring a diamond can cost as little as $100 and as much as $1,000,000. In general, the amount of money you can expect to pay for a diamond wedding ring will vary according to the type of stone and the setting. The more carats a wedding ring has the more it will cost. Diamonds set in platinum will cost you the most, while you will spend very little on a wedding ring set in 14-carat gold. You can balance the cost by buying a wedding ring with a high number of carats and set in a less expensive setting.

Diamond Watches the Brand of Elagance

The beautiful gemstone diamond is used in many jewels, including watches. Diamonds embedded in watches is a fairly new innovative use, and one which is much admired for the beauty it provides to the most formal looking hand adornment like a watch. Diamond watches are very popular with both women and men, mainly due to the elegant look without looking too loud.

Diamond watches are available in plenty in the market today, keeping in mind the demand. They are available in various sizes and shapes, from the highly expensive to the decently priced ones. The reason for the huge demand is also because of their prices, which are more affordable now than ever before. A diamond watch is not like pieces of jewelry made for a woman only, and will look equally elegant on both genders.

Diamond watches are made keeping in mind the various activities people involve in. If out on the track, you have a diamond watch that matches the mood. If you are into sports, there are the typical sports diamond watches available. In fact, even in sports watches, you can segregate watches for different sports.

The classic diamond watch never goes out of vogue and is a woman’s favorite for a great evening out. There are several popular brands that are manufacturing diamond watches. Some of these brands that make the classic diamond watch are the big names, Rolex, Seiko, Omega, Citizen, Cartier, and Bulova.

If you think it’s a woman’s prerogative to wear diamonds on her wrist, then you cannot be farther from the truth. The fact is that men are sporting cool looking diamond watches too. The men’s watch line has sophisticated looking watches and the diamonds make them look elegant. Men’s diamond watches are being churned out by these big names as fervently as are the women’s watches. Obviously, men’s diamond watches are surrounded by the aura of masculinity and power, are larger in size, and look totally different from a woman’s diamond watch.

Purchasing a diamond watch is exciting but you end up feeling lost if you are not sure of the quality of the diamonds used in the watch. Do not be under the wrong assumption that the more expensive a diamond watch is, the better the quality of diamonds. It helps to purchase a diamond watch from a reputed dealer. Don’t just look at the brand and buy, it could be one of those duplicate diamond watches. These days, once a brand releases their newest entry into the market, a duplicate comes out claiming to be the original within a matter of days. You need to exercise caution. So, not only the brand but also the dealer’s reputation is important.

Diamond watches are available to match individual personalities and lifestyles, for both women and men. Imagine wearing a beautiful diamond watch to go with an elegant black dress.

Whether you are a woman or a man, you are sure to find a diamond watch to match your personality. These watches give a pep up to your wardrobe. No matter what your budget is, you will find one that fits your budget. Go on and get one for yourself and see what it feels like, feel the excitement of owning one.

Diamond Watches

Diamonds are beautiful jewels and are used in many types of jewelry from diamond necklaces to diamond rings to diamond watches. They are becoming more and more popular with both men and women due to the fact that they do not have to be too flashy. Both men and women continually look for new ways to use diamonds. Diamonds are not a rarity by any means. They are very easy to find and purchase.

The diamond watch is becoming more and more popular. They have become less expensive. It is also easier for consumers to find diamond watches. Diamond watches are something that both men and women can wear. The diamond watches are made in many sizes, shapes and styles. The prices of diamond watches vary just about as much as the styles do.

There are diamond watches that can be worn by women out on the track. These diamond watches are a way of showing that women can wear the diamond watches even when they are active. This type of diamond watch functions just like any other sport watch, but it has the diamonds and looks a bit nicer than the typical sport watch.

Women still wear the classic style of diamond watch. This type of diamond watch is typically worn for a nice evening out on the town. Some of the popular brands that make the classic style of diamond watch include Rolex, Seiko, Citizen, Omega, Bulova, and Cartier.

Men are sporting diamond watches more and more. The diamond watch for men is distinguished and beautiful at the same time. Many of the same dealers that make women’s‘ diamond watches also make men’s diamond watches. So men’s diamond watches are just as readily available as women’s diamond watches. The dealers do not make men’s diamond watches to look the same as women’s diamond watches, though. The men’s diamond watch is larger and more masculine looking. They look more powerful looking than a woman’s diamond watch.

When purchasing a diamond watch it is important to know what you are getting. You want to know the quality of the diamonds in the diamond watch you are purchasing. Price and quality do not always match when it comes to diamond watches. Purchasing a more expensive diamond watch does not necessarily mean that you are purchasing high quality diamonds. Instead of looking at the price of diamond watches, be sure to purchase your diamond watch through a reputable dealer.

Whether you are a man or a woman you can find a diamond watch to fit your personality and lifestyle. A diamond watch is sure to be in style as long as man continues to exist. Diamond watches step a wardrobe up a notch from ho hum to ooh nice. It does not matter how much money you make, you can find a diamond watch from a reputable dealer that will fit into your budget. Go out and shop for your diamond watch. Watch and see for your self how a diamond watch can enhance your wardrobe step up the excitement in your life.